STEPHEN TOOK A moment to think.
The wrench was clearly designed for Dyna Blades, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it undoubtedly belonged to that girl. And if he was right, it would only be right of him to track her down and return it.
He set off in the direction the she had gone, scanning the area as he walked. As he trotted along one of the paths, he caught sight of several people enjoying the day—kids playing and couples strolling hand in hand.
But no sign of the colorful-haired girl.
Only when he rounded a particularly large oak tree did he spot her—she was sitting alone on a swing, swaying back and forth.
He approached quietly, careful not to interrupt her thoughts. She looked lost in contemplation, and as he drew nearer, he could hear snippets of her voice.
"I'm not ready…" she murmured to herself. "I have to tell her that Runes are too complicated… what if I mess up?"