Seriously. Who wants to see a guy blushing and stuff?!

"♪ ♪ ♪"

The band started to seriously practice once they discussed issues and came up with a

setlist, and ever since then, the five band members had been borrowing the music room day

after day to practice.

Alya never ceases to impress me. She has already pretty much perfected her parts.

Masachika once again found himself admiring Alisa for her hard work while he watched

the band perform. They had only just decided on a setlist three days ago, and she was already

nailing her parts. Prior to that, she had never even heard these songs, to boot. It was hard

to fathom how much she must have listened to them and practiced, since she was hardly

ever off pitch. In fact, her voice was filled with so much feeling that the songs were almost

transforming into her own arrangements. Masachika couldn't help but feel somewhat

overawed by her beautiful, transparent, and yet sometimes intimidating voice. Meanwhile…

"Oh, sorry! I messed up!"

There was also a member who couldn't keep up with Alisa's perfection. Takeshi kept

messing up during the same part, bringing their practice to a sudden halt.

"My bad, guys… Can we try that part again?"

"How about we start from Until now ♪?"

Practice resumed after Sayaka's suggestion. However…

"Ah! Dammit! My bad!"

…Takeshi messed up again. Of course, a lack of practice was part of the problem, but it

was hard to be upset with him, because this was his first time playing this song, too. Besides,

that wasn't the only issue.

This was a performance put on by members who still didn't know one another that well.

To make matters worse, both Alisa and Nonoa were considered two of the most attractive

girls at school, and Sayaka was kind of difficult to approach in general. Those facts alone

would make anyone feel self-conscious. Plus…

Sigh… Alya's really frustrated…

As the face of the group, Alisa was silently putting a lot of pressure on him. It wasn't

hard to understand how she felt, either, since she had essentially nailed all her parts despite

being a beginner. Meanwhile, Takeshi, who had experience playing in a band and asked her

for help, kept making mistakes, so you wouldn't even have to be a perfectionist like Alisa

to feel frustrated.

But this is just going to make Takeshi feel more timid the longer it goes on… Maybe the

silverlining isthe fact that nobody is yelling at him. I guessit'stime I do something about this.

But right as Masachika was about to chime in as the manager…

"Takeshi, how about we play through the song all the way this time without worrying

about small mistakes? This is the first time we're practicing this song together, so today we

should focus on simply pinpointing where the mistakes are. We have plenty of time to fix

them later."

Alisa's unexpected advice made Masachika's eyes widen in astonishment. Even Takeshi

blinked in silence for a few moments, as if he couldn't process what he was hearing.

"Th-thanks. I'm seriously sorry about all this, though. I should have practiced a little

more," replied Takeshi, flustered.

"Then make sure you can play it flawlessly next time we practice, okay?"

"Errr… I'll see what I can do…"

"I'm kidding."

Alisa smirked, catching Takeshi off guard. After his jaw dropped in a flash of confusion,

he slapped his cheeks and fired himself up.

"Let's do this! From the top, please!"

"…Okay, is everyone ready?"

Once Sayaka shot Hikaru a quick glance, he began to click his sticks, starting off the

song once more. While there were still a few minor mistakes, Takeshi…and even Hikaru…

seemed to have loosened up quite a bit. No matter how many times Takeshi messed up, he

didn't let it bother him, thus allowing them to play through the whole song. When the song

came to a close with Alisa holding the last note as Takeshi's final chord rang out, Masachika

immediately started to clap, giving the silence not even a second to breathe.

"Nice. That was so good that I actually found myself instinctively dancing to the beat."

Masachika's genuine praise curled Alisa's lips.

"Yes… We still have several issues we need to fix, but that wasreally nice," added Alisa,

immediately planting smiles on both Takeshi's and Hikaru's faces.

"Yeah, that was so much fun! I still made the most mistakes, though! My bad!"

"Ha-ha. Well, I'm in no position to criticize anyone for making mistakes, either. Sayaka

and Nonoa sounded really comfortable, though. You guys did far better than us, and we're

in the music club."

"Well, this isn't the first time I've played this song, so…

"Yeah, like, the keyboard part in this song isn't that hard, either. Plus, there aren't any


"Guys, can we just take a moment to appreciate Alisa's singing for a moment? That was

incredible! I feel bad ya have to be accompanied by my terrible guitar playing!"

"…I can't play any instruments, so I have no idea how hard it must be for you. But I

know it isn't easy, so don't be so hard on yourself, okay?"

Alisa's comment instantly unraveled Takeshi's tension until he became a bumbling

dope, bashfully scratching his head. He seemed even more pumped up when they resumed


Masachika couldn't help but feel impressed while he watched them perform.

Alya… You did it. You did it all on your own. I didn't even need to say a word.

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect Alisa to not only make Takeshi feel better but

to crack a joke to lighten the mood as well. What changed? It was hard to believe this was

the same Alisa who despised working with others a short while ago.

Maybe Alya's time in the student council has helped her grow.

Masachika's original plan was to have Alisa get used to working as a team in this band

before her work for the school festival shifted into high gear, and if possible, he wanted her to

work on her leadership skills, too. Therefore, this was an extremely welcome, heartwarming


She's going to have no problem as a member of the school festival committee at this rate.

Takeshi, who was overenthusiastically strumming his guitar…

Hikaru, who was telling his buddy to calm down with a wry smirk…

Nonoa, who was somewhat more energetic and excited than usual…

Sayaka, who was secretly having the time of her life…

And Alisa, who was having so much fun singing her heart out with a look of serenity

on her face…

Surprisingly, they looked far more like a real band than Masachika had originally

expected. There was one thing bothering him, though…

Is it just me…or is Alya being nicer to Takeshi than she has been to me lately?

This feeling.

Uh…? This is weird. She looks a lot more relaxed around him than she does when she's

with me, too…

And it most likely wasn't just his imagination. However, when Masachika carefully

thought about why she seemed to be in such a bad mood when she was with him…

…Yeah, it's my fault.

After reflecting on his actions, he realized that he was the only one to blame, and he

began to grimace.

I should try to be a little nicer to Alya…

Masachika continued to reflect upon his mistakes while he watched them practice.

"A taste test?"

"Yeah, do you think you could give it a try for me?"

A week had gone by, and classes were over for the day, so Masachika decided to check

up on his class as a member of the school festival committee. However, once he got there,

the class president and a school festival committee member asked him to try a drink they

were considering selling at the festival.

There were a decent number of students in Masachika's class who couldn't contribute

to this year's attraction, whether it be due to student council obligations or club activities, so

after discussing it among themselves, they decided to go with something that didn't require

much time or effort.

They named the attraction Café from Another World, and it was actually Masachika

who came up with the idea, inspired by the collab café he met Sayaka at the other day. The

idea was to have the class dress like they were in a fantasy world while serving all the classic

drinks like potions and elixirs. Obviously, they were planning on serving ordinary drinks that

only resembled potions or elixirs.

Cooking food was both troublesome and time-consuming, but with drinks, they could

simply mix a few already existing drinks to create their own. It was normal for classes to

sell authentic black tea or coffee at the school festival at this school. The only difference

with this was that they needed to do a few measurements, make a few large batches, and

have some paper cups to pour the drinks into. Their costumes were simple as well. All they

planned on doing was putting on a pointed hat and a robe over their school uniform to make

them look more like wizards. After that, they simply needed to act like they were students at

a wizarding school who made magic potions. Students who wanted to put more effort into

their costumes were free to do so.

At any rate, Masachika found himself in the classroom on the day they decided to do

some trial runs for the potions…

"Everyone else is already filled like a water balloon… We tried to make small batches,

but when you're testing different types of combinations, you soon find yourself with way

too much to drink."

"Yeah, that makes sense…"

Numerous drinks in paper cups—that looked like they were made for a hazing—were

lined up on a table.

Yeah, there's no way that one wasn't made as a prank.

Masachika was tense as he stared at what appeared to be a cup of sludge with tiny red

balls floating on top.

You're free to make whatever you want, but you better drink it so it doesn't go to waste,


"…Hold up. I thought the idea was to only mix drinks, so why do I see something that's

clearly not for human consumption floating in that one?"

"O-oh, that? We thought maybe normal drinks would be too cookie-cutter, so we might

have used a little seasoning to spice things up."

"…Like what?"

"Uh… Like a little harissa…and some gochujang…"

After the class president trailed off while refusing to make eye contact, the other nearby

students swiftly averted their gazes as well, as if they were feeling just as guilty.

"…Well, as long as you stay within budget, you're fine," Masachika assured them,

searching for a relatively safe drink. "All right, I'll try this one."

He grabbed a paper cup that was filled with a grayish-brown liquid but was at least free

from floating solid matter. It didn't smell particularly weird, either, so he figured the taste

probably wouldn't kill him, at the very least.

"Ah…" The class president seemed to unconsciously grunt, making Masachika

immediately look up to find every other one of his classmatesstaring with their mouths agape.



"All right, then…"


"Seriously. What?"

Right as he was about to take a sip, they gasped as if they wanted to say something,

making Masachika furrow his brow. Nevertheless, nobody attempted to explain anything to

him, so he decided to take another hard look at the liquid and then took a little sip.

Hmm…? Wh-what is this?

The liquid swishing around in his mouth seemed to be mixed with vegetable juice…but

it had somewhat of a tea leaf–like quality to it as well, and there was a hint of cacao in the

fragrance. But underneath that was a taste of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

And to top it all off, the offensive bubbles from an unidentified carbonated beverage could

not be ignored.

It isn't completely disgusting…and it does taste kind of like medicine. So it is potionlike, maybe?

After swallowing, he tilted his head and made an uncomfortable expression. Although it

was in no way good, it wasn't bad enough to make him spit it out, so he was having trouble

thinking of how he should respond.

Eh, I guess I'll finish drinking it first.

Masachika had already put his mouth on the cup, and he wasn't one to waste, so he

chugged the rest in a single gulp. The less-than-stellar flavors made him frown. He poured a

cup of oolong tea into his empty cup before chugging that to get the bad taste out of his mouth.

"Well, it wasn't the worst thing I've ever had…but it wasn't good, either."


"What did I just drink anyway?"

"That's…a company secret."

"Sure, but I technically work at this 'company.'"

But the class president averted her gaze once more, and the other classmates followed


"What in the world was in that thing…?"

The class president hesitantly glanced at Masachika, who was clearly starting to worry,

and timidly asked:

"Hey… Do you feel okay?"

"Why wouldn't I?!"

"Oh, no. It's nothing. There's nothing to worry about if you're feeling okay. There's

nothing to worry about…"

"Okay, that's enough! What was in that drink?! You're starting to scare me!"

"It's okay. There wasn't anything in it that could make you sick…?"

"Why did that sound like a question?!"

"But if you do start to feel like something's wrong…you should probably get to the

hospital as soon as possible."

"I wish I never asked!"

"If there aren't any side effects within two hours…then you should be fine."

"Side effects?!"

Masachika continued to pressthem for answersfor a while after that, but he never got any

more details in the end. In fact, the conversation only progressively got worse and worried

him more, so he left the classroom behind and decided to head back to the student council

room to work. But after thirty minutes went by, he could tell there was something wrong

with his body.

Uh… Why am I feeling so horny all of a sudden?!

…This was genuinely the last thing he expected to happen.

Huh? What? What is this? Shouldn't this usually happen to girls? Like a girl who's

usually calm and collected is suddenly overcome with these unfamiliar emotions? Everyone

would love to see that. Seriously, who would want to see a guy all riled up?! Nobody wins


But despite his protests, the situation did not change. Yes… The train was ready to

depart, and there were no brakes to stop it!

Dammit! What the hell is this…?! Those punks didn't put an aphrodisiac in this to prank

me, right?!

Even though he was doing paperwork for the student council, he couldn'tstop cursing his

classmatesin his mind. Of course, he knew it was hisfault for even drinking the unidentifiable

liquid, but that didn't change a thing. At any rate, all he could do right now was keep himself

solely focused on the documents in his hands… Suddenly a voice called out to him.

"Master Masachika, can I ask you something?"

"…?! Yeah? What?"

He reluctantly looked up from the papers in the direction of the voice to find Ayano

looking 30 percent more attractive than usual.

Ack! The guilt…!

Masachika gritted his teeth to bear the pain of his stomach tightly twisting with guilt. He

was disgusted with himself for even getting close to feeling lust for his pure, good-natured

childhood friend. Therefore, he used every bit of power he had to maintain eye contact with

her so that his gaze wouldn't accidentally wander toward her chest or butt. However, despite

his efforts, he soon noticed that his eyes were already stealing glances of her faintly pink

lips, causing the guilt to twist his stomach even more.

"—So I was wondering if you had any ideas."

"O-oh, we could borrow some from the middle school if necessary."

"But how are we going to get them all the way over here?"

"I'm sure we could ask the janitor to carry them in his truck for us. Obviously, we don't

want to bother the guy, and it'd be safer to load the truck with everything at once, so if we're

going to ask the janitor for help, we should probably wait until we have everything we need

ready to go."

"Oh. ♪ You can do that?" Maria asked suddenly from acrossthe table, making Masachika

swiftly bite down on his lip.

"…Yeah, I actually borrowed a lot of the high school's equipment in middle school this


"Oh, that's wonderful. ♪ Maybe we could ask the janitor or someone else to help carry

stuff for our attraction, too."

"I don't know about that, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask."

Even though they were having a serious conversation, Masachika's mind couldn't help

but wander.

Guh! Seeing Masha in the new summer uniform…is mind- blowing…!

Even though he tried to keep his eyes on her face, hisincreasingly overpowering instincts

as a man were trying to force his eyes to focus on something less wholesome. Compared to

when she was wearing a blazer and jumper, every part of her was more emphasized, making

their presence and enormous size known.

"It's really reassuring having someone with experience like you around!"

Maria smiled innocently and clapped her hands, pushing her chest together from each

side. A button could pop right off her shirt, and nobody would bat an eye.


Blood started to leave Masachika's brain, rushing toward his lower body, so he swiftly

looked back at the sofa behind him.

"Wh-what about you, Alya? Anything on your mind?"

"…? Like what?"

Alisa looked up from her accounting documents on the table and shot him a quizzical


Oh, gosh. She's simply too good-looking.

The instant he saw her otherworldly beauty, he could feel something burning swell in

his chest, so he looked away.

"Like…anything. But it sounds like you've got everything under control, so forget I



Argh! Dammit! Why is every girl in the student council way above average?! (*Belated


With the absence of the student council president and vice president, Masachika could

see a different beautiful girl whichever way he turned his head. Although this would be a

dream for most men, it was nothing more than a nightmare for a guy about to burst at the


The only one I'm safe around is Yuki…!

"…? Masachika? May I ask why you are staring at me?"

When he turned his eyes to the girl on the opposite side of the table for help, she stared

right back at him as if she were genuinely puzzled. Then again, who wouldn't be puzzled if

their older brother suddenly started staring at them like a desperate wild animal?

Phew… Yeah. Thank goodness. I feel better already.

Thankfully, he felt absolutely nothing when he looked at her…since feeling even faintly

attracted to his own sister would have made him want to jump off a cliff. Although she was

just as good-looking as both Alisa and Maria, he wasn't remotely interested in her sexually,

so all was well with the world as far as he was concerned. If anything, there was something

strangely comforting about having his sister there, and it seemed like it was keeping the beast

tamed as well.

Perfect. It looks like I'll be okay… I just need to keep my eyes on my work, and if things

go south—if things go north, then I'll just look at Yuki.

He had finally come up with a plan to get him out of the hellish chaos born from that

mystery drink. Unfortunately, his relief didn't last for long.

"Ayano, I need to go look for a few old files. Do you think you could help me?"

"As you wish."

His safety net had been swiftly taken away.


He sat in a daze while Yuki and Ayano withdrew from the room, leaving him alone with

the Kujou sisters, which naturally reminded him of a certain incident.

…! Oh, crap! Nooo!

The paradise he had seen that day began to play out in his head against his will. A

growing sense of urgency made him stand and try to escape before it was too late.

"Er… I'm going to go grab something to drink."

He blurted out the first thing that came to mind, only for it to immediately bite him in

the ass.

"I can grab you something to drink. I found a mistake on one of the receipts, so I was

going to be heading that way anyway."

"Oh, uh…"

"Are you fine with barley tea?"

"Yeah, sure," replied Masachika before immediately regretting it. "Actually, maybe I

should go with you…"

"I'm fine. I'm not a child."

Unfortunately for him, Alisa casually turned down his offer and briskly walked out the

door. Masachika's extended hand was left to half-heartedly claw at the air.


By the time he came to his senses, he realized that he was now alone with Maria. On

one hand, this felt like it could be a good thing, but on the other hand, it also felt like being

alone with her could lead to some issues.

"Alya seems to be very motivated lately for some reason."

Meanwhile, Maria was clueless in stark contrast with the dangerous feelings in

Masachika's heart. She placed a hand on her cheek while innocently tilting her head at the

door Alisa had just left through.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. She has been even more fired up than usual… She has

been working really hard practicing with the band, too."

Alisa had been constantly turning down his help lately as well…as she demonstrated

only a few moments ago. However, there was a part of Masachika that was worried that she

might be pushing herself a little too hard.

"Really? Oh, but now that you mention it, she has been practicing her singing at home

a lot lately. ♪"

Maria nodded a few times, oblivious to the struggles of the boy nearby, who had wasted

his opportunity to escape. He sat back down and tried to relax, but he was still unable to

hide his tension.

"Kuze, are you feeling okay? You don't look so good."

Her eyebrows slanted with worry.

"Hmm? I'm fine."

"Why won't you look at me, then?"

Because I can't. If I look at you now, these perverse memories of mine will take over.

But there was no way he could ever tell her the truth, so he kept his eyes on the files

in hand and tried to play it cool.

"Sah! Look at me!"

Maria grabbed his cheeks with both hands and forced him to face her. Peering into his

eyes was her unfiltered worried gaze along with a hint of anger born from her concern.

"Look me in the eye and tell me nothing's wrong."

"Uh… I…"

He was unable to get the words out as she held him as if they were going to kiss. The

sensation of her hands touching his cheeks in addition to her lips being so close to his

scrambled his already hardly functioning brain. Perhaps this was why Maria suddenly

lowered her brows compassionately.

"Kuze, I understand why you would be confused after learning who I really was and

hearing how I feel about you, and I feel bad for troubling you like this, too. But I don't want

that to be a reason for you to avoid me."


"I want you to come to me when you're in trouble. I want you to let me take care of

you when you're hurt. I want you to be vulnerable with me, even though I know you refuse

to show Alya any sign of weakness. You don't have to worry about giving me the wrong

idea, and you don't have to worry about getting my hopes up. We were childhood friends

regardless of how I feel about you now…and I'm older than you, so I want you to depend

on me more."


What Maria was saying sounded very important and sweet, but unfortunately…

Masachika was having a hard time hearing what she was saying because being in the student

council room alone with her, with her hands holding his cheeks, was making his brain


She'll take care of me…when I'm hurt? Would that really be okay? Doesthis mean she'd

be fine if I threw my arms around her?

Hissomewhat dazed, heated mind started to push histhoughtsinto a dangerous direction.

Even now, he was on the verge of throwing out all reason and diving straight into her chest.

"I'm back."

As the door opened, Masachika wrenched his head away from Maria's grasp. The

momentum brought his gaze toward the door right as Chisaki stepped inside. With her hand

still on the doorknob, she knitted her brow, then surveyed the room with a scowl.

"…What the…? It reeks of man in here."

Although her anti-man radar seemed to have been activated for the first time in what felt

like forever, Masachika still silently stood out of his seat and slowly approached her with

the face of an angel.



"I need a hard reset. You know what to do."

"Now we're talking."

And just like that, both reason and desire were wiped clean with a hard factory reset.