In the first year of the Starry Sky Era, humanity entered the age of interstellar exploration, embarking on an endless journey through the universe. However, with the rise of space colonies and spacecraft, terrifying entities such as alien races and extradimensional evil gods began to emerge, threatening the survival of human civilization.
Seven hundred years later, in the year 717 of the Starry Sky Era, Fang Xing, a transmigrator, stands under the vast cosmos, facing an overwhelming army of alien forces. He sneers inwardly—alien armies, cultivators, tentacle monsters, cultists, and evil gods, all are nothing before his overwhelming talent and strength. With his unmatched power, he vows to crush every enemy in his path. His secret lies in the "Adventurer's Panel," a system that grants him limitless power and allows him to dominate across worlds.
This is not just a tale of epic interstellar battles; it's Fang Xing’s journey of rising to power through his adventurer system, as he wreaks havoc across dimensions and seizes control of his destiny. The vastness and perils of the cosmos, the struggle for ultimate power—all converge under his fists as he uncovers the ultimate secrets hidden in the depths of the starry sky.