Combat duals - 2

(Academy Dorms)

(6:00 pm)

*Bzzzt Bzzzt

" Yeah yeah, I am awake"

Ray woke up from his slumber as the alarm rang. Sitting on the bed still he fought to stay awake. After gaining some awareness he move towards the bathroom, as the cold water of the shower pour on his body he fully woke up. After showering as he wiped his body with towel he put on his academy uniform an moved towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

Five days had passed since his transmigration and in those five days Ray had somewhat settled in his new life. He trained like crazy and fought the academy combat duals. Now he's in the semi - final today and his opponent is Kevin. Yes, the member of the main cast and from one of the five great families Kevin Emerson.

"Hey, good morning" said Aria with her signature mischievous smile.

"Good morning Ray" greeted Leon.

"Good morning, Leon Aria"

One more thing has changed. On earth Ray was alone. Although it's embarrassing to say this but he did not have any friends on earth. When his family died and he was busy with his work all his old friends left him and he didn't thought about making new ones as they would also leave. However, here it was different he had made new friends and no one in them is anyone near normal person. The main cast after the first day they and Ray had met alot and they even watched every match of the members together.

They moved on the table and sat with Ray. Also carrying their breakfast.

"So Aria are you ready for your match today.?" asked Ray.

"Yep, I am ready although i am not sure about winning atleast i will give it my all and yeah" said Aria making an determined expression.

"And yeah don't even think about going easy on me." she warned him with a stern face.

"Don't worry I won't" said Leon with ever going bright smile.

"Well today is your match too isn't it" asked Leon as he turn towards Ray who was eating his food.

"Yup it is. However I don't see my opponent here where is he" asked Ray curious as he didn't see Kevin.

"Um, well he,"

"He got rejected by a girl. Now, he's telling that all his pain and depression or whatever he had he will use it to beat you, Leon and Arnold with it. In short he doing nothing." explained Aria as Leon seem to have problem telling it.

"Pfft haha, I see" listening to Kevin action he couldn't help but laugh.

" Well the matches are gonna start let's go "


On the combat arena stood Leon and Aria face to face with their stances ready. Ray who had came to watch the match sat beside Kevin who had somehow came out of his depression and was shouting cheers for both Leon and Aria .


*Tak Tak

As the referee announced Aria knocked two ice arrow and fired towards Leon.

*Slash Shatter

Leon standing tall did not moved from his place and used his sword wrapped in light to slash the first arrow coming from the right towards his chest and used the momentum of the sword swing to block the other arrow. As the blade and arrow met the arrow shattered.

"You have to do better than that Aria"

"Don't worry, i know that"

*Crack Crack

Aria did not waste time in the next moment lightning bolts came towards Leon from above. Leon used wind and dashed towards Aria doing both closing the gap and moving towards her. In an instant Leon was upon Aria. His sword inches away her throat. Her eyes working full throttle telling her tragectory of the moving sword. She ducked and and moved backwards. Leon not wanting to give her time to launch arrows tried to move towards her but can't.

His legs were frozen on the ground.

Seeing her move working on Leon. Aria instantly tried to take advantage and used her spell.

"Ice spear"


An long bluish white spear materialised in front of her. Even the air around it seemed to freeze as fog spread from the spear. It moved towards Leon rotating with hurtling speed wanting to pierce through him. Leon seeing the spear coming towards him instantly created a shield of light in front him to block it. He even used the air to resist the speed of the spear.

*Bam.... Crack

The spear and the shield met, for a second both seems to be at stalemate but just after a second multiple cracks began to appear on the shield and it shattered but it gave enough him enough time free from ice and side step to left from the path of the spear. Leon dashed as the spear passed through his sides just mere inches away.


" Light Slash "

Leon fired a single slash from his sword. The light slash moving towards Aria with great speed. Aria instantly use magic and a ice wall protruded towards the slash blocking it.


However, she couldn't see the large wave of water coming towards her. The wave hit her whole body like a hammer and Aria was flown backwards.Leon didn't miss the opportunity and instantly used his air affinity. Standing in front of her air concentrated around his hand as he punched her side. Aria used her bow to block the strike but failed as the bow broke and the punch connected. She felt like air was squeezed out from her lungs as crashed on the side of the ground.

" Cough Cough " she coughed and trying to stood even from the pain coursing through her body. As a last ditch effort she used her skill with all her remaining mana and summoned a thunderstorm towards Leon.


Lightning cracked around as ominous black clouds formed above Leon. He did not moved as it would be useless as the storm was casted around 20m around him, so even if he moved Aria would control the lightning and strike it towards him. He exhaled and concentrated on his sword as light seem to gather around and concentrated on his sword. His sword trembled as if it can't wait to be unleashed.

"Luminescence Cut"

A bright light emereged from the sword prompting everyone who was watching the match to close their eyes. As the light dimmed and the surrounding came into view. Everyone jaw dropped open. The storm was slashed in half. The lightning that was cracking with intensity in it withered and the sky cleared. However Leon also didn't came unscathed as his shoulder could be seen blackened and scorched by the lightning that connected but it was not enough to take him down.

Aria seeing her attack fail slumped on the ground. She raised her hand signalling surrender.

"Winner Leon Aekins" the class who was watching the match cheered and shouted. Ignoring them Leon moved towards Aria giving his hand to her for standing up.

"Haah haah, i still can't win from you huh. How frustrating" said Aria as she grabbed his hand and stood up.

"Don't be like that, you are a whole lot stronger than the last time you now" said Leon his voice praising.

Both moved down from the arena and hurriedly changed to their uniform and moved towards the stands as they did not want to miss the next match even for a second. After all the next match was that interesting.

Ray CrownHeart vs Kevin Emerson