Combat Duals End

(Accelerated Perception activated)

The world eventually slowed down and then almost came to halt. Ray could see the rocks and splinters of the field flying across in slow motion. No, even slow motion would be less to explain what he was feeling. The rocks seemed still on their place in the air. The incoming punch coming from Kevin which was just inches away seemed to come at a snail speed. Ray felt his body filled with adrenaline. The pain from the previous injuries subdued.

All his erratic thoughts vanished, as if they weren't there in the first place. In the next moment he worked his brain on full throttle, thinking about the various moves and strategies he can pull of right now. Kevin fist which was wrapped in fire was just a breath away. He could feel the heat which radiated from the fire.

He jerked his head to the left and the fist passed nothing but air only creating a whoosh sound in its trail. Kevin was shocked. What shocked him was his reaction time. Was it a reflexive or voluntary he couldn't decide. He thought that this will be the finishing blow as the punch was only a breath away. However before he could thought anymore, he felt a impact on his temple.

Before Kevin could move past him Ray moved his right leg. Putting his weight on the left one he twisted his body implanting a shattering blow on Kevin temple. Kevin head jerked. His body was tossed in air spinning. He felt light headed and couldn't even think straight. Only a ringing sound revered in his head. That kick had completely caught him off gaurd.

However before he could descent on the ground. A punch covered in a somewhat imperfect coating of earth connected on his side. The pain instantly bring him to his senses as he crashed on the ground.

"Aghh "

Blood came out of his mouth and head. However his senses at the moment rung like a alarm. Move or you will lose. That's what his senses told him. He didn't even look at his surroundings and immediately used fire and launched to launch himself from the ground.


The instant he moved from his spot a lightning arrow crashed into the ground. Kevin somehow managed to stood up. His breath ragged. Even though, he was going through intense pain right now. He didn't submit. His eyes were filled with determination. He didn't want to lose. It wasn't because he held a grudge against Ray or didn't like him, infact he quite like the guy. The time they spent was short but he knew Ray was good friend.

The reason he didn't want to lose was because of his pride. He wasn't arrogant like any other young master who seemed to think they own the world. He knew there are many geniuses in the world. Even more powerful than him. Two sat in the audience, one stood in front of him and the another was somewhere he didn't know. The only reason he was pushing himself this hard was because Ray didn't even know the basics of fighting and magic.

Anybody can tell he is at his weakest right now. From the moment Ray entered the competition and fought his first fight they all knew Ray was monster like Arnold and Leon. On the other side he was taught how to fight from his childhood and how to use mana from his awakening. That's why he don't want to lose, his pride doesn't let him do that.

Similarly, there was a reason why Ray didn't want to lose the battle even after knowing that he was at multiple disadvantages. It was because he knew the future. He knew how powerful future Kevin was. Right now, he wasn't even at his five percent of future power. Ray knew that. So if he even can't win against him at his lowest how can he even survive in this world. After there are many catastrophic events were going to happen in the academy years. He can hide and run as he knew about the what would happen. However, he wasn't like that. Ray didn't want his new life to be like old. What the fuck did he even do in his old life. He just watch his family die in front of his eyes standing there like a statue. He can't even do anything about the truck driver who killed them in his intoxicated state. He was just a useless shit.

Ray didn't want that. So this time, he will fight doesn't matter how suffering, pain anything will come. He will pave his own way not as Alex but as Ray, Ray CrownHeart. If someone comes in his path there will be no mercy.

Both stood there gasping for breaths and looked at each other. They can understand each other. Afterall both were thinking the same thing. Whatever it takes win. The fighting platform was thick with tension. For a second no one moved and both just stared at each other, then seeing an opening Kevin moved breaking the tension in the air.

(Warning - Host, please deactivate accelerated perception or there are chances of permanent brain damage)



"Ugh, aaah fuck"

As system said this an unimaginable amount pain struck Ray and several visions came in his mind. Ray couldn't even think straight. It felt as if someone was hammering his brain. He clutched his head. His stance staggered but he deactivated his skill.

(Accelerated Perception Deactivated)

Nonetheless, it gave an opening to Kevin a earthen spike erupted from the ground beneath Ray. He dived towards side saving himself from the blow. However Kevin as if already anticipating this moved and was upon Ray. He hooked but Ray dodged and counterattacked. He striked Kevin abdomen. But because the ongoing pain the blow was weak. It connected however Kevin held his wrist with one hand and used his another hand. An uppercut was struck at Ray's chin as his head was jerked upwards. Blood from his chin. His jaw almost dislocated.

*Bam Bam

Another impact felt from his solar plexus as an intense pain assaulted him. Kevin didn't stop there and dealt several blows. Ray can't stop them how can afterall. He had to deactivated Accelerated Perception because of systems warning and pain. He didn't know what it was about and didn't have the time. He was on the verge of losing consciousness. His surroundings blurred, his ears rang like a bell. At that moment, he knew no matter whatever he did. He couldn't win. That's why he used his last ditch method. A suicidal attack. If he can't win he won't let the other win.

There was a reason Ray didn't use lightning to cover his body like fire. Fire although fierce and destructive in nature can me controlled. However lightning was a totally different. Even nature of lightning is erratic. If not held by firm control it will go berserk and would electrocute the user sometimes even killing him. That's why Ray only use it when he has time for doing the attack.

Ray wants to use that nature of lightning to his advantage. He was thinking of using lightning without control to take Kevin out with himself. Every condition was met. There was no chance of winning in this state. His mana almost exhausted, bones broken. Kevin in range to get caught in the attack. Thus, he used it.


He used all his remaining mana. Lightning cracked around his arm that was Kevin holding. Kevin instantly took notice of this and let go of his hand but this time he was the one who held his arm. A horrified expression settled on his face.

"Come on buddy, don't you give a hand to your friend" said Ray with a grin on his face.

"Oh, fuck give a hand to buddy. From when you became interested in frying,you goddamn maniac."

"But you know what, i also happen to have a new interest in something nowadays"

said Kevin as he calmed down stopped resisting and instead used magic and used all his remaining mana on the hand that was held by Ray.

"Oh,what might that be.?" questioned Ray

This time Kevin grinned, both lightning and fire were complete


Ray noticed the fire but didn't do anything, he already understood. They both are way too exhausted to do anything.

Fire and lightning meet, for second the world quite down then as if a nuclear bomb had blasted a explosion resounded in the whole arena. The ground of the fighting platform cracked and multiple tendrils of lightning and fire seem to engulf everything. The heat raised and the air was charged with electricity. Fire and lightning are both very destructive elements. Thus when both meet they created a resonance and the explosion was far greater than what was it was capable off.

As the explosion died down. Smoke and debris were left in its wake. The referee instantly waved his hand and the smoke disappeared. The view of the two individuals lying unconscious on the ground covered in a golden light could be seen.