The Remnants

Authors Note

(In this chapter Ray will be called by his old name Alex. I did this so as not to confuse the readers .)


"Ahhh,Haa Haa"

Alex eyes opened abruptly as he woke up with a shout. As soon as he opened his he clutched his head because of pain. He felt like it was on fire. His breath coming in ragged gasps like he had run a 100 km marathon. He doesn't understand what was going on with his body.


Before he can understand what was he going through. He heard multiple screams and shouts. He turned his head towards the noise. However what he saw froze him to his core. He couldn't comprehend what was going. His eyes widen so much as though they will pop out.

*Boom Whir

In front of Alex was the Academy. No, calling it academy would be too good of a praise. What was before him was the scene straight out of a apocalypse movie. The Academy, which once stood tall and proud was in shambles. The building, halls, dorms everything was reduced to rubble. Blood seem to flow like a river making thr grass turn red.

The sky had turned from its calming blue colour to an ominous and dark blackish - purple colour. Multiple monstrous creatures and humanoid beings surrounded by an black aura sore highly in the sky. As if enjoying the terror below them they had a wild grin on their faces. The whole academy was filled with dijjins and these monsters.

*Boom Bam

On the ground was an a scene of unending carnage and destruction. The people not only humans but multiple beings of other races were also in them. They screamed in terror, and ran here and there. Their eyes filled with horror as tears streamed down. Some even tried to activate their magic to fight but in front the monstrosities in front of them everything paled. Some were cut with a wave of what seem like a tentacles covered with thorns. Some were crushed turned into a paste, another teared apart alive.

Thousands of grotesque humanoid monsters ran wild. The humanoid monsters were of different sizes and shapes. Some were tall like towers and some were short like a dog. Their skin black in colour. Their eyes glowed in ghastly muddy-yellow colour. Sharp long claws strong enough, to slice steel like a papper jutted out from both their deformed hands and feet. There mouth was like a saw. Fangs protruded from their mouths dripping with saliva.

They seem mindless only thriving on the chaos. However not one of them attacked another monster as if programmed to only hunt others. Some strong enough to even use magic.

Right now, Alex was filled with fear to his core. His stomach churned. He felt like puking however his body doesn't move. It doesn't move an inch. As an normal earthling, he had never saw any like this. There was an limitless amount of blood and gore around him. He was scared. He wanted to scream but nothing came out of his mouth.

As Alex sat in his place frozen a young boy no more than eight or nine ran towards his direction from a dijjin. His face was covered with bruises and tears. His body equally in bad shape. The dijjins as if enjoying his struggle raised his finger and fired a small black fire ball. The ball hit the boy burning and searing his flesh on the back. He ran even faster moving towards Alex.

Alex frozen couldn't do anything. He couldn't understand if this a vision or real life. Everything seems so realistic. The eerie resonance created by the chaos and destruction with the sea of crimson in front of him felt like a reality. The calamity felt real.


As Alex was contemplating, the boy was just a few steps away from him and the dijjin had already launched an another attack. Alex closed his eyes waiting for the impact but even after several seconds nothing came. He opened his eyelids and was shocked to see that the attack had just past through him. He turned around and saw the boy was dead from the spell.

*Tap Tap

Footsteps echoed in the vast land although the there were several other sounds going on monsters screeching and roaring, spell blasting. The sound of footsteps echoed loudly in the horizon.

Alex turned around at the sound of footsteps. After seeing so much for minutes already he didn't think that anything could shock him anymore than that. This thought was shattered the moment he saw the figure coming towards him with calm steps. In front of him stood a boy with golden blonde hair and blood red eyes. Ray CrownHeart stood in front of him.

"W-w what ?" Ray stuttered confused.

"You must be confused from everything right, inheritor." Ray spoke and continued in a calm voice

"This is a vision of reality, my reality that is or both past and future. Past for me and future for you if you fail."

"I don't understand what you are talking about. What is going on.? "

Alex had somewhat understood after seeing that he was in vision when the boy passed through him. He felt his body free and also can see a strand of brown hair from the corner of his eyes. He understood that he was in old body or whatever it was in the vision. As an avid novel reader he had an idea about what was going on but decided to ask Ray in front of him.

"It is what i said it is. This is what i had been through in one of my lives." said Ray in a really casual tone as if all the carnage and destruction around doesn't even bother him.

" So you had seen the world being destro- wait what do you mean one of your lives.? and are still alive in me or this body in something " questioned Alex in confusion.

"Hehe, don't worry i am already dead. This is just the last remnants of my will and about my lives" Ray chuckled sat down beside Alex before continuing

"You see i was a regressor. Well let me tell you a bit."

Alex carefully listened to every words that came out of Ray's mouth. Ray was a regressor that fact had left him baffled thoroughly. He had lived three lives and in every life he had failed miserably against the Demon King. That was a fact. In his first they were underestimated their reach in humanity and lost miserably. In second one they only focused on the dijjin letting the other evil to grow powerful resulting the destruction. In third they also failed.

"This was my fourth life and then i was contacted by the system. Asking me that the successor had been chosen and my body is perfect. Then some things happen and there you are " finished Ray telling him everything.

"So you don't mind sacrificing your life and body to another just so that the world can be saved.?" asked Ray.

"It's not that i don't mind. It's the fact that i was weak. In every life i was miserably weak and to tell you the truth i was tired. I don't have it in me to see that destruction again." answered Ray in a sad and gloomy voice. His eyes we're lifeless devoid of any emotion.

" I tried my everything to save everyone but failed. I just wanted to rest. Another thing that resolved me to take this decision was you." said his voice and eyes still devoid of any emotion.

"Me.?" asked Alex tilting his head.

"Yes, i had already known about your life, potential and everything. Thus i decided. If sacrificing myself can save the world then i don't mind doing it." said Ray.

Alex listened to Ray and there was only one word that came to his mind.

Foolish, pure foolishness

Alex couldn't understand Ray's thinking even a bit. However he understood the fact that Ray wanted to become a hero. A hero who would sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

Alex never understood the concept of heroism. How can a person sacrifice himself just so he could save the people he didn't even know. Alex know he wouldn't. He would never ever do that.

Although his family and the people he loved and cared about were different. He know, right now if he was given a choice that he could revive his family by sacrificing himself. He would do that without a second thought. Heck he even didn't need to think of about it, if his family could live again.

He have his moral values however he doesn't care about others he don't even know. If millions were dying just fucking die what does it matter to him. That's the kind of individual he was. Some will say he was selfish but he didn't give a fuck about them.

It was how he simply was from the beginning. The reason he listened to system talk about saving the world and shit was because if the world was destroyed. He wouldn't have anywhere to live that's all. That's why it's was worth fighting.

Right now Alex doesn't feel anything about taking the body of this wannabe hero guy. In front of Alex right now, was just a coward who ran even though he had chances to change his fate