Xian is a student from East Woods High, notorious as one of the thugs and gangsters who thrives on fights. He dedicates himself to protecting the poor and standing against the rich. His life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Vios, a student from the neighboring West Woods High. Xian's first impression of Vios is that of a scumbag and spoiled prodigy child.
When the principals of both schools decide to merge East Woods High and West Woods High for a social experiment, Xian seizes every opportunity to pissed Vios. However, unknown to Xian, Vios also carries an infamous title: a notorious school bully.
Each chapter was short but It's too early to judge. And from the premise of the story was okay, the seme (i think is Vios?) was really something. With a huge height difference to the uke *😘. I hope it completed when I come back here. ⛺ So waiting here~....