Carried by Fate

The demon's clawed hand stretched toward Ethan's unconscious form, its sharp fingers trembling with anticipation. Just as the demon's shadow loomed over him, the stillness of the forest was shattered by the sharp crack of a gunshot.

A single bullet tore through the air, striking the demon's outstretched hand with deadly precision. The impact sent a burst of fiery sparks cascading across its pallid skin, and the bullet's effect was immediate. The demon's hand erupted in flames, a searing light consuming its flesh as it shrieked in agony.

"Aaaaargh!" the demon bellowed, stumbling back as it cradled its smoldering hand. The acrid stench of burning flesh filled the air, mingling with the oppressive black mist that clung to the forest floor.

Its two comrades spun around, their red eyes narrowing as they scanned the dense underbrush for the source of the attack. The forest, seemingly tranquil moments ago, now bristled with an unseen tension.