
"Like we said to the vice chancellor, we have no idea where Derek is!"

Rolanda seemed to respond in a rather harsh voice, but it wasn't to the rate of notice.

"Excuse us, senior."

With an intimidating smile, Rolanda walked out on the senior and evacuated the compartment building area.

"Seven, aren't you coming?!"

Seven, who remained on the scene for a while, was suddenly summoned. He spent his time staring at the fierce eyes of the senior and didn't mind saying a word, but anyway, he knew that there was something uncongenial about this guy.


In a rush, he walked away while he continued to stare at the senior. Although they both didn't say a word to each other, the awkward looks had surely drawn a line between them.

Seven knew surely that Alby, as he called himself, would definitely try to find out if they had any hand in Derek's disappearance...