
The latest statement released by WAT has shocked the public.


WAT Official: #Statement##ViolentIncidentataBBQRestaurantinCityC#


It has been 24 hours since the violent incident at the BBQ restaurant in City C occurred. As this case involves individuals related to our organisation and with the consent of the parties' families, the WAT Official is now issuing the following statement.


Two female victims of the violent incident at the BBQ restaurant in City C, one of whom is a patient supported by WAT named Tao Tao.

Tao Tao, a heterosexual individual, accidentally contracted HIV and was also diagnosed with breast cancer.

Two and a half years ago, Tao Tao underwent a peripheral blood stem cell autologous transplant surgery and was successfully matched with a bone marrow donor carrying a CCR5 gene mutation. As of now, Tao Tao is the first case in China to undergo hematopoietic stem cell transplant therapy, showing no relapse in both directions for 18 consecutive months.

This also signifies that our country has the capability and technology to completely cure HIV.

According to reports, Tao Tao and her friends were travelling in City C, and that night they were strolling in the World Trade walking street area when they encountered a violent incident at a barbecue shop. Tao Tao, as the victim, was dragged into a wide 8-meter alley along with another female victim by the attackers when she tried to intervene and was subjected to violence. 

According to the diagnosis, Tao Tao suffered multiple fractures and severe head injuries. 

Staff from WAT immediately rushed to the hospital and have been in contact with relevant legal, medical, and administrative personnel. As of the time of this statement, Tao Tao is still in the ICU. Tao Tao's friends mentioned that while being urgently taken to the hospital for treatment, Tao Tao briefly regained consciousness and urged her friends to "make a voice."

By Article 33 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, an adult with full capacity for civil conduct can, by prior consultation in writing, determine their guardian with close relatives, other individuals willing to act as guardians or organisations. When the adult loses all or part of their capacity for civil conduct, the guardian shall assume the guardianship duties. The guardian shall perform the guardianship duties in the best interests of the ward. Apart from safeguarding the interests of the ward, the guardian shall not dispose of the ward's property. The guardian shall respect the true intentions of the ward to the maximum extent possible and assist the ward in carrying out civil legal acts in line with their intellectual and mental health status. The guardian shall not interfere in matters that the ward is capable of handling independently.

Following negotiations with the designated guardian of Tao Tao, the declaration and voice of Tao Tao's ordinary illness have been fully entrusted to the WAT Official.

Why speak out matter? 

In 1993, the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women was adopted, emphasising the urgent need for universal rights and principles ensuring equality, safety, freedom, personal integrity, and dignity for all women. The term "violence against women" encompasses any act of violence based on gender that causes or is likely to cause physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering in public or private life, including threats, coercion, or deprivation of liberty. As early as 1989, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw highlighted the lack of attention to issues of race, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity in early feminist movements. She introduced the concept of "intersectionality" to address various forms of discrimination and oppression experienced by women. The theory of intersectionality continues to evolve, emphasising that men and women are not opposite ends of a gender spectrum but rather one part of it. Gender is not an isolated identity trait but interacts with other social attributes like race, class, and sexual orientation. These interactions result in different impacts, leading to varied social statuses and opportunities. When individuals face gender oppression, it often intersects with oppression in other dimensions. Gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, race, and marital status all contribute to oppression, and collectively empower individuals to speak out.

Men can accept praise from society, and women can also identify with the phrase "call me by my name". They will never compromise to power, will not give up on fairness, will not be silenced by criticism or scrutiny, but will speak out solely as women. It is important for the public to remember: 

"When women say No, it means No; when they say they are Unwilling, it means they are Unwilling, without any other connotations." 

WAT Official,

March 12, 2023. 

The statement is accompanied by a classic orange palm logo for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, with the word "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" vertically aligned on the right side of the logo, each letter followed by corresponding explanations in both Chinese and English.

​​R – elationship skills strengthened 增强人际关系技巧

E – mpowerment of women 赋予妇女权力

S – ervices ensured 服务有保障

P – overty reduced 减少贫困

E – nvironments made safe 创建安全环境

C – hild and adolescent abuse prevented 防止虐待儿童和青少年

T – ransformed attitudes, beliefs, and norms 转变态度,信仰和规范


This is the World Health Organization and UN Women collaborated on the project in 2019 "RESPECT: Preventing Violence Against Women Policy Framework," where seven letters represented key strategies aimed at eliminating violence against women. 

The WAT statement referenced RESPECT, bringing the underlying issues to the forefront of public attention. City C, touted as a "female-friendly city," a heinous act of violence triggered local residents to report anonymously, only to face harassment by local gang members, including violent detentions. Where does the essence of being a "female-friendly city" lie? How does the city prioritise social security? To what extent have local authorities and organised crime spread their influence? Why is the official identity of the victims concealed, allowing online rumours to run rampant unchecked? When will the voices of these women be heard and the systemic gender violence they face in public be taken seriously? 

After digging into the social media posts from the Humanities and Arts College Student Union of Nangang University related to the "sexual harassment incident" that occurred ten months ago, netizens uncovered…

"Male students from Nangang University's College of Humanities and Arts will always stand behind female students."

"Women should never be objectified, stereotyped, or used as tools; they are independent, confident, and courageous individuals who are pioneers willing to strive and explore. If they are to break away from rigid stereotypes, it is crucial for them to take the first step, alongside their male counterparts. While empathy may not fully grasp their inner thoughts, standing in their shoes can provide some insight. Therefore, advocating for and speaking out are not mutually exclusive."

Zhong Shao and Yu Cheng initially shared statements regarding the "live performance art" in question, which have resurfaced once again. Meanwhile, the victim of this incident, Ai Ge, wrote in a repost of the WAT statement:

—— Ten months ago, a group of young men stood behind me declaring, that women have never been static objects; we are the rise of power. Ten months later, faced with incidents of violence against women, it is these responsible young men who enable me to confidently state, "In this era, how a woman dresses should not be a reason for harassment. Why should we seek a fair account? Why do we need complex laws to protect the interests of every citizen?" How a man views a woman is related to his various backgrounds and upbringing. The structural difficulties faced by women in society and the awakening of female power cannot be ignored. A female-friendly city does not aim to assist women, but rather to eliminate gender biases, allowing men and women to stand on equal ground unconditionally.

The remarks made by the investigating officer Jiang Ming in the press conference regarding the sexual assault case involving Dong Yi have been repeatedly fashioned into promotional videos by netizens.

"I want the public to understand one concept, that sexual assault not only happens to women but also to men. This series of events is likely the most severe criminal case in the domestic education sector in terms of nature, duration, and number of victims. As the office in charge of this case, I urge everyone to remember that when you are isolated and persecuted, seek help from the police immediately, we are ready and available at all times."

Half a year ago, Chen Le, in the "Unisex Toilet Incident," provided insights from a different "female perspective," deconstructing the prevalent misogynistic reasoning in everyday life.

"In the public toilet domain, heterosexual men posing as transgender women are the focal point of perceived threats, while the actual threat posed by uninhibited heterosexual men towards women remains largely unnoticed. What is the answer? Misogyny, more specifically known as "transmisogyny." By using organs as gender codes to conform to a "unified" natural and moral order, if such women cannot provide "normal men" with sex that aligns with heterosexual norms, they are condemned as "monsters." Regardless of the form in which she exists, any "woman" within legal bounds should have the right to medical care, bodily autonomy, cognitive expression, and other rights she deserves. Only when these rights are realised and the supposed obligations of women are weakened can women be treated equally. All harmful behaviour towards women by any "men" in the heat of passion is merely an excuse to satisfy a sense of entitlement based on the privilege of their physiological makeup."

The distance we are from a female-friendly city? How much longer until we reach gender equality? 

No answers.

It is only in the face of vicious incidents that an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the structural plight of women in society and the rise of female empowerment. Only then can a gender perspective gradually permeate into the social and public spheres of life. Changes in the social status of women are not only reflected in urban construction, public policies, and legal rights, but also in the finer details that provide women with a sense of urban security and happiness. 

This is the path to friendliness and equality that must be pursued.