Chapter 1 : Queen Zerg

Looking around, all I could see was a structure filled with vegetation. It seemed to be a room, I could see that it appeared to be rectangular, one of the walls had a hole resembling a door, opposite this door is a rectangular structure.

[Ding! Ding!]

[Congratulations on being the 1,555th system carrier!]


[Congratulations on being the 1,555th system carrier!]

"I get it! Don't expect another reaction when I don't even know who I am!"

[... The system is here to help you grow.]

[Ding! Here are your missions.]

[Main mission: Grow. Secondary mission: Find other system carriers to subjugate or kill them.]

As the system showed me the missions, I had a little doubt. Although I don't know who I am I have memories, so I know that a system in most stories is given to the chosen one. So why are there 1,554 people other than me! I'm absolutely not unique at all....

"I have a question. Why do I have to find other carriers? Can't I just stay in my corner?"

[By subjugating or killing them, the system improves and helps you grow much better.]

[The system doesn't force you to do anything, if you want to do nothing then do nothing, but carriers will still come to you for no other reason than the fact that you're a carrier.]

"... You say you're not forcing me into anything but if I want to survive I'm obliged to grow up! There's no fucking difference!"

"*Sigh* Tell me what you can do right now?

[The system can show you your basic info, available skill and answer questions.]

"Show me my info."

[Name: None, Gender: Female, Race: Zerg Queen - Newborn]

"Is that all?"


"Where are my stats?! My titles?! Or even my class?!"


[You're not in a game.]

"But I do have skills, don't I?!"

[Your skills are abilities you possess. The system puts them into words so that you intuitively understand how they work. They don't appear out of nowhere].

"Say you're cheap instead."


"Well, show me those skills."

[Zerg Queen Evolution]: By devouring a living being or a corpse, it is possible to gain traits, skills or genes. By gaining one of these options, it is possible to evolve ad infinitum.

Note: the longer the corpse has been dead, the more difficult it is to gain anything.

[Authority of the Zerg Queen]: All your descendants will obey you 100%. As long as they are alive, any betrayal is impossible.

[Zerg Creation]: You can copy/delete any traits, skills or genes you possess to create or spawn zergs.

Note 1: By copying the zerg(s) will only have a weakened version of the copy.

Note 2: By deleting the zerg(s) will have all versions given.

"Not bad. Wait zerg creation seems too broad, what I create or pond its at what level?"

[It all depends on you.]

Just when I wanted to complain about this stingy system, the hunger kicks in.

On closer inspection, I seem to be standing over a human corpse.

It looks very appetizing. Without further ado, I began to eat it completely. Given my size, which doesn't exceed a human foot, I managed to eat the whole thing, leaving only a large bloodstain.

[Ding! You get the "Humanoid - Small" gene].

[Humanoid - Small]: Your next evolution, your appearance will be a little more humanoid.

Well, it seems rather natural to receive this type of gene on a human.

As I look at the line, I feel a little pain on my head. But it's gone in just a few minutes.

"Shit, what just happened?!"

[Thanks to the gene, your body has adapted and evolved.]

"Yet nothing seems different, I'm not even standing or anything. Can you show me what I look like?"


A small window with a hologram appeared in front of me. I look like an earthworm, but where my head is, rather than being round like my tail, it's vaguely shaped like a human head, but it's really barely visible. If I didn't have the instinct to know where the change was in me, I wouldn't have noticed it at all. And I've only got one thing to say...

"I'm a horror!"
