Chapter 17 : Echoes of Doubt.

I asked a servant to come with one of the slaves. When she returned, with Rosia, we threw ourselves at the boy, eating him alive. The servants didn't care, but my future concubine slaves were so scared they started crying.

[Ding! Rosia Regium has gained the trait "Bipedalism – Small."]

[Ding! You gain the trait of your sub-queen!]

[Bipedalism – Small]: Once on two legs, your speed increases by 3%.


"SYSTEM! SYSTEM! Is that possible?!"


"Explain, please! Don't just say yes!"

[The zergs are all connected to their queen. If your descendants gain a trait or skill, you will also gain it.]

[Your sub-queens have the same chance of gaining it as you. But your, and their, descendants will have a 10% chance for the first generation, and as descendants have children, the percentage will decrease. The second generation will have a 9% chance, and this number continues to decrease until it reaches a 1% chance. The percentage cannot go any lower.]

"But this is totally broken!"

Even if the most recent generations only have a 1% chance, that's still huge! Especially if my army has millions, even billions of zergs! There will be so many zergs that even 1% will become an enormous number! The more descendants I have, the stronger I'll get, damn!

I've changed my mind! At first, I just wanted to exterminate all life on this planet, except our slaves, once I had my nest, but now I'm going to keep pigs—I mean, humans, other animals, plants, and insects in breeding to always have food.

That night, I went to find the slave merchant, Lucian Valdor. With his scent, it was pretty easy to find him, especially since the family's mansion was extremely luxurious.

I crawled up the walls to look through the windows to find his room, and once I found it, I slipped through a small opening in a wall.

I ran quickly to his room; the door was open with a very small gap. I could barely fit through.

I moved quietly, and once I was at his mouth, I opened it and placed the Love Parasite and hallucinogenic powder in his mouth, but just as I did, a noise like something falling was heard.

When I looked behind me, a servant had wide eyes, her hands over her mouth. When our eyes met, she fled, but I chased her.

Unfortunately for her, I'm faster. I jumped on her, biting and scratching to paralyze her. She tried to grab me to throw me or kill me, but my small size and speed make me hard to catch.

She started screaming, but I took the opportunity to enter her mouth. I began to eat all of her intestines, killing her.

But I couldn't finish my meal, as several footsteps and voices were quickly approaching, alerted by the servant's screams.

"What's going on?!"

I quickly fled, but it wasn't easy. Several guards and staff saw me and tried to crush or cut me with their weapons.

I dodged, rolled to the side, jumped from person to person while paralyzing them as best I could. Even though they could move, they were slower.

Eventually, I broke a window and escaped into the dark night.

"What was that disgusting thing?!"

"I don't know, master, it looked like an insect. But I'm not so sure."

The master and a few servants approached the servant's corpse. Her face showed an expression of fear, pain, and despair, fresh blood pouring from her mouth. People screamed, a small shiver running down their bodies.

"Where did the servant and the insect come from?"

"Master, come quickly!"

Hearing a servant shout, the master, guards, and servants hurried to the young master's room, which was open with a lamp on the floor, broken. The housemaster was horrified and entered immediately but was relieved to see his son safe and sound.

"Hmm? Dad? What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Didn't you hear anything?"

"No, nothing…"

The housemaster explained what had happened.

"This thing must have wanted to eat you, but the servant arrived at the right time. It attacked her."

Lucian went pale for a moment.

"Don't worry, I'll call the doctor to examine you, along with the woman's body."

"Thanks, father."

The doctor arrived quickly. He examined Lucian, but nothing was found, relieving both father and son. But when he opened the servant's body, the doctor, the housemaster, and Lucian were stunned. Inside the dead servant's body, there were no organs!

Weeks passed, and Rosia continued to buy all kinds of spiders. I also helped her parasitize Annie. Not only that, but she also started building a small animal park in her mansion's estate. The excuse was to put animals in there out of boredom, but the truth is that it was to store food so we could both eat animals.

As time passed, Rosia parasitized 100% of her personal servants, several guards who had been parasitized for a long time but with whom Rosia had very few interactions, which must have increased the percentages on their own without intervention, a slow process.

But some were more resistant to parasitism, unconsciously fighting back. Like Jon Conrade, Rosia's chief knight, who increases even more slowly without Rosia's intervention. Some of the guards were 100% parasitized after they were targeted later, but he still fights back fiercely, staying at 89%.

As for Naturia, it doesn't surprise me at all, after all, she's the heroine of this world, how could she be parasitized so easily? I'm even sure the world is doing everything to slow down the inevitable.

The prince visits her often but insults Rosia, which only makes the heroine more disgusted with him.

"Naturia, you need to be careful! My sister is not a good person! Have you forgotten what she did to you?"

"No, prince. I haven't forgotten. But she's doing everything to redeem herself."

"That's a lie! She has a plan to harm you, I'm sure of it!"

"I saw her secretly ask men to go discreetly attack your family."

"Prince, I'll ask her. And if it's true, I'll get closer to her."

"What? How can you trust this bitch more than me?"

Naturia was even more disgusted when she heard the prince insult Rosia for no reason. But she didn't show it, staying as neutral as possible.

"Prince, I must continue working…"

With that, Naturia left after a formal greeting. The prince watched her with an angry look.

The prince calls a trusted guard.

"Move the plan forward and tell the people to strike tomorrow when Naturia leaves!"


Night falls, and I am following a little spy ant making its way to the prince's chamber.

"Hemlock Blossom, I want you to go with the hired bandits tomorrow morning and bring a crowd so that I can save Naturia's family while spreading rumors!"

"Your orders are my desires, prince."

Well, well, well… I smirked cruelly. Thank you, little fool… I followed Hemlock Blossom to find the bandits. She gave her orders and then went to gather more people for the morning.

I didn't follow her. Instead, I laced the beer barrels with hallucinogens and activated them once they had entered everyone's system. I attacked them, making them see the prince and his personal guards. I massacred them, holding myself back from devouring them.

But I spared the prostitutes who were there, showing them how the "guards" and the "prince" slaughtered everyone before leaving. Then, I whispered a little thought into their minds as if it had come from them.

The prince is coming to kill us and our families to silence us… We must flee! We must spread the word discreetly to protect ourselves!

I made them see the "prince" coming cruelly to murder them. But they ran away. Or rather, I let them escape.

I laughed like a madwoman, and soon, rumors spread through the night. Rumors I fueled with my hallucinogens.

Soon, the whole city would believe that the prince was planning to harm families, kill them, and blame it all on the princess.

Of course, not many believed it at first. The prince had a strong reputation, and since the rumors came from prostitutes and various manipulated individuals, no one knew who had truly started them. After all, these whispers came from all over the city, but who had first spoken of them?

The prince, furious, ordered Hemlock Blossom to come immediately.

"What is happening? Who started these rumors?!"

"Prince, I do not know. I investigated, but I couldn't find the source."

"When I returned, all the bandits were dead—some had even written your name in their own blood."

"I tortured the prostitutes who were there, but they all insist that you and your guards killed everyone. They never said anything else, as if they truly believed it."

"I suspect someone made them see that happen somehow, but I don't know how."

"I also investigated those who spread the rumors, but every single one claims they heard it from a friend. When I track down that friend, they say the same thing."

"It's a complete loop. Someone learned of our plans and turned the situation to their advantage… But it's impossible to find out who."

"And that bitch?! Was it her?!"

"No, my prince. I questioned the servants loyal to us, and they all confirmed that the princess was peacefully asleep in her chamber."

"I must see Naturia before she believes these rumors!"

The prince immediately rushed to the gardens, but just as he tried to reach Naturia, Rosia stepped in front of him.

"Brother… I don't think you're welcome here..."

"That is not for you to decide!"

"Naturia! I came to—"

He tried to approach, but a furious and frightened Naturia recoiled. Rosia pulled her into her arms, calming and protecting her.

"Leno! Stay away from her!"

The prince was forced to stop as Naturia refused to be near him. I laughed as I watched—this was too funny!

The prince stormed away in anger. No matter what, he must find the person who did this! One way or another!

Naturia – 69%