The End…?

"MMMMMMM!!" A muffled scream rang out from the basement. Mold and mildew were prevalent on the walls along with splatters of dried blood. The scream came from a young woman, around 17 years of age. She was strapped down to an operating table and a man, her father, was using a scalpel to cut into her flesh.

"This is your fault Zara…it's your fault you LOOK LIKE THAT BITCH!!" Zara's father, Henry Caldwell, cut deeper into the flesh on her thigh. Zara's body convulsed in pain as tears flowed from her onxy eyes once again.

"I can FEEL the way you look at me, just like that fucking bitch did! You hardly even inherited any of my traits, I wouldn't be surprised if that fucking whore cheated on me! AHAHAHAHAHA YOU PROBABLY AREN'T EVEN MY DAUGHTER!!" Henry held his head during his manaical speech and picked up a serrated knife off the table. Zara's eyes widened in fear and the muffling sounds of pleas were at max volume.

Zara is used to Henry's torture and she's tried to escape and get help from law enforcement but both options were futile. She had no where to run and her father's connections in Gotham ran deep, so the cops turned a blind eye. She was trapped in an inescapable hell. She prayed to every god imaginable and even prayed to Gotham's savior, Batman. She soon learned no one was coming to help her and that she would one day, die a dogs death. She felt that today would be that day.

Henry glided the knife along her nude body before he plunged it into her lower abdomen. Zara's eyes rolled to the back of her head in sheer pain and a scream couldn't even escape her mouth. When the pain subsided for a brief moment, all she could hear was Henry's manaical laugh.

Zara knew her father wasn't all there but he wasn't always like this. Before her mother divorced him for reasons unknown to her, he was a kind man who would do just about anything to keep his family safe. He was a defense attorney and a good one, so he had a sort of 'halo' in the criminal underground due to him keeping a lot of the big names out of jail or with heavily reduced sentences. Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, shit even the Joker were clients of his. Yet that kind and sweet husband/father changed when Zara's mother divorced him.

Two months after the divorce, Gotham PD found her body heavily mutilated and left in an alleyway. Henry was the prime suspect of course but he used his connections to steer the investigation away from him. That's when Zara knew, all though she didn't have evidence, she just knew her father had something to do with her mother's death and that's when she began to distrust him.

That's also when he started drinking more and more and what started off as overprotectiveness slowly turned into verbal abuse, then minor physical abuse when he was extremely drunk, then regular physical abuse when he was sober, and then it further devolved into flat out torture sessions.

Henry unenrolled her out of school and stated to the school he would be hiring a full time tutor. The real reason was obviously because he wanted to ramp up his abuse. Zara also wasn't allowed to leave the house, use the phone, use the internet, watch TV, and was given a few handpicked books to read in her 'room' which was akin to a prison cell. No windows, six locks, and a thick steel door adorned with a small window to give her food and water.

Zara quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she felt the pain of the knife exiting her body. She could feel her blood oozing out of her body and sincerely hoped that he would take her life. Her vision was getting blurrier and she couldn't hear anything very well. The cold basement became colder and she could feel the grip of death around her neck.

"Tell me child. Would you like to live? Would you like to enact your revenge on your father and on this accursed world? I can give you that opportunity." A sultry female voice entered Zara's mind.

'W-What? Who are you? Am I hallucinating?'

"My name is Lilith, Queen of the Underworld and Ruler of Darkness. You are not hallucinating and I'm offering you this deal for reasons you may learn if you accept, something you should do fast as you don't have much time."

'I accept! I don't have anything to lose anyway and if my soul ends up getting sold then so be it.' At her acceptance, the straps holding her down were loosened and she began to levitate in air.

"W-What the fuck!" Henry fell on his ass and scooted away befor he ran upstairs. Zara was levitating and her body was convulsing severely. A dark cloud began to enshroud her slowly before she was cocooned in the darkness. The cocoon of darkness gently landed on the ground and began to crack.

A pale white hand exited the cocoon and a woman slowly climbed out. She had pale white skin, long raven black hair that melted in the darkness of the basement, cold onyx eyes, and a huge pair of jet black wings. The shadows beneath her quickly wrapped around her body and formed a dress.

"I feel…alive." The woman tightened her fist before a wide grin spread across her face, "AHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M ALIVE!!!"

As if to shit on this beautiful moment, Henry came downstairs holding a shotgun, "Who the hell are you! And what the fuck did you do with my daughter?!" Henry cocked the shotgun and aimed it at the woman.

The woman smiled coyly, "You don't recognize me papa? I'm right here." She vanished and reappeared behind Henry with her hand on his shoulder. Her skin was ice cold and Henry began to shiver out of fear.

"Why're you so quiet papa? Don't you miss me?" She whispered in his ear before she threw him against the wall with ease.

"KAH!" Henry had the wind knocked out of him and his ears were ringing like crazy. He scrambled for his gun and when he found it he shot at Zara.

'These pellets are moving so slow…' Zara was in awe of her newfound abilities and watched the shotgun pellets travel towards her in slow motion. She leaned out of the way and gripped the shotgun barrel.

Henry watched as Zara bent the shotgun barrel like nothing. She tossed it away and when Henry looked up, it was like a predator looking down on its prey.

Zara gripped her by the chin and lifted him up, "Your look of fear is intoxicating, I could die happily right now just by seeing it." Zara chuckled but Henry pissed his pants.

"P-Pleash Zara, d-don't do thish!" Zara tilted her head slightly before laughing, "Did you listen to my cries of mercy? Did you consider my feelings before you beat me and tortured me? DID YOU EVEN HAVE AN INKLING OF GUILT?!" Zara yelled as she tightened her grip. She could feel Henry's jaw bones creaking and pleasure filled her body.

"But don't worry papa, I'm not going to kill you!" Zara smiled and a small amount of relief filled Henry before her next words took that away, "No papa, your soul will be tormented for eternity! Well, until I decide that I want to do something else with it. Bye bye!" Then from the shadows came the maw of a huge beast. It devoured Henry's body with a sickening crunch and his soul was forever trapped in Zara's shadow.

"My revenge is only getting started…"