Receiving from Behind

"What?" Stella's heart skipped as she stared at her chauffeur.

"There is a dead man in the trunk," he repeated, his forehead dripping with cold sweat.

Almost immediately, Stella rushed over to the back of the car and almost lost her nose to the wave of rotten air that hit her. She also missed a step when she saw the dead body and fell on her butt.

A yelp escaped her lips as she winced in pain. She struggled to get up from the floor and had to be assisted by her chauffeur.

Stella was barely able to steady herself after her chauffeur stepped aside. Her palm quickly flew to her nose to cup it as she instructed, "Turn his face around, I want to see it."

The chauffeur blinked repeatedly. He didn't want to touch a dead body but after he met her death glare, he quickly moved to turn the body's face to her.