Xander Expressed His Disappointment

As soon as breakfast was over, old Lady Scott reminded Aurora to visit them often, even without Xander.

"I will," Aurora promised, feeling relieved that she pushed Xander for this particular visit.

She thought it right to visit one's aged parents as often as possible because time was no longer on their side. No one could tell how many more years were left for them, so every little opportunity to spend time with them should be maximised.

"I think we should all go for a family vacation after Dante Group's 50th anniversary," old Mr. Scott suggested.

It had been years since the entire family gathered at the same time in the same place, and he longed for that picture to manifest.

"Papa is right," Xander agreed. "Just let everyone know, and preparations can be made for it."

Old Mrs. Scott liked the idea and immediately hijacked it. She stated she would invite someone to plan their vacation instead of letting a family member handle it.