Liam reported his findings regarding Stella's abduction before moving on to explain his theory by talking about the Spa's building blueprint, which had proof of how Stella was taken away without leaving the building despite the constant eyes on it for the past month.
"Though some clips seemed to be missing at first, we went through all the CCTV footage we could get our hands on. And the last place Stella entered after the massage was the sauna private room."
Almost immediately, Xander and Asher exchanged glances with similar thoughts in their heads, yet they let Liam continue.
"Stella never stepped out of that room after going, and according to the little mess that was made on the CCTV footage, we were meant to believe that some part of it was cut off, having us conclude at the initial time that it might have been the opportunity she abductors took her. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case."