The helicopter hummed softly in the night sky as it soared over the city, its blades slicing through the wind with rhythmic precision.
Inside the cabin, Xander sat with his arms folded, his gaze fixed on the dark horizon. Across from him, Aurora sat stiffly, arms crossed over her chest, her expression set in stone.
The silence between them was heavy, only interrupted by the distant sound of the chopper's engine.
Aurora finally broke the quiet, her voice laced with restrained fury. "I don't want to be in the same house with you while that man is still in the basement."
Xander exhaled sharply through his nose, his fingers twitching slightly on his bicep. He glanced at her, his expression unreadable. "Well, since I'm the problem now, you won't have to worry about catching even a glimpse of my shadow," he said evenly. His voice carried no emotion, just a simple statement.
Aurora frowned but said nothing.