Chapter 17: Escape and Revelations

The world came back to me in flashes. The jolting rhythm of being carried at high speed. The acrid smell of smoke and blood. Harsh voices barking orders. My head throbbed, and I struggled to piece together what had happened.

The pack meeting. The revelation about my parents. The Rogues' attack.

I forced my eyes open, blinking against the rush of wind. I was slung over the shoulder of a massive Rogue, his fur matted with blood and dirt. Around us, more Rogues loped through the forest, their eyes glowing with feral hunger.

Fear surged through me, clearing the last of the fog from my mind. I had to escape. I had to—

A bone-chilling howl cut through the air, closer than I expected. The Rogues faltered, looking back with a mixture of fear and anger.

"It's the exiled prince!" one of them snarled. "He's gaining on us!"

Lucian. My heart leapt at the thought of him coming for me. But where was Asher?

As if in answer to my unspoken question, I heard Asher's voice, distant but filled with anguish. "Lucian! Bring her back! I can't— the pack—"

I craned my neck, catching a glimpse of the chaos behind us. The pack house was in flames, Rogues and pack members locked in fierce combat. And there was Asher, surrounded by injured packmates, torn between coming after me and protecting the others.

"Go, brother!" Lucian's voice rang out, closer now. "I'll get her back, I swear it!"

Before I could process what was happening, a blur of midnight fur burst from the trees. Lucian's wolf form was unlike anything I'd ever seen – larger than Asher's, with a wild, almost primal energy radiating from him. His green eyes, glowing with determination, locked onto mine for a brief moment before he launched himself at my captor.

The fight was brutal and swift. Lucian moved with a deadly grace, his massive jaws snapping and claws slashing. The Rogue holding me didn't stand a chance. As he fell, I tumbled from his grasp, hitting the ground hard.

"Lyra!" Lucian was there in an instant, shifting back to his human form. "Are you hurt? Can you run?"

I nodded, scrambling to my feet. "I think so. Lucian, the others—"

"No time," he cut me off, already beginning to shift back. "We need to move. Now."

I didn't need to be told twice. As Lucian completed his transformation, I focused on my own shift. The change came easier than ever before, my body flowing seamlessly from human to wolf. Together, we took off into the depths of the forest.

We ran for what felt like hours, the sounds of pursuit gradually fading behind us. Lucian set a punishing pace, but somehow, I managed to keep up. There was a wild freedom in this flight, in the way our paws ate up the ground in perfect synchronization.

Finally, when my lungs were burning and my legs felt like they might give out, Lucian slowed. We emerged from the dense trees into a small, hidden glade that took my breath away.

Wildflowers carpeted the ground in a riot of colors – vibrant purples, soft pinks, and brilliant yellows. A small stream bubbled through the center, its clear waters catching the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy. The air was thick with the sweet scent of blooms and fresh earth.

Lucian shifted back to his human form, and I followed suit. As the adrenaline of our flight faded, I became acutely aware of the state we were in – both of us naked, covered in dirt and scratches. But more alarmingly, I could see now the extent of Lucian's injuries.

"You're hurt," I gasped, moving towards him without thinking.

Lucian waved off my concern, though I could see the pain in his eyes. "It's nothing. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

I shook my head, guilt washing over me as I took in the deep gashes across his chest and arms. "I'm fine, thanks to you. Lucian, I'm so sorry. If you hadn't come after me—"

"Don't," he cut me off, his voice gentle but firm. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat, Lyra. You have nothing to feel guilty about."

I bit my lip, unconvinced. "But your injuries..."

A wry smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Consider us even now. After all, I did disrupt your wedding."

"Lucian," I said slowly, a question that had been nagging at me finally surfacing. "Did you... did you choose that moment to reveal the truth on purpose? Right before the final ceremony?"

He was quiet for a long moment, his green eyes studying me with an intensity that made my heart race. Finally, he sighed, wincing slightly as the movement pulled at his wounds.

"I wanted to tell you earlier," he admitted, his voice low. "When there was still a chance to replace the Moonwater, to stop the ceremony before it began. I even..." he trailed off, a flicker of something like embarrassment crossing his face.

"Even what?" I prompted, curious despite myself.

Lucian ran a hand through his hair, looking almost shy. "I even brought flowers. To congratulate you both. But then I saw you in your wedding dress, standing there next to Asher, and I just... I couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to give you away, even if it meant interrupting at the last second."

His words hung in the air between us, heavy with implication. I stared at him, my mind whirling. "Lucian, what are you saying?"

He took a step towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. "I think you know, Lyra. I think you've known for a while now."

My heart was pounding so hard I was sure he could hear it. "But Asher..." I whispered, even as I found myself drawn towards him.

"I know," Lucian said softly. "Believe me, I know. But I can't deny what I feel for you any longer. And I don't think you can either."

He was right in front of me now, close enough that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. Without the haze of adrenaline clouding my senses, I was acutely aware of our state of undress, of the way his eyes roamed over me with unconcealed desire.

"Lucian," I breathed, not sure if I was warning him away or inviting him closer.

His hand came up, gently cupping my cheek. The touch sent sparks skittering across my skin. "Tell me you don't feel it too," he murmured. "Tell me I'm imagining this connection between us, and I'll never speak of it again."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. How could I lie? How could I deny the electricity that crackled between us, the way my body seemed to gravitate towards his?