Chapter 33: Shattered Reflections

The throbbing in Lyra's head was the first thing she noticed as consciousness slowly returned. She groaned, her eyes fluttering open to take in unfamiliar surroundings. Rich, black velvet sheets surrounded her, the fabric cool and luxurious against her skin. Confusion washed over her as she tried to make sense of where she was.

This was her bedroom, wasn't it? The opulent decor, all dark woods and gleaming metals, spoke of wealth and power. But something felt... off. Wrong, somehow, in a way she couldn't quite pin down.

Lyra sat up slowly, wincing as another wave of pain lanced through her skull. Memories began to trickle back, fragmented and hazy. She was... the daughter of The Rogue Alpha Malcolm. Yes, that was right. And she had been in the human world, hadn't she? Playing, exploring, and then... a screech of tires, a sickening crunch of metal. An accident.