Chapter 37: We're Coming for You

(Asher's POV)

I stood at the edge of the forest, my heart pounding in my chest. The weight of what I was about to do pressed down on me like a physical force. For over a decade, I had kept a part of myself locked away, a connection I had sworn never to open again. But now, with Lyra missing and our options dwindling, I had no choice.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused inward. Deep within my mind, I found the dormant Twinslink - the telepathic bond I shared with Lucian since birth. It lay there, a silent, sealed door in my consciousness.

My hand trembled as I reached for that mental lock. Memories flooded through me - Lucian and I as pups, racing through these very woods, our minds linked in perfect harmony. The day our father died, the betrayal I thought I'd suffered, and the moment I'd slammed that door shut, cutting off a part of my own soul.