Chapter 32. A Gamer's Familia.

I watched as Bell came down the stairs with a very happy smile on his face, he seemed very excited about his encounter with Ais it seems, Hestia smiled at him and cheerfully waved at him.

Bell on his part froze mid step when he caught sight of me, he then turned to look at his side and stared at Flareon who tilted his head in curiosity while staring at Bell.

Flareon then turned towards me and chirped his name, I raised an eyebrow "a Rabbit? well he does sort of look like one and not you can't play with him hunt the Buneary, that would kill him".

Flareon huffed and then jumped on the bed an layed right besides Hestia who was giggling while Bell sweatdropped "err... do I really look that much like a Rabbit?".

I nodded, Hestia nodded as well and even Flareon nodded causing Bell to slump and groan, Hestia smiled and then clapped her hands "oh that's right! Bell, this is Rean Hayashi! and he just join our familia!".

Bell stared at Hestia with wide red eyes and then brightly smiled "really!?".

Hestia nodded while I chuckled in amusement, Bell right now seems very happy and excited to have someone to got to the Dungeon with, Bell then cheered "that's great! now we can explore the Dungeon further! maybe this time I won't run into a Minotaur if I have some back up then we could even take it on!".

Hestia flinchedaat the mention of a Minotaur and then narrowed her eyes at Bell "what was that? what did you just said about a Minotaur?...".

Bell flinched and then shakely turned his head towards a very angry and pouting Hestia, he then turned to looked at me for help but I just grinned and clapped my hands towards him "rest in peace... I hardly knew ye".

Bell once again slumped and decided to walk towards his fate like a man, this is how Bel ended up being scolded for an hour by a very worried Hestia after he explained what happened.

Just like in the anime he grew curious about the lower floors so he decided to have a quick look and then leave for the rest of the day, it truly was bad luck that a Minotaur had escaped the herd that the Loki Familia was dealing with and had found him.

He described how he ran for dear life which I saw, I got to admit that Bell is one speedy guy with how fast he was running but then he said that he ran into a dead end, with no other way to get away he had no choice but to somehow fight the Minotaur.

He tried to stab the Minotaur but his knife shattered upon impact against the monster's hide leaving him defenseless.

With nothing to fight with and tired from the running he had gone through Bell couldn't do nothing but accept his death but it was then that a very beautiful and powerful girl saved his life.

So me and Hestia stood there while Bell described Ais with such excitement and fervor that it made me chuckle, Bell sort of looked like a school boy with a crush on their senpai.

Though all of this made Hestia incredibly jealous so I decided to give Bell a helping hand, I patted Hestia's head which made her jump in surprise, I then leaned towards her and whispered "psst... Bell might have a crush on this girl but if you want to get him your going to have to share, otherwise you might scare him away..".

Hestia flinched at the notion of scaring Bell away and began fretting over the possibility, all the while Bell was still excitedly speaking of how cool Ais is, Hestia then turn towards me and whispered back "but... Bell is mine!... I don't want to share!".

I grinned at her and pointed a thumb towards the still speaking Bell "just look at him...he's completely smitten... besides sharing isn't so bad... I did tell you about my girlfriends after all".

Hestia looked down lost in thought "... your right... and if I can get Bell first then I'll be the main wife... just like Serafall is to you!...".

I chuckled because yes, Serafall is definitely the one in charge of the harem and the girls respect that, how and why it happened like that? I don't know but that's just how everything worked with all of us so I nodded to Hestia "alright... then I'll help you with Bell and you help him with Ais... show him how much you care, also control you jealousy a bit okay? that sort of stuff usually scares off man and.. I'll push him towards you... Bell won't know what hit him!".

Hestia excitedly nodded being all aboard the harem now and I silently prayed to Bell's well being because even though I love the girls I know how much of a chaos a harem really is.

Bell finally finished speaking about Ais and turned towards Hestia "that's why I want to get stronger! I want to reach miss Ais and be able to stand by her side!".

I nodded while I elbowed Hestia who lightly growled a bit in jealousy but my elbow hit to her ribs made her grunt and snapped out of it, she then shakely smiled "that's great Bell! I'll support you as always!".

Whoa that looked like it physical damaged Hestia to say, she looked like she just went a round against a monster or something, Bell excitedly nodded and the hugged Hestia tightly lifting her off the ground "thank you Goddess! you're the best!".

Hestia blush but smiled, I just gave her her a thumbs up which she discreetly returned, Bell put her down and then said "Goddess can you update my status? I'm sure I got some improvement, at least on my speed that is".

Hestia nodded, both moved to bed while Flareon and I moved to the couch to wait for them to finish, soon after I saw Hestia stare at Bell's stat sheet with a surprise look on her face.

I know what she was going to decide to do and while I didn't exactly agreed to her decision I knew she had good reason from not telling him about the skill he just got, who knows what would happen if the reason for Bell strength is revealed somehow, especially since there's a lot of bad guys who would stop at nothing to get to him for that skill of his.

So I silently watched as Hestia erased the information of Bell's skill off the stat sheets and got off his back, she then took a seat besides him and announced he had gotten a few stat increases causing Bell to get excited.

I felt a little bad about keeping his skill a secret from Bell but I decided that I was going to help him get stronger instead as a way to make up for keeping something that important from him.

Hestia smiled at Bell and then said "well, now that we have a new Familia member your now a captain Bell so do your best okay?".

Bell jumped a bit and pointed at himself "me! the captain! b-but I'm still a rookie... I don't know the first thing about being a captain much less leading someone else!".

Hestia giggled and then nodded "I know but every captain has to start somewhere, plus I will help Bell, don't worry too much and just do you best".

Bell slumped a bit and then turned towards me "and you don't mind Mr Rean? I mean... would you listen to someone who doesn't know what he's doing".

I grinned because in all honesty I didn't mind plus I didn't want anything to do with paperwork and being a captain requires you to do so besides I'm on vacation and I know for a fact that Bell is a good leader "I don't mind, I'll help and support you as best as I can Bell so don't worry too much about it, everyone has to start somewhere and besides, you are the first member of Hestia's Familia so you do deserve the leader rank".

Bell looked down in though for a few minutes but then nodded and looked up with a look in his full of conviction "alright! I'll do my best! thank you in advance for the support Rean and Goddess".

Both Hestia and I nodded, I then decided to explain about myself to Bell "okay before anything else I have to explain somethings about myself".

Bell tilted his head but nodded and so I told him the same things I told Hestia about myself, where I come from and my Pokemon.

Bell intently listened to everything I told him, he seemed quite shocked at first but then he also looked excited when I told him about the Pokemon and how strong me and the girls are.

After listening to everything I had to say he crossed his arms and stared at Flareon who had once again layed down on Hestia's lap "hmm, your amazing Rean, your like a modern day Hero and I like how you defend your love ones and your freedom".

I smiled at Bell, I don't really consider myself a Hero per say but if I see something bad happening in front of me I will more than likely help, I'm not that heartless to just ignore everything, Bell then went on "and the Pokemon too, to think this cute fox like creature is way stronger than some of the high level adventurers in Orario... I think we can explain their presence as spirits that Rean can summon and tame, a sort of summoning skill".

Hestia nodded in agreement while I myself thought it was a great idea, Bell then looked up in though "yeah that would be best, that way no one will confuse the Pokemon as monsters and attack them though I'm more worried about that guy's who actually dares attack one, with the way you described some of them they seemed ridiculously powerful".

I chuckled because poor bastard who actually tries to do something to one of my Pokemon, Hestia then petted Flareon who looked very happy right now "Bell tomorrow you should take Rean to the guild early in the morning and help him register and to have that summon skill registered well, that way everyone will will forewarned about the Pokemon".

Bell nodded and brightly smiled "that sounds great! hey Rean? think you can help me train in the mornings before we go Dungeon diving after tomorrow? we might not have enough time to train since we're registering you tomorrow but the days after we will free".

I grinned and nodded "sure! we're Familia so I'll help you as much as you want! also your knife broke right?".

Bell nodded and frowned now remembering that his knife had shattered and now he has to buy one, I nodded and mentally opened my In-game shop and looked through the list of knifes and daggers.

I hummed as I looked for a good weapon from Bell to use, I could feel both Hestia and Bell stare at me in confusion and curiosity, I raised an eyebrow when I found a very peculiar and familiar dagger *Pixie Knife... isn't that a weapon from Shin Megami Tensei? I believe is can also poison enemies, it's not the best Knife but it is a great weapon from just the extra effect... plus I can enchant it too".

I didn't think about it for to long, I bought the Pixie Knife and immediately took it from my inventory and showed it to Bell, who stared at it with an awed expression on his face "here Bell used this Dagger for now, it's name is the Pixie Knife but be careful it can poison whatever it cuts, try it out".

Bell eyes widen and took it, he stared at it for a few seconds but then he began to swing it and move it around his hand to test his grip "... it's so light, and it feels comfortable in my hand, are you sure I can use it?".

I smiled at Bell and nodded at him "of course, I don't use daggers anyways, I'll enchant it so it's unbreakable and give it a few more cool perks as well!".

But Hestia and Bell gaped, it was Hestia who spoke up "you can enchant?! that's such a rare skill! what else can you do Rean?".

I just grinned at them and hummed "well I can make magical medicine, create wards and barriers, enchant, cook, sew all kinds of things and I'm even thinking of getting into forging as well!".

Both Bell and Hestia stared at me with wide eyes full of shock while I just laughed a little at their expressions "if that impresses you then just wait until you see me in battle!".

Poor Hestia and Bell seemed a little overwhelmed about everything so I just patted Flareon who looked up to me, I smiled at him and scratched his chin " I wonder how they're going to react when they meet the girls?".

Flareon just grinned and chirped his name in excitement and I myself couldn't help but to share in that exciment as well.

Than night I made dinner for all three of us and then spent the night Enchanting the Pixie Knife for Bell while both him and Hestia slept, I gave it an Indestructible enchantment to begin with and then a Self Sharpening and Self Cleaning enchantment as well.

Then I began to think of other enchantment I should add to the Dagger, each and every weapon has a limited number of slots to add enchantments to and the Pixie Knife has five, one is already in use which grants it's poison effect, it seem like Fairy made weapons have the most slots to enchant, it doesn't surprise me though the Fay have an unparalleled talent for Enchanting and Forging, still that left one more slot to add an enchantment to.

But the question is which one? what could be helpful to Bell? as I thought about it what sort of enchantment I could add to the Knife I looked around the room.

It was small, very small but Hestia was able to put a bed and a couch in this room somehow, it also seemed to have a small bathroom and kitchen but besides the fact that it was small it just felt warm a cozy in here, still If I want go have the girls with me I have to either enlarge this place or wait until we have to deal with Apollo since we would get his mansion after beating him.

But this also reminded of a couple of people who need help, Lili and Haruhime, both of these girls need help but doing so would bring quite a bit of annoying troubles to deal with.

With Lili it would be dealing with the Soma Familia which I have no problem with anyways since Soma is a horrible patron God and the Familia itself is full of addicted adventurers, but Lili herself has trust issues a long mile.

Not that I blame her, she had a horrible life and I can understand why she became like that but how to approach her without making her feel suspicious of me? right now she wouldn't even talk to me much less let me help her being a stranger to her no less.

So I think the best course of action is to just wait until she approaches us herself like in canon, now with Haruhime's situation we have a whole other issue to deal with in the shape of the Ishtar Familia.

I and the girls can handle that but Bell and Hestia aren't ready for that sort of situation yet and dragging them into that sort of situation wouldn't be fair plus Haruhime has no reason to trust me so why would she even talk to me?.

Looks like I'll have to wait and allow things to happen, that way I can move around and do my thing without endangering anyone else, I turned my gaze towards the Pixie Knife and suddenly I got an idea *Astraea can I enchant a weapon with a Pokemon move? do you think it could work?".

[Hmm... well your Enchantment skill is already at a Legendary rank so it allows you to enchant things with your skills as well, so a Pokemon move should be possible to enchant into a weapon as well.]

*I see, then I think I know which skill to give this knife, Venom Shock will work great with the poison effect already set on the Pixie Knife*.

[Oh great idea Rean! with that attack enchanted into the Pixie Knife Bell could do double damage to his enemies once they're poison plus its a long range attack which would give Bell a way to attack from a far!.]

I grinned and immediately began to enchant the Pixie Knife with the Pokemon move Venom Shock, It took me a while since this is the first time I enchanted something with a Pokemon move.

But deep down I was excited to have Bell give this dagger a try, tomorrow promises to be exciting *master I'm feeling a little jealous... your giving this dagger too much attention!*.

I chuckled upon hearing my clingy sword speaking out in annoyance * don't worry Excalibur this dagger is for Bell, there's no other weapon for me othe than you*.

I could practically feel Excalibur blush within my soul causing me to smile but I was being very honest, Excalibur to me is more than justva sword, she's my friend and partner and I wouldn't change her for anything.

This is how I spent most of the night, Enchanting a dagger for my new friend and speaking with both Astraea and Excalibur of the things to come meanwhile both Hestia and Bell were sleeping peacefully completely unaware of how much their fates and lives will soon change.

The next morning early in the morning Hestia got up and steeply walked over to where Bell was sleeping in the couch, I just watched all of this happened as I silently drank some coffee I made that morning.

I chuckled as I watched Hestia just let herself drop on top of Bell causing him to grunt, he didn't wake up though which surprised me a bit but then again he had a hard day yesterday so he must be very exhausted right now.

Flareon got up from the bed since he was sleeping besides Hestia and then walked up to me and sat right in front of me, he then proceeded to stare at me "... I not giving you any coffee... last time one of you got to the coffee it was a disaster".

Flareon's slumped and he gave the saddest puppy eyes he could muster, I just raised an eyebrow and shook my head "that's not going to work Flareon, Kunou's puppy eyes technique is far more powerful".

Flareon actually huffed at me and then layed down on the floor in in bad mood causing me to chuckled, last time it was Jolteon who got to the coffee and boy was it difficult to catch him after that, he kept running all over the house while using both Quick Attack and Thundershock.

All of us ended up with our hair standing up because of the static, poor Kunou and Yasaka looked like balls of fuzz walking around the house with their fur all puffed out afterwards.

Though I did try not to laugh cause they looked both adorable and funny like that, watching Flareon sulk because he wouldn't be getting any coffee made me decide to summon the rest of the Eeveelutions I have.

So I summoned Vaporeon, Jolteon, Umbreon and Leafeon who immediately arrived in flashes of white and looked around curiously "good morning guys, welcome to this world, how about you stay and keep me company?".

The Eeveelutions nodded and cheerfully chirped their names, I smiled at them and got up to pet them and give them some food, I took out five bowls and then serve them some Pokefeed each.

The Eeveelutions immediately began to happily eat while I went to sit down and continue to drink my coffee, seeing as I have some free time right now I began to summon more Pokemon with the twelve Pokemon Tokens I got from the Minotaur hunt quest.

First I decided to use three Pokemon Tokens to summon three new Eevees to complete my Eeveelutions, also these three Eevees will be great party members for Bell and I to begin to go through the Dungeons.

Next as planned I used three Pokemon Tokens to summon three Miltanks and the other three to summon three Shuckles, I made sure to directly summon them to My Pokehome where my first Miltank and Shuckle will be waiting for them to explain what we need them to do then I summoned three Wooloo with my last three Pokemon Tokens to add to my future farm.

With my sewing skill, Wooloo wool would be perfect to make plushies and even clothes with, plus having a free source for materials is a smart thing to have.

I'm very grateful that I have the Perk Exp. Share this way even if these Miltanks, Wooloos and Shuckles never fight they'll be able to grow stronger as I fight.

With that done I watched as the three new Eevee suddenly took off running and jumped on top of both Hestia and Bell causing them to grunt and flail around until they fell down into the ground with the Eevees on top of them looking like they were having the time of their lives.

Poor Bell and Hestia groaned in pain from their sudden fall to the ground while the Eevees jumped down and began to run circles around them, I couldn't help but chuckle and get up to walk towards them.

Once I reach them I helped them up "sorry about that guys some of my Pokemon can be a little to energetic".

Hestia and Bell looked around and noticed the Eeveelutions and the Eevees sitting in the floor looking up at them, Hestia immediately squealed and when to hug them all "they're so cute!".

The Eevees and Eeveelutions let themselves be hugged by Hestia with smiles on their faces, Bell bent down and petted one of the Eevee who happily smiled at him as he did so "they're definitely adorable, I still have a hard time believing this cute little one could become so powerful".

I grinned at Bell and nodded at him "well I just summoned the one your petting and the other two that Hestia is hugging right now, they're the ones who are going to be going with us when we go to the Dungeon. say hello to your first party members Bell".

Bell's eyes widen for a second but then he turned towards the Eevee and smiled "I'm looking forward to working with you guys".

The Eevees chirped their names and cheered, Hestia giggled at the cuteness she was witnessing while she hugged Leafeon to her "this is great Bell! with Rean and now these three cuties you'll be able to advance quicker in the Dungeon".

Bell nodded while I spoke up "plus this will also teach you how to lead and fight in a group Bell, experience is the best method for learning these sort of things".

Bell got up while holding an Eevee to him "yeah, your right Rean, thank you for thinking of ways to help me".

I just shook my head and smiled at him "no problem Bell, were members of the same Familia, we have to take care of each other, right?".

Bell nodded "your right! well since we're up let start our day so we can go to the guild and register you as a member of the Hestia Familia, then we'll head to the Dungeon".

I nodded and then turned to the Eeveelutions "you guys stay with Hestia and keep her company, you can go with her when she goes to work as well but behave yourselves okay?".

The Eeveelutions nodded and then turned towards Hestia who smiled at them.

Afterwards both Bell and Hestia cleaned up while I made everyone some breakfast so we can start our day.

Soon after eating and getting ready Bell and I left to go to the Guild building ready to begin my adventure as an adventurer of Hestia's Familia.

On their way to the Guild, Bell pointed out a bunch of places where he would buy supplies and other things like boxed lunches and such for when he spends all day in the Dungeon.

I of course told him to not to worry about food and supplies since I was planning to taking care of it myself, Bell at first felt bad about leaving all of that to me but I just told them that I didn't mind and that I had prepared a lot before coming to this world.

Eventually we reached the main street and Bell suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, the Eevees who were walking with us began to look around along with Bell, I knew exactly what was going so I turned around and low and behold there walking up to us was Syr Flover.

I stared at her suspiciously and she froze mid step upon noticing me watching her, I don't know what the deal is with this girl since I stopped watching the series before they ever revealed what or who she really is, I was about to use my Luminous Dragon Eyes but Bell suddenly turned around and stared at Syr.

Syr noticing that Bell was looking at her, immediately walked up to him and handed him a Magic Crystal "here Mr adventurer, you dropped this".

The Eevees all sat down on the ground and stared up a Syr who smiled at them but the Normal Type Pokemons huffed and turned their heads not trusting this girl not even one bit.

Syr looked at little dejected from the rejection from the Eevees while Bell reach over to his pouch, while holding the Magic Crystal in confusion "huh? I could have sworn I traded them all in yesterday... oh well, thank you miss!".

Syr smiled "my name is Syr Flover! I worked in that tavern over there! it's name it's the Hostess of Fertility".

Syr pointed at a building where another maid was standing and looking out for Syr, I believe that is Ryuu Lion, a very pretty and powerful elf.

Bell, the Eevees and I turned and looked over the tavern, not going to lie, when I saw it in the anime I sort wish I could go and eat there, everything looked good and it seemed like a very fun place to hang out and share a drink.

Bell nodded and smiled at Syr "oh! that looks like a good place to get a drink, don't you think so Rean?".

I nodded "it sure seems like it, why don't we stop and eat here when we come back from the Dungeon?".

Bell grinned and nodded "yeah! we could even bring Goddess with us too!".

I smiled while the Eevees all cheered, Syr clapped excitedly "oh! you guys are adventurers? how exciting! will you tell us about your adventures when you come to eat here Mr?".

Bell nodded while I watched the Eevees suddenly get up and walk over to where Ryuu was watching over Syr and began to walk around her in a neat circle while chirping their name, I could see that Ryuu was fighting the desire to bend down and pet one I wonder how long will she able to resist?.

Bell meanwhile decided to introduce us to Syr "my name is Bell Cranell and this is Rean Hayashi you can call me Bell!".

I turned my head towards Syr and nodded at her "just call me Rean and it's nice to meet you miss Syr..".

Syr smiled at both Bell and I, then she said " Then I can't wait for you guys to come over and eat with us! I'll be waiting so make sure you come".

Syr winked and Bell blushed, I just huffed but smiled at my friend, I then turned towards where Ryuu is and immediately sweatdropped.

It seems that Ryuu lost the fight against her desires because right now she was standing up while holding up all three Eevees in her arms.

The Eevees even looked a little smug too, Ryuu noticed me staring at her and in response she blushed and looked down causing me to chuckled a bit.

I walked up to her and then smiled "sorry about them, they seem to really take a shine to you but then again Pokemon are beings of nature and elves have a strong connection to it and the spirits".

Ryuu looked up at me and tilted her head "Pokemon?".

Syr and Bell walked up to us and listen to our conversation, some of the other maids actually came out to hear as well "these three little ones you are holding are called Pokemon but their species are known as Eevee, I have a skill that allows me to summon to make pacts with them and these three are going to be joining me and Bell into the Dungeon".

Ryuu nodded at my explanation and then looked down at the Eevees in her arms who in looked up to her and gave her a smile, she then spoke while not taking her eyes off of them "the Dungeon is very dangerous... are you sure you want to take such cute and small creatures with you?".

I smiled at Ryuu, from the anime I knew she was a kind and caring person but this shows it quite well as well, I decided to explain a bit more in other to make her relax a bit "they look small and cute but Pokemon have the potential to grow and even change their form as they grow in power, this three will eventually grow to very powerful so don't worry about them and besides Bell and I will protect them as well".

Ryuu looked up at me and stared into my eyes for a few seconds, she then turned to Bell who nodded at her, she then turned towards me "will... you bring them with you tonight?...".

I raised an eyebrow not expecting her request "well if the owner doesn't mind, I can bring them over with us".

Ryuu nodded but suddenly a strong and loud voice caught my attention "I don't mind if you bring them over boy, as long as they behave I'll even give them some food!".

I turned my head towards the doorway and standing right there was Mama Mia who was staring at me and Ryuu with a grin on her face, she then spoke up again "it's not often Ryuu asks for something. and this is something I can do so I don't mind letting her see these little cuties".

The Eevees chirped their name towards Mama Mia who smiled at them while Ryuu smiled, I then reached over and put a hand on her elbow.

Ryuu blushed but just stared at me for a few moments, then the Eevees squirmed in her arms and then jumped on top of my arm and ran over it until all three reached my shoulders and my head where then held on and hung there with smiles on their faces.

I let go of Ryuu's elbow and smiled at her "well then we'll be leaving but we will see you later Ryuu".

The Eevees barked out their names at her as I turned around and headed towards Bell who was gaping at me along with Syr who was doing the same "let's go Bell, we have a lot to do!".

Bell seemed to snapped back to reality and nodded he then waved at the maid and Mama Mia and ran to catch up to me who had already walked away for a fair distance.

Ryuu just stared at the back of the young man who just touched her with a blush on her face, she still couldn't believe he touched her and she didn't even mind!.

Syr stared at her friend with a grin on her face while Mama Mia whistle "that boy is smooth as hell hahaha!".

Mama Mia and the maid all turned towards Ryuu who blushed and huffed she then turned around and went inside the Taver to distract herself washing dishes or something.

Meanwhile Mama Mia and the maid just smiled at their friend while they watch her make her escape.

Bell and I walked in silence for a few minutes until Bell then spoke up "Rean, do you know what you just did?".

I turned my head towards Bell and raised an eyebrow at him, the Eevees even tilted their head in curiosity "huh? what did I do? did I do something wrong?".

Bell sighed and looked at me like I was stupid or something which in hindsight actually made me worry "Rean, you just can't touch an elf like that, they don't like to be touched by strangers".

My eyes widen and I stopped mid step *shit! that's right! elves in this world don't like to be touched, I completely forgot about that... but she didn't seem to be angry or anything like that though..*.

Bell who stopped when I did stared at me for a few seconds and then sighed "ah so you didn't know, well don't worry about it, just apologize to miss Ryuu when you see her tonight, she didn't seem angry so I think your safe".

I sighed and nodded at Bell "yeah okay sigh... come on, we have things to do Bell".

Bel nodded at me and together we continued to go to the Guild building to start our day.

I didn't take us long to reach the Guild building and after introducing me to Eina who was Bell's advisor and now mine since she registered me as a member of the Hestia Familia, I began to explain about the Pokemon.

She stared at the trio of Eevees and then petted them as I told her what Bell and Hestia told me to tell her, after listening to me she nodded and said "alright, I'll register your summoning skill as a tamer type skill and make announcements so no adventurers will confused them as monsters".

I nodded at Eina "thank you miss Eina, the Pokemon might be friendly and cute but they can be very powerful and if an adventurer attacks one of them, they will retaliate".

Eina smiled and happily petted the Eevees "don't worry, I'll makes sure to advise against attacking one of them under their own risk, that way if one get attacks and retaliates then we won't hold you responsible, sound good?".

I nodded and smiled "yes that perfect! once again thank you miss Eina".

Eina nodded and then turned towards Bell "well now your a captain Bell, I hope you take this seriously, if you have any questions do let me know, I'll be more than happy to help you".

Bell nodded and happily smiled "thank you miss Eina! your the best!".

Eina then blushed and nodded, I just smiled I gave her a thumbs up which made her blush brighter, I just chuckled.

This world is just too much fun! but now that I'm finally registered I can't wait to start Dungeon diving, Astrea informed me that the monsters I have killed have been added to my Instant Dungeons and even if some are the same species they still add up to the types and kinds of monsters available to fight plus each kind drop different types of loot.

So I can't wait add the monsters of this world to my Instant Dungeons but for now I'll focus on helping Bell grow strong, stronger than his anime counterpart!.