Chapter 52.

Bell, Lili and Welf smiled as soon as they saw the full of life 18th floor, Welf in particular was very awed at how impressive and vast the 18th floor is, forests, animal life and even rivers and lakes were all over the place but the most impressive thing about all of this is the ceiling full of crystals that lit up with light.

This served as sunlight and help the ecosystem in th Eighteenth floor stay alive and healthy, all of it was amazing to Welf "wow! I've heard stories of Riviera and the 18th floor but this!? this is far more than I ever imagined!".

Bell nodded and smiled at Welf "yeah, I had the same reaction the first time I saw the 18th floor, according to Rean the Dungeon has several floors like this one that serve as safe points though he did mention that in some monsters tend to attack from both sides, luckly we don't have to worry about that here since the Adventurers living in Riviera take care of that".

Lili the looked around "that town also serves as a safe point for Adventurers to rest and restock supplies but Lili doesn't like the fact that everything is so overpriced! the rooms for rent are ridiculously expensive that's why we're camping out".

Welf nodded "I see... it does makes sense though, supplies might be too short down here and the people of Riviera have to make a living as well but over pricing too high is not a good idea".

Bell shook his head "there's nothing anyone can do about it this far down, who are we going to complain about it? plus whatever they sell in Riviera is useful in a pinch".

Welf nodded but suddenly a soft voice caught the groups attention, especially Bell's "bunny?...".

Bell and his party turned towards where the voice came from and smiled when the saw Ais stepped out of the edge of a closed by tree line "miss Ais!".

Bell waved at Ais who softly smiled at him and walked over to him, Bell was going to ask what she was doing here but he was cut off when Ais suddenly began to pat his head causing him to blush.

Lili giggled at how embarrassed Bell looked while Welf grinned, Bell just sighed and accepted his fate "err miss Ais what are you doing here? I thought the Loki Familia would have gone been deeper into the Dungeon by now".

Ais nodded "we were and we were able to go deeper down thanks to a lot of floor bosses having been somehow defeated... but some of our Familia members were also poisoned by monsters... so we just decided to cut the expedition short since we made good progress already... we also decided stopped here and send Bete to get antidotes since the poisoned members got too weak to continue going up... and were waiting here for him to return...".

That was quite a lot but he was glad that Ais didn't mind telling him all of that, he then turned his head towards Lili who noticed his look causing her to sigh and nod, Bell smiled and then looked up at Ais "miss Ais! me and Lili have some Panecea Bottles the can cure poisons or any kind of status conditions! we can help your afflicted members right now".

Ais softly smiled "are you sure?... I don't mind but that sort of medicine is expensive right?".

Bell smiled and nodded "its not problem! we just have some because Rean always has us be prepared for anything! and besides Rean has a big stock at home I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing some".

Ais looked over at Lili and Welf who nodded at her letting know her know that it was okay, so with a smile on her face she nodded to Bell "okay... then follow me, I'll take you to our camping sight...".

Bell and his party nodded and together they began to follow Ais back to her Familia camp.

Everyone in the Loki Familia were surprised to see Bell and his party in the 18th floor since to a lot of them he wa still a rookie Adventurer and the fact that he was in the company of Ais just confused them all even more.

But after Ais explained that they were there to help the poisoned members of their party everyone relaxed and even acted friendly towards them, so Ais took them to the medical tent were they were taking care of of the poison afflicted Adventurers.

Lefiya was helping Riveria nurse the poisoned members, as soon as Lefiya saw Bell and his party she immediately smiled at Bell and Lili and went to greet them "Bell! Lili! what are you doing here! it's so good to see you both~ both me and the twins have missed hanging out with you and miss Ais even more!".

Bell and Lili turned their head towards Ais who tilted her and then nodded "I did miss you both a lot...".

Bell smiled and Lili giggled, Riveria smiled happy to see Ais smile ad have fun for a chance, while Bell turned towards Lefiya to answering her questions "were here for a small expedition to the 18th floor in order for Welf here to get some Exilia and materials, he's our new Blacksmith! miss Ais found us at the entrance of the floor and after explaining the situation we decided to help".

Lefiya smiled while Riveria walked up to them "thank you for wanting to help but unless you have some poison cures I'm afraid there's nothing you can do to do so".

Bell smiled at Riveria and then turned towards Lili who smiled and nodded, she then dropped her bag onto the floor and to the surprise and shock of Riveria she literally stepped inside her bag.

Riveria deadpanned something fierce as she watched the big bag move around and squirm as Lili looked for something inside until she popped her head out and spoke to Bell "master Bell should I bring out a few Appel Gels?".

Bell hummed and then nodded "yeah, they will help with any damage done by the poison and help them recover from the effects faster".

Lili nodded and went back inside the pack to look for the extra pack of Gels that Rean had them carry with them all the time, Lefiya smiled "are you sure Bell? we did give some of ours to the afflicted but sine we weren't sure if Rean was okay with us using them on others we tried not do so".

Bell nodded "its fine and I'm sure he wouldn't mind in fact let just ask... ahem! Mew! are you around?".

There's was only silence for a few seconds before in a flash of light Mew appeared and twirld around in mid air before floating down toward Bell -mew?-.

Bell smiled "hello Mew! can you do me a favor and let Rean know that we're going to be sharing some of our medical supplies with the Loki Familia?".

Mew smiled and nodded, Mew then flew around the tent for a few seconds before disappearing in a flash of light, Lefiya smiled while Riveria gaped "what was that?".

Lefiya then turned toward Rivera "that lady Riveria is a Pokémon known as Mew, she's adorable right?".

Riveria just sighed but nodded all the same, even though Lefiya's explanation didn't actually explain much she can agree that this Mew was adorable, in fact she wanted to pet it too.

Suddenly Lili popped out of her bag holding a box above her head in victory "Lili found it!".

Bell chuckled and patted Lili's head causing her to blush and smiled at him, she then handed him the box and Bell immediately opened it "okay so... we'll used the Panecea Bottles and the Apple Gels".

He then took out the items and handed them to Lefiya who took them and immediately began to run around to administer the medicine, Bell even took out a few Pecha Berries and handed it to Riveria who stared at them in confusion prompting Bell to explain "these are Pecha Berries, their juices are special since they have a very powerful detoxification component, they can cure any poison so feed them to the ones who are conscious to be able to eat".

Riveria raised an eyebrow at the explanation and she honestly has a lot of questions right now but for now she had to care of her Familia members first so she nodded to Bell "thank you".

With that said Riveria immediately began to go around hand Pecha Berries to the Adventurers who were awake and could eat on their own.

Meanwhile Ais smiled and then turned towards Bell "are you staying the night?...".

Bell nodded "yes, were planning to camp out outside of Rivira and then leave the next morning".

Ais nodded "stay?... we can leave together later...".

Bell tilted his head a little confused by Ais's request but Lefiya who was close by decided to explain "she wants you stay and wait for us to continue so we can leave to the surface together!".

Bell smiled and turned towards Ais "sure, we aren't in any hurry to leave plus it will be fun to go to the Dungeon with you guys and the twins!".

Ais smiled and suddenly grabbed Bell's hand, she then began to drag him away "let's go find Tione and Tiona...".

Bell smiled and began to follow Ais while he was being dragged off, Lili giggled and Welf chuckled in amusement but follow the duo, Lefiya waved at everyone with a smile on her face.

Riveria watched as the members of her Familia recover so fast with the help of whatever medice Bell and his party had given them, even the Berries worked fast "amazing... where could have they gotten such powerful and efficient items?".

Lefiya smiled and shook her head "sorry lady Riveria but I'm afraid I can't say, just know that these item are exclusive to the Hestia Familia and friends".

Rivera sighed in exasperation, what Lefiya had just said was the same thing her, Ais, Tione and Tiona always respond when asked about their new weapons, all they know about them and these new medicine is the fact that it's exclusive to the Hestia Familia since the girls refused to say anything else.

It had become a sore subject to her and Finn because no matter what they tried the girls just refused to answer their questions, even when Finn tried to ask Tione she would just ignore him which was surprising on its own since she would always done everything to please Finn.

Just what's going between these four girls and the Hestia Familia?.

That night and after meeting with Tione and Tiona who were very excited about seeing this friends they all got together and decided to eat dinner while talking about what had been going on.

Tione and Tiona excitedly spoke about how powerful and useful their new weapons are and how easily they were able to reach some of the lower floors of the Dungeon thanks to the fact that the floor bosses were defeated.

Bell discreetly informed them that it was Rean who had killed off all of those bosses on his way to the bottom floor, this impressed the Loki girls but didn't surprise them one bit, they knew how powerful Rean really is and they had expected him to do this at some point.

But before Bell could tell them more about it the rest of the Executives of the Loki Familia joined them for dinner so Bell had to stop talking about Rean expedition to th bottom floors but he did tell the girls to ask Rean about it next time they saw him since he found out some very amazing and surprising things.

The girls decided then to ask Rean about it later and with all the Executives around them they all devided to speak about other things that didn't have to do about Rean but Finn had a question that had been bothering since the last time they met "Bell, what did happen between Rean and the Freya Familia?".

Bell sighed "ah, that's right... you guys weren't in Orario when it happened, I guess I should tell you now that way you won't get caught by surprised when you hear the news...".

Everyone turned towards Bell and upon noticing the seriousness in his eyes and voice they all tensed up, Finn's thumb began to twitch and actually hurt letting him know that something very bad had happened.

Meanwhile Bell began to let them know of recent events that had shaken Orario "the Freya Familia is gone... most of its Adventurers have been killed with only two survivors been found, one without his memories and power gone and the other isn't speaking with anyone about what happened, in fact she has joined the Guild as a Healer and now works there in private".

The news shocked everyone especially Rivera, Finn and Gareth, even their friends the Loki girls were shocked upon hearing the new, Finn actually stood up "what!? but... what happened? how can one of the strongest Familia fall?".

Bell shook his head "it was Rean, he didn't take kindly to Freya's interest in me and decided to do something about it before she escalated things... I mean she did unleash a whole herd of red enhanced Minotaurs at me".

Finn sat back down not even able to say anything, while the Loki girls just nodded, they knew Rean cares about his friends and family a lot so it's not surprising he would do something like this to make sure Bell was safe but still the fact that the Freya Familia was now gone was still very jarring to them.

Rivera shook her head "unbelievable... the Freya Familia taken down by a single Adventurer? what about the Guild, what did they have to say about this?".

Lili waste no time and spoke up to answers the High Elf's questions"the Guild supports Rean and publicly announced that the Freya Familia were the ones who instigated Rean into retaliating, they even went as far as tobbring to light all the things the Freya Familia and lady Freya herself have done against others Familia and Adventurers".

Rivera frown, the fact that the Guild came tobthe defense of Rean means that they support and even endorse his actions, the event surrounding the Soma Familia was one thing but the fact that the Guild would turn their back on the Freya Familia one of biggest and most powerful Familias in Orario was a very delicate situation.

If the Guild did that to the Freya Familia what's to stopped them from doing the same to them or any other big Familia in Orario "how did the other Familias and the townspeople react?".

Bell and Lili shook their heads since they stayed at home while everything calmed down they were unaware of what the general reaction was to everything that happened.

But Welf knew a bit and he decided to speak "the Gods panicked and had a meeting with lord Ouranos demanding answers and even for Rean to be stopped but Hephaestaus told me that all lord Ouranos said was 'to just leave Rean and the Hestia Familia in peace lest you force him to act against you, the Guild and myself will always support Rean as long as he's provoked' it was shocking to hear how much th Guild is supporting Rean".

The Loki Familia Executives frowned, Gareth scratched his beard "well damn... that's disturbing on its own... what about the townspeople and the Familias?".

Welf nodded and continued "well the general opinion is that lady Freya and her Familia had asked for for it and some are even glad she's gone, it turns out the lady Freya had caused a lot of bad things to a lot of people and Familia".

Finn sighed "we're going to have to speak with Loki about all of this...".

Welf shrugged "as long as you don't bother Rean or do anything against the Hestia Familia your safe and seeing as some of you get along with Rean, Bell and Lili you shouldn't have anything to worry about".

Ais, Lefiya, Tione and Tiona smiled knowing that Rean cared about them and were happy to be his friends, meanwhile everyone else remained silent while contemplating everything they just heard.

Tiona not liking the silence she decided to change the subject "hey guys! are you going to the upcoming festival?".

Bell, Lili and Welf turned their heads towards Tiona, Lili and Welf knew what she was talking about but Bell didn't "what upcoming Festival?".

Tiona jumped up to her her feet and excitedly grinned "the Holy Moon Festival of course! let's all go and have some fun!".

Bell nodded and smiled excited to have some fun with his friends and thus everyone began to speak and plan out while Rivera, Finn and Gareth watch them with smiles on their faces.

The oldest Executives of the Loki Familia were very tense and worried about the news they been hit with but for now they'll push their worries aside and just let the girls have some fun, there will be a better time to speak about Rean.

The next morning I got up early and deciding go spend the day with Kunou, I took her to My Pokehome where we then headed to the snow mountain area to play in the snow.

Of course Ray, Fear and Arles decided to go with us since they'd never seen snow before and were very curious about it, though I had to give them proper winter clothes so the could handle the cold, they weren't a big fan of the winter jackets and pants but they wore them nonetheless because they took my words very seriously.

(Play - Route 216: Remix Pokemon Diamon, Pearl and Platinum)

I then teleported Kunou, Yuki and the three Xenos towards the snow mountain area and they immediately fell in love with the place, I myself must admit that it was very beautiful here.

Even though it was cold and there was nothing but snow and ice the area looked very pretty colored in white, Kunou immediately ran forward and jumped on the snow with Yuki following her close behind.

Kunou and Yuki weren't affect by the cold, Kunou because she has a lot of perks that give her immunity to cold and Yuki is an Ice Type Pokemon but the Xenos even though the were admiring the beauty of the place and had winter clothes were still shaking.

So I casted some spells on them to make them resistant to the cold after that they all smiled and instantly joined Kunou who was now pushing a big ball of snow.

Since Ray, Fear and Arles had no idea how to play in snow Kunou took it upon herself to teach them all the games you can play with snow while Yuki just layed down on the snow and watched Kunou explain what to do with snow.

I smiled as I watched the Xenos builded a snowman with Kunou was giving them instructions, they ended up making a whole bunch and I even bought them some scarfs and hats from my in-game shop to put them on the snowman.

After that they built a snow castle, or at least tried to but it kept collapsing on them and I would have to dig them out, in the end I had to help them by freezing the snow for the inside while building support.

Kunou was declared the queen of the ice kingdom and they even built her a throne much to my amusement, eventually Articuno, Froslass and Lapras came over to play with them as well and they ended up having a big snow fight.

Kunou and the Xenos vs the Pokémon and well, ice queen Kunou and her minions were soundly defeated, I chuckled because no one can beat Ice Type Pokemon in their turf and the girls ended up buried in snow much to the glee of the Pokémon.

They did tried though, Yuki who had watched the whole battle just shook her head in amusement as Kunou was defeated.

I then taught Arles how to make snow bunnies and she was utterly enchanted by the process, after a while she had a whole bunch of snow bunnies all over the outside of Kunou's snow castle.

It was adorable how dedicated Arles was to making a lot of snow bunnies with green leaf ears and red berry eyes.

After a while the girls got tired and went inside Kunou's snow castle to rest, I and Yuki created small orbs of Fairy Type of energy and made them float inside the snow castle illuminating the inside with a soft pink light which made Kunou and the Xenos awed at how pretty it looked.

I then brought out some hot chocolate and sat with the girls inside the snow castle and handed everyone a cup of hot chocolate to both warm them up and as a treat.

Kunou sat on my lap and brightly smiled "daddy! today was really fun~ thank you for bringing me and my friends to play here!".

I smiled at my daughter and patted her head "your welcome Kunou, it was time you and I had some fun together sorry that it took a while".

Kunou shook her head and smiled "it's okay daddy! I know your busy plus you always try to spend time with me no matter what you do so it's okay! besides I have the Pokémon and Yuki to play with".

I nodded at my daughter and give her another headpat for being such a sweetie, I then turned to Ray "how was your fist experience with snow?".

Fray softly smiled and looked down inside her cup of hot chocolate "it's been amazing, I didn't know there was such a thing as snow! it's cold and wet but it looks very beautiful and the games we played were fun".

Fear excitedly nodded "its such much fun playing in the snow! hehehe".

Arles squeaked and nodded which made me smile "I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves, My Pokehome has a lot of environments and ecosystems and we'll visit each one so everyone can enjoy everything it has to offer".

Ray nodded and then gave me a big smile "it's also fun to play and take care of the Pokémon, the Wooloo are adorable! the Mareep are the cutest things I've have ever seen and both of them look so happy when we shear their wool!".

"Well it can get too hot for them if they let their wool grow too much, especially since it grows rather fast so they must feel happy and relieved to feel the cool breeze on their skin".

Fear the jumped up and began to excitedly speak "their wool is so soft and thick too! Rayne says that she can make some very high quality cloth along with the silk the Spinarak and Sewaddle she can make some very fancy clothes too!".

It was a surprise that Rayne the Arachne was very good a sewing and clothes making, in fact she was in par with me who had a Legendary ranked Sewing skill, so I left her in charge of taking care of the silk and to prepare the wool the Xenos collect.

She has also began to help with making the Pokémon Plushies which I had been making for a while now in order to increase our stock, in fact me and Asia always work on making more Plushies all the time and with Rayne helping now we can work in making even more Pokemon Plushies.

Kunou spoke "hmm hey daddy?".

I looked down towards my daughter and smiled at her "yes?".

Kunou nodded to herself and then spoke up "I was thinking about this when me and Yuki were eating some Berries the other day but why don't we make ice cream and milkshakes with Berries and Moomoo Milk?".

I raised an eyebrow and thought about Kunou's suggestion, Wiz and I don't know how to make ice cream for one but we can learn how to so it's not a problem, milkshakes are easy enough and we do have a big source of Berries trees both at home and the My Pokehome itself and we can plant more if we need too.

I smiled at my daughter and rub my cheek against hers "that's a good idea Kunou, I'll talk with Wiz about it and plan the whole thing but when we get back home and to our shop we will sell ice cream and milkshakes!"

Kunou fist pump in victory while I chuckled in amusement the Xenos looked confused and Ray wanting to know what we're talking about decided to ask "what's ice cream and milkshakes?".

Kunou gasped and looked so horrified at the fact that the Xenos didn't know what ice cream and milkshakes were that she didn't waste any time to jump off my lap and then loudly declared "daddy! we're getting ice cream and milkshakes for all the Xenos! come on!".

I smiled in amusement and nodded, whatever Kunou asks for she'll get it "alright then everyone get close and I'll teleport us back to the Xeno's Village!".

To my surprise everyone including the Pokémon jumped on my lap causing me to grunt and deadpanned at everyone, Kunou and the Xenos grinned at me while Articuno, Lapras, Yuki and Froslass tried to look as innocent as they could "... not what I meant... but whatever~".

With that said I teleported everyone back to the Xeno's Village to get the Xenos their first taste of ice cream.

After I teleported everyone back, I immediately called Wiz and explained what Kunou had suggested and she loved the idea a lot, so much in fact that she decided to create Pokémon themed ice cream and milkshakes.

But for now we decided to try all kinds of Berries to see which ones we would use to actually sell in the shop and as we did so we had Kunou and the Xenos try them out and see which ones they liked best.

The ice cream Wiz and I ended up making came out with special effects, for example a Pecha Berry ice cream will heal any poison, make you immune to toxins and poisons for a day and heal 200 HP points.

Not a lot but good in a pinch plus it tasted amazing, there were some Berries that weren't suited for ice cream making though, like the Rawst Berry which was very bitter and the Tamato Berry which was super spicy.

The same was for milkshakes, it seems like any combination between Berry and Moomoo Milk will have a mild healing and curing effect plus immunity to certain status effects depending on the Berry used.

Over all it was a fun day with the Xenos trying something new and everyone enjoying some sweet and cold treats.

Eventually it was time to go home and after saying goodbye to the Xenos Kunou, Wiz and I went back home where Kunou immediately ran off to take a hot bath with Yuki much to her chagrin, since as an Ice Type Pokemon she doesn't like taking hot baths but she does it for Kunou.

While me and Wiz continue to experiment with Berries and Moomoo Milk, I must admit that it was really fun to create sweets and treats with special effects, me and Wiz had a lot of fun together.

It as already getting dark when Bell, Lili and Welf came back home though they brough back guests, Everyone was so glad to see that Ais, Lefiya, Tione and Tiona were now back and everyone welcomed them home.

Everyone seemed fine which was very good to see well except Welf who looked tired and out breath, according to Bell he tried to keep up with the Loki girls only to fall short leaving him with a very bruised up manhood.

It got even worse when he grabbed hold of one of the Milkshakes that we had been making and being hungry and thirsty he gulped it down in one shot, unfortunately for Welf he had picked the Tamato Milkshake.

The end result? Welf running around, screaming and spitting fireballs as the super spicy Berry ran its course, it was single handedly the funniest thing I had ever seen.

Though thanks to Welf we now know that a Tamato Milkshake grant you a fire elemental effect, cures sickness and heals 20% of HP points, not bad but you have to survive the super spiciness of the Tamato Berry something even I wouldn't try.

Only Fire Type Pokemon love to eat this Berry and apparently Tione and Tiona too, both of them got curious about the Milkshake that got Welf screaming like a little girl and decided that they wanted to try it.

It shock me and everyone when the happily drank it and amusingly started to fire small fireballs at everyone from their mouths, these to were both crazy and brave.

After that we all sat down and spoke about their expedition, the Loki girls said that they had an easy time reaching the lower floors since I had defeated the floor Bosses when I was heading down to the bottom floor.

The twins pouted at me because to them I had made the trip boring which made me laugh and pat them in the head which cheered them up, I'm glad they had an easy time in the Dungeon though and that they were safe.

Then Bell told us of what happened during their trip down to the 18th floor, it seems like they had and easy time and Welf got some very useful experience in both the middle floors and fighting in a team with Bell and Lili.

Then they told us about the group of Adventurers who made a Pass Parade on them, thankfully Bell dealt with the monsters easy enough so they continued with the trio down.

I then explained that those Adventurers where from the Takemikazuchi Familia and that Takemikazuchi himself came here to apologize to Hestia about what his children had done.

Of course I and Hestia weren't worried about them and I let them know that, which made Bell and Lili smiled proudly but I did also tell them that I gave Ouka a scared for being an asshole something Lili and Welf were thankful for.

Bell frown and shook his head "I understand why he did that, I think I would have done the same if it was me trying to save Welf or Lili but his attitude isn't the right one to have... well at least he learned his lesson".

I nodded "yeah, now that you're here expect Takemikazuchi and his Familia to come here to apologize to you officially, I also told them that I understand why they did it and I didn't necessarily hated them for it, did it upset me? sure but I was sure you guys would be fine, others wouldn't be so lucky".

Everyone nodded suddenly wanting to change the subject Tiona jumped up ad caught everyone's attention "hey! are you all going to the Holy Moon Festival?".

Yasaka hummed "I heard about that upcoming festival from the bar maids in the Hostess of Fertility it seems like it will be a very big event~".

Ryuu softly smiled "it's a recent festival, it's only been a few years since it began to be celebrated in Orario but it is a big and fun event for Adventurers and Townspeople alike".

Lefiya nodded "there's all kinds of games and stalls! everyone looks forward to it and this year's isn't any different!".

Serafall excitedly clapped "oh~ that sounds interesting! why don't we open a stall? we can sell all kinds of sweets and Pokémon Plushies!".

Hestia nodded and brightly smiled "that sounds like a great idea! we can have some fun and make some money too! I'll go to the guild tomorrow and ask for a spot~".

Asia then hummed "I think we have quite a bit of Pokémon Plushies in stock but I better ask Rayne to help me make some more, they always sell so fast and the Pokémon had become rather popular with the Townspeople as well".

Sakuya tilted her head "Haruhime and I can tend the stall, everyone one likes maids and having two to tend the stall will attract more costumers".

Yunyun's red eyes then began to glow in her excitement "oh! we can all wear maid outfits! I'm sure Rean can make us some very cute ones!".

Everyone turned towards me and stared at me which made me sweatdropped, I sighed and nodded but I still gave everyone a smile "alright, I'll make some maids outfits... since it's a Holy Moon Festival I think a deep blue and silver maid uniform will work best...".

The girls fist pumped in victory and everyone began to plan everything out, they even planned to have some of the Pokémon help with the stall while also wearing a maid outfit, Gardevoir is going to be in a foul mood for a while, hopefully she won't attack anyone.

But even though everyone was having fun planning for the Festival and the stall I couldn't help but to worry a bit since I knew of the events that will happen during the festival.

There's no way that I'll let Bell go through that and I certainly won't let Artemis died but there was an opportunity to do something about a future annoyance, so with those thoughts in my head I began to plan what to do with Hermes.

God or not I wasn't going to let him play around with Bell's life so knowing that he will be separated from his Familia during the Festival I decided that it will be the perfect time to get rid of him discreetly.

This Holy Moon Festival was going to be very busy for me but that's fine with me, since I will be making sure that Hermes doesn't become a problem later on while also having some fun with everyone.