Chapter 72.

After Rias told me that Ravel Phenex has been keeping an eye on me and that she would be moving to Kuoh Town to be a sort of link between the Gremory, Phenex and Sitri with me, I went home right away and informed Serafall about all of this.

I was right in the fact that she wasn't told anything about all of this and she was quite confused as to why her parents would do anything like this without telling her, especially since Kuoh is her territory.

The fact that Ravel had been keeping an eye on us without our notice was a bit of a surprise as well but I figured that whatever method she was using to keep an eye on us wasn't made out of ill intent otherwise the wards would have prevented any spying or we would have at least sense it.

Serafall also deducted that she must have been using her familiar as well which was a bit troublesome since I couldn't raise a ward that prevented creatures or animals from entering our home.

That would preven the Pokémon from coming and going as well so I have to do some research and probably raise a new complete set of wards later in order to prevent something like this from happening again.

For now the Pokémon will be keeping an eye out for Supernatural animals and Familiars while I research and create new wards.

Still Serafall was very confused and so she called her mom for answers, Lady Sitri looked like an older Serafall just taller than her and with her black hair in a bun rather than pigtails.

She also dressed with a very elaborate blue and white dress and hand a fun loving smile on her face, she immediately waved at me through Serafall's phone the moment she saw me on the screen.

It made chuckle how excited she seemed to be to see me, Serafall just grinned and shook her head in amusement and then began to ask her mother about Ravel "mom mind telling me why the Sitri, Gremory and the Phenex are sending Ravel to my territory and I wasn't informed?".

Lady Sitri smiled "ah well we were going to tell you during the Parent's Meeting since Ravel won't be going to Kuoh until after that, I take it little Rias told you about it?".

Serafall nodded to her mom "well not me per say but she did informed Rean, she deemed it important enough that she should informed him right away something I agree with".

Lady Sitri nodded and then turned to me "I'm sorry dear, we should have told you before we even decided on this course of action but we don't have a away to contact you and your not really friendly with Devils except Serafall".

I shook my head "it's fine, I am very indifferent to Devils and their problems but Serafall is one and I'm willing to deal with some for her, besides Rias has become a sort of friend and have given her my contact information as well".

Lady Sitri nodded "I see, thank you for considering Serafall's position but don't worry me and my dear husband along the Gremory and Phenex have decided to keep you as far away from Devil problems as possible, we think this way you'll be left alone and our Faction will not force your hand".

I raised an eyebrow at that statement and turned my gaze towards Serafall who shook her head, Lady Sitri giggled "don't be surprised dear, we're pretty observant and we know that even against Sirzechs you were holding back... there's no way the Devil Faction can survive a confrontation with you so we're taking steps to prevent that".

Serafall tilted her head but didn't say anything while I just stared at Lady Sitri for a few seconds "even if you guys are constantly preventing the Devil Faction from pissing me off there will be a point when someone is going to do something stupid".

Lady Sitri nodded "we know but we hope you would keep in mind that not all if us are stupid and evil and not go on a genocide, plus you are my future son in law and we would like to help you in any way we can or at least that's mine and Lord Sitri's wish".

Serafall blushed at her mother's mentioned of me being her future son in law which made me grin, though I few seconds later I sighed and nodded to Lady Sitri "alright, I'll accept your help but I don't make any promises... I don't have a lot of patience with arrogant fools and don't really care about status or where they come from, anyone stupid enough to come after me and my loved ones will die".

Lady Sitri smiled "oh my... what a passionate young man, your lucky Serafall~".

Serafall groaned "I know mom, I don't need you to tell me! in any case that's all I wanted to ask you and it makes me happy that you were planning to tell me about all of this soon though next time Ddn't make any decisions like this without consulting me first okay?".

Lady Sitri smiled at Serafall and nodded, she then hung up, Serafall sighed and then turned her gaze towards me "well I can't really blame them for trying to at least keep things civil with you".

I nodded "yeah and I'm fine with that as long as they don't try to butt in too much into my life now the question is, what to do with Ravel?".

Serafall hummed "I've met her before, she actually pretty smart for someone her age plus she's has quite the mind for business as well... perhaps she can help with the shop, since she's getting sent to us we might as well have her help us".

I nodded "sure I don't mind plus when she gets here I want to ask her exactly how much she knows about me, the way you mother worded that made it seemed that she knew knew a lot about me through her".

Serafall nodded and then leaned back on her chair "yeah it seemed like that, you don't have to worry about mom and dad they wouldn't use any information about you against you neither would the Gremory, they're actually very nice guys as well, don't know about the Phenex but they have been friends with mom and dad for a very long time so I doubt they have any ulterior objectives".

"Yeah plus they have been pretty much honest with what they hope to achieve with all of this, still why do I feel like your mom knows more than she seemed to?".

Serafall giggled "because she's my mom?".

I chuckled at her statement "well that's good enough reason for me, now how about we go to the Arcade? it's been a while since we had some fun!".

Serafall's eyes sparkled and she immediately stood up "oh~ great idea! let's go get Wiene and Kunou and have a fun night!".

I grinned at Serafall and nodded "sound good let's go!".

Serafall walked around her desk, walked up to me and grabbed my hand with a bright smile on her face, we then walked out of her office and went to look for my daughters to have a fun night at the Arcade.

A few days passed by and Parents meeting day arrived, my mom and dad went to Rika's classroom for her since I told them that I was going to fine, they still showed up a few times to spend time with me and for Asia and Yunyun who were happy they would do that for them.

The parents had a great time in school with all the Pokémon roaming about and hanging out with them, the staff and the students, it was fun to watch the parents pet an Eeveelution, feed a Pokémon or stop to take a picture with Gardevoir or even Liligant.

The Pokémon seemed to be having a lot of fun in this day too, most were happy to interact with everyone, some were happy to just silently watch over the school and visitors from a far while other would actively would get involved with was going on.

Like when our class was doing clay sculptures, Meloetta, Mew and Celebi joined in the assignment and began to play with the clay, to the surprise of everyone they were actually pretty good at making sculptures, Mew made one of Mewtwo for some reason.

Celebi did a tree that looked very realistic and Meloetta did a sculpture of her in a stage, needless to say that everyone was very impressed was an understatement.

Still it was a fun day and the time went by fast, Sirzechs and his father came to see Rias and eventually came to see me as well at the end of the day.

Sirzechs being his usual loud self tried to hug me only for Serafall to drop kick him away surprising me and everyone around me, especially since Sirzechs went flying out of a window.

Serafall crossed her arms "don't get to chummy with Rean!".

Rias and her dad sweatdropped and looked out the window to check on Sirzechs, they knew he would be fine but checked anyway.

They both saw him sitting on the floor looking rather confused causing them to laugh a bit, I in turn patted Serafall's head causing her to brightly smiled at me, suddenly Lady Sitri and Lord Sitri walked up to us with fun filled smiles.

Rias's father smiled at his friends while Lady Sitri giggled "my... your so over protective of your boyfriend Serafall".

Serafall pouted and crossed her arms "that's because Sirzechs keeps coming over and trying to get Rean to hang out with him! Rean is ours and we don't like to share!".

Asia and Yunyun nodded and if the rest of my girlfriends were here they would also nod which was a contradiction on itself since they share me with each other but I'm not stupid enough to say anything about it and by the looks both Lord Sitri and Lord Gremory were giving me they must have noticed that too.

In any case I decided to greet both Lord and Lady Sitri with a smile "Lady Sitri its good to see you again and it's nice to meet you Lord Sitri".

Lady Sitri gave me a warm smile while Lord Sitri walked up to me and slap my back, Lord Sitri is a short man with black hair, he's also wearing a deep blue suit, looking at him and seeing his height I could already tell were Serafall got her size from.

Lord Sitri grinned "no need to be so polite SON IN LAW! we're family after all~".

I chuckled because Lord Sitri said that while grinning at Lord Gremory whoes eyebrow began to twitch in annoyance causing Rias to giggle, I just smiled and shook my head in amusement.

I smiled at Lord Sitri and decided to bring up a conversation "did you guys came here to see Sona's class?".

Lady Sitri, Lord Sitri and Serafall nodded, Lady Sitri then smiled "yes, even though we know that Sona doesn't need to be watched we still try to be there whenever events like these happen, Serafall showed us the school and took us to her room".

Serafall smiled "Sona's is doing good in school and teachers have nothing but praises for her so we're quite happy with her academic progress plus her Peerage are doing great as well!".

"I could have told you that, I'm not surprised though despite her attitude she does great work as a Student Council President and pretty much everyone respects her in some way or form.. well except the Pokémon though".

Asia, Yunyun and Serafall giggled because no matter what anyone thinks the Pokémon are the real bosses in this school, Lady Sitri smiled and then looked around.

She watched Froslass hovering above the Perverted Duo and blowing cold wind on their neck to scare them, then she saw Mimikyu being fed some cookies by a few first years.

She smiled at how happy everyone seemed to be with these strange creatures roaming about "so this are the Pokémon we heard so much about, they're definitely intere-".

Lady Serafall stopped mid sentence when Vaporeon came strolling in and headed straight to her, Vaporeon sat on her hunches in front of her and looked up at Lady Sitri while tilting her head.

Lady Sitri stared at Vaporeon in silence for a few seconds before squealing and picking Vaporeon up in her arm to hug her "what is this adorable little creature~".

I couldn't help it and I ended up chuckling "now I know who Serafall is more like out her parents".

Lord Sitri chuckled and nodded while Serafall blushed but smiled nonetheless, Lady Sitri was to busy hugging Vaporeon who looked rather happy being showed that much attention.

After that I spend some time explaining some things about the Pokémon to Lord and Lady Sitri who listened intently at everything I told them meanwhile Rias and her dad went to go get Sirzechs who was still on the ground outside and very confused.

The rest of day was spent with everyone and having some fun but eventually the parents had to go home so after saying goodbye they all left, the girls and I decided to go to the shop to eat something and hang out.

Sirzechs and Grayfia who had been in Koneko's classroom to spend time in her class decided to come with us to the shop since Sirzechs had something to talk to me and Serafall about.

We all arrived to see that the place was full, Ryuu, Tione, Tiona and the Xeno girls were really busy walking around and taking orders and such, it seems like our usual customers decided to bring their parents to the shop to eat.

Yunyun and Asia immediately ran to the back to get dress and help since there's was quite a bit of people keep coming in, meanwhile I took Sirzechs and Grayfia to the back kitchen where we can eat and talk in peace.

We found both Wiz and Sakuya cooking and baking, Grayfia stared at Sakuya for a long while but my super maid was too busy to even notice Grayfia staring at her.

I took both her and Sirzechs to a staff table we had set up for when we want a break or to eat something and everyone sat down, Sirzechs and Grayfia to the other side of me and Serafall.

Sirzechs looked around "this is the kitchen right? I've never been able to see what is going back here so I've always been curious but it just looks like a home kitchen, it feel comfortable here for some reason".

I smiled and nodded "that's because we put a lot effort and care on everything we make in this kitchen and it has left a very homey and warm feeling in it, a lot of us like to come here in the morning to eat breakfast or after school to have a snack".

Sirzechs grinned and nodded while Grayfia looked around with curious eyes " would you guys like something to drink before we talk?".

Sirzechs nodded and asked for a big Peacha Berry Milkshake which is his favorite flavor of Milkshake while Grayfia who didn't know our menu just asked for some coffee, I nodded and got up to prepare what they asked for.

It didn't take me long to prepared their drinks and came back with them, I gave Sirzechs and Grayfia their drinks and handed to Serafall a Vanillite ice cream cone.

A new item in the menu which was getting very popular as of late though many were reluctant to eat the cute little snack in the form of a Pokémon, I sat back down on my seat and waited for everyone to enjoy their treats first.

But after a little while I decided to begin "so, what is it that you want to talk to me about Sirzechs? the fact that you personally wanted to tell me whatever it is that is going on means that this is somewhat serious no?".

Sirzechs nodded and then sighed as he began to play with his glass cup "there's quite a few things I need to talk to you about but I know you and Serafall will not like it but my hand got tied and I can't really say no... still I'm hoping you both will be willing to give me a hand with what I'm about to tell you".

I already have an idea of what's going and going by Serafall's expression I'm pretty sure she does as well "I can't promise anything but I'll at least will hear you out".

Serafall nodded and Sirzechs smiled at us "that's the best I can hope for anyways, thanks for letting me at least talk to you about it".

I nodded and Sirzechs began to explain "Azazel, Michael and I have been working towards a peace treaty behind the scenes for quite some time now... in all honesty as we thought about the whole situation as a whole, we can to understand that if the three Judeo Christian Factions were to some day go to war we would wipe ourselves out".

Sirzechs sighed and shook his head " Heaven wouldn't survive for long, their numbers and power took a big hit during the Great War and sure the have hundreds of Exorcists but they're all human at the end of the day and would only serve to add to the victim's list".

Sirzechs looked up "next would be us, the Devil Faction... sure we have the bigger number and power of the three Factions but we have a weakness to light that both Heaven and the Grigori can use, we also took a big hit during the Great War and it became worse with the Civil War so we're not even close to be ready to go to war, that and the fact that the new generation is rather soft and weak with a few exceptions and... well we wouldn't survive the conflict for too long".

Well that certainly leave a very bleak image to the Devil Faction's and Heaven's situation but it make sense, Sirzechs then continued "the Grigori might have a good chance of coming victorious from a war between the Judeo Christian Factions so in a way Kokabiel was right, what the fool failed to take into account is that, even if they won they would take quite a big hit in numbers and power by the end of the war and any other Faction would be more than happy to finished them off".

I nodded "yeah... the Fallen Faction isn't well liked by anyone and many would rejoice if they were to just disappear not that I blame them though, Fallen Angels have a habit of doing what they want whenever they want and Azazel is horrible in keeping them in line or even taking responsibility for the actions of his Faction".

Serafall spoke up "the idiot actually wanted to just apologize to me for what Kokabiel tried to do in fact not even that because and quote he said that 'I sent someone to take care of it' surprisingly he did a 180 for some reason and payed recompense to me and the Church for what happened".

Sirzechs nodded "... that's because the Grigori main quarters was destroyed in an attack, Azazel knew he couldn't afford to make enemies now, not with all the Fallen Angels out in the open like that so he payed what was asked of him to make sure the Fallen Angels wouldn't be hunted down".

Serafall nodded, she already knew I was the one to destroyed the Grigori main Headquarters in the Underworld or rather Mewtwo did but she also wanted to make it seems like she didn't know anything about it too.

Sirzechs then turned his head towards me "the three Judeo Christian Factions are in a bit of sensitive position right now and so we're really considering the Peace Treaty Azazel is pushing forward... the problem is that we need neutral ground to get together and talk".

Serafall narrowed her eyes "you wat to use Kuoh, my territory to have the Peace talks... Sirzechs, Azazel isn't welcome here and I will kill him if he so much as he steps anywhere close this town".

Sirzechs began to nervously sweat and turned to look at me "don't look at me, I don't care what you three Factions do or your problems besides Serafall has a good point, Azazel or any Fallen Angel actually will be killed in the spot".

Now both Grayfia and Sirzechs winced at that, Sirzechs sighed "but why?".

I raised an eyebrow at Sirzechs "well I don't like Fallen Angels, most of them are arrogant self entitled assholes that I can't stand but if you want a more basic answer... well the Pokémon don't like anyone stepping in their turf and will kill anyone who does, you do remember just how many Stray Exorcists and Fallen Angels they killed during Kokabiel's so called attack right?".

Sirzechs flinched again and frowned but nodded in confirmation "there were around two thousand Fallen Angels and one thousand Stray Exorcists in the army Kokabiel brought...".

I grinned at Sirzechs which made him tense up "it was a massacre you know? my Pokemon made sure no Fallen Angel or Stray Exorcists got away, there was body parts and blood everywhere Sirzechs and if any Fallen Angels dares to show his or her face here it will share the same fate".

Serafall nodded "the Pokémon don't forget nor do they forgive, they now consider Fallen Angels enemies and they'll act accordingly and trust me Sirzechs, some of the Pokémon living here can kill you with a flick of their tail even in your True Demonlord Form".

Sirzechs was now looking nervous "Rean can't you talk to the Pokémon? convince them to at least allowed Azazel in so we can have the Peace Talks?".

I hummed "I mean I could but you failed to realize that I really couldn't care less about the three Judeo Christian Factions, I think I've said it before Sirzechs but you can all kill each other for all I care the only Devil I care about is Serafall and trust me she doesn't need me to protect her but I will".

Serafall smiled at me and grabbed my hand while Sirzechs sighed "I know, I know but I need this favor! come on Rean be cool!".

I rolled my eyes at Sirzechs "well its not me you should convince Sirzechs, Serafall is Kuoh's owner so you should talk to her".

And Sirzechs did that, he begged, cried and made a big ass dramatic play that in the end Serafall got tired of it all and agreed but not before freezing Sirzechs's ass to the ceiling.

And even though he was hanging up there with his ass frozen solid he was still smiling in victory something that aggravated Serafall quite a bit, Grayfia just deadpanned at her husband not believing he would stoop to that level.

I believe it though, Sirzechs is just a big kid in an adult's body so I'm not even surprised he did all that, Serafall sighed and then turned to look at me "Rean sorry to ask you this but can you talk to the Pokémon to allow Azazel in Kouh? I'm not his biggest fan you know that but I would like peace to be a reality to us the Judeo Christian Factions".

I smiled at Serafall "sure no Problem, I'll talk to them later tonight".

Sirzechs gaped "wha-hey! how come you say yes to her and give me! a whole speech on how you don't care about the Factions!?".

I grinned at Sirzechs while he hanged from the ceiling with his ass frozen to it "well for one Serafall is my girlfriend and I'll always do my best to do things she asks me, as long as they're happy I would do anything for them and well it's funny to make you squirm!".

Serafall brightly smiled at me while Sirzechs just gape "but were bros! is supposed to be us against them Rean! come on!".

I just chuckled and shook my head, the rest of the time both Sirzechs and Grayfia stayed at the shop was spent talking about other things, we will have the Peace Talks in Kuoh but without Vali I don't think the Khaos Brigade will know about it but who knows?.

Either way I'll be ready to deal with them and perhaps show Azazel, Michael and Sirzechs just who I am, I've been thinking about it for awhile and Kokabiel words made a bit of sense.

However there was one thing he's wrong about, I will never be pushed around by anyone but then again the fool died not knowing just who I am and the extent of my power.

Kokabiel died a pathetic death and completely unaware of how powerful I am, perhaps its time to show this world just who lives in Kuoh though that depends on if the Khaos Brigade actually attacks or not.

I'll ask Ophis later but I doubt she knows, she herself has told me that she didn't really payed attention to what the members of the Khaos Brigade did and she didn't care about it either.

Either way me and the Pokémon will support Serafall since we know she would want peace because of the children, so we'll will fight to protect the Peace treaty just this once.

In a couple weeks the Leaders of the Judeo Christian Factions will get together in Kuoh and work together for peace, we will see what happens then.

The next weekend I was in my Workshop in my home working on Serafall's weapon, I had asked her what kind of weapon she would like me to make her and she asked for a staff that can transform into a spear.

Something about it being the perfect weapon for a Magical Girl, I of course decided to go all out and make her a weapon with all sort of cool thing that will make her the best Magical Girl in this world.

It's all a surprise for her and I want to be done before the Peace Talks so I've been running all over Xeno Town, Instant Dungeons and the Poke Farm to get the best materials ever.

So as I was Forging the blade of the Spear someone suddenly knocked on my door, I stopped hammering that red hot metal and put everything in stasis.

Once I made sure I had everything taken care of, I snapped my fingers allowing whoever was knocking in while I cleaned my hands with a cloth and take off my apron.

Yasaka came in walking into my Workshop smiling brightly at me "have I told you how hot you look all sweaty and dirty from Forging?".

I chuckled and shook my head "a few times, so what's up Yasaka? your not one to come and interrupt me when I'm in my Workshop even though I keep telling you it's okay".

Yasaka pouted but walked up to me and caress my face "we don't want to interrupt you when your having fun Rean, you already do so much for us that when your doing something that you love we want you to enjoy yourself".

I closed my eyes and sighed "you girls will always be my priority no matter what I do and sure I love making things but I also enjoy helping you guys with anything" I opened my eyes and smiled at Yasaka.

Yasaka smiled and sighed "your a sweet man, I don't what we would without you and all the care and love you give us, I think you have spoiled us to much Rean".

I chuckled "that's fine, as long as your all happy".

Yasaka smiled "your too stubborn but okay, I came to you because I have a few things to talk to you about, are you sure you can talk now?".

I nodded and pointed at all the stuff I was working on "yeah, everything is on stasis so nothing will happen to it, so how about we go to the living room and talk?".

Yasaka nodded and we both walked out of my Workshop hand in hand to head to the living so we can talk more comfortably.

We went to living room and immediately took a seat on the couch, as always Sakuya appeared out of nowhere and made us tea and then left to the kitchen to get us some snacks.

My super maid is always ready to serve and after she brought some cookies and pastries I gave her a small kiss on the lips causing her to smile and leave to do Astraea knows what around the house.

Yasaka and I enjoyed our tea and a few cookies before we started our conversation, she then smiled and stared in to my eyes "we finished construction on the Silver and Gold towers in Kyoto and both Lugia and Ho-oh blessed them".

Yasaka seems very happy to hime this news as continued on "the entirety of Kyoto felt their blessing, it was like a blanket of happiness and security fell upon Kyoto, it's hard to describe but its a very enjoyable feeling, much more than the oppressing feeling you get from being blessed by the Shinto Gods".

I smiled and nodded happy that both Lugia and Ho-oh now had their own places of worship in this world as they did in the Johto Region, Yasaka then continued speaking" everyone is so happy with this that we already have a lot of people signing up to become Priestesses and take care of the towers and both Lugia and Ho-oh roost on top of them often, that makes everyone happy".

"I see, they must want to show their appreciation to Kyoto for building the towers, don't be surprised if they start to drop Silver wings or Rainbow wings".

Yasaka tilted her head "Silver and Rainbow Wings? like the one you used for Hestia Pendant?".

I nodded "yes that's correct, they might called them wings but they're feathers and each one hold a little bit of their power, they occasionally drop them to those that have a Soul of Silver or a Heart of Gold and whoever gets one, gets a happy and fulfilled life".

Yasaka's eyes sparkled "how romantic~ such wonderful deities... I wish our own Goss would cared about us this much but I guess we're not that important to them...".

I smiled at Yasaka and give her a headpat "well you and Kyoto have a bunch of Legendary Pokémon that I know will be willing to give the Yokai Faction and Kyoto their blessings, maybe someday you won't need the old Shinto Gods anymore".

Yasaka smiled at me and nodded "your right... I'll talk to the rest of the Legendary Pokémon and perhaps have shrines and temples build for them in Kyoto too!".

I nodded "I'm sure they will love the idea and even more so if it means that it will help you somehow and Kyoto will thrive even more with their blessings so even better".

Yasaka nodded "you don't mind? they are your Pokémon after all and I don't want to do anything you wouldn't be in agreement with".

I shook my head letting her known that it was okay "I don't mind besides is their decision after all and you know I'm not a controlling person so as long as they're willing to do it I'm fine with it".

Yasaka smiled and nodded and through the spark visible in her eyes I can tell that she was already making plans for all of this, I'm sure the Legendary Pokémon won't mind and they ll be happy to help since all of them like Yasaka and Kyoto.

When they're not in Kuoh Academy getting food, head scratched and headpatted they spent their time roaming around Kyoto anyways, even the other Pokémon do so to as well and they had become very popular with the Yokai and the people living in Kyoto.

So I'm sure they will be happy to do this, after a few minutes of silence while me and Yasaka enjoy our tea and snacks she suddenly spoke up "Rean I actually will like to ask you for a favor".

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity since Yasaka isn't one to ask for favors all of a sudden like this "sure, what do you need".

Yasaka sighed but smiled at me "I really wish you would let me tell you what I want first before you say yes, it would make me feel less guilty... Rean would you accept a bodyguard assignment on behalf of the Yokai Faction?".

Now that had me intrigued, I do Monsters Hunting Jobs for Yasaka every once in a while, more specifically the ones that require a lot more firepower than its available but the way Yasaka worded that made it seems like it's not just a typical job.

I wonder just what my beautiful ninetailed fox girlfriend is going to ask of me and why do I feel like I'm about to have another crazy adventure.