The Battle of Dressrosa (Part 7)

Rebecca has wanted to do ever since the toy soldier left her behind to get her revenge. She was an outcast ten years ago. He was always living on the outskirts of cities, even though Rebecca didn't know why. She, however, had the help of a friendly toy soldier back then. He was a tin can toy with a fake rubber bullet gun that only bruised the bandits coming after them. And yet, he tried teaching her how to fight. Saying incredible things about fighting in arenas, fighting against honorable warriors, and most of all, about protecting yourself when things got harsh. The training continued on, as the toy soldier was the one who brought food for them. Sometimes she also went to the city to steal food for them.

However, it all ended five years ago. Rebecca saw Diamante, the man who supposedly killed her mother, above the toy soldier's corpse. She just stared at that scene, unable to do anything. Rebecca cried out. They found her, hunted her, as the granddaughter of the late king, and chucked her into a humiliating death row.

Yes, Diamante, the man who had killed her mother and now her father-figure. Sentenced her to death by being imprisoned and fighting in the excellent colosseum arena. Doflamingo, the one above him, sanctioned that rule, looked at her body like a worm and told her she had to wear a disturbing set of bikini armor. Being relegated as the terrible slut granddaughter of the late king. They threw her to battle day and night, rarely she had some foreign men and women who tried teaching her a few tricks.

One that arrived even taught her something incredible, the knowledge of Haki, a power to catch those with devil fruit powers blows for blow. Rebeccas was incredulous. Imagine a force that everyone had deep inside that could match those lucky ones for ingesting a damn fruit?

Rebecca hoped she could use this power. However, since she was self-taught, she only came to develop this power three years later. After that, a woman from a foreign land belonging to the Big Mom crew taught her some more tricks, and a recent paradigm shift occurred. Rebecca hid her knowledge over Haki while testing them against unsuspecting gladiators. She pushed her Haki into countless duels until today. While Rebecca did not win against that lilac lady, she still smiled.

Having that flaming fruit would have helped bring down Diamante and then Doflamingo, but Rebecca felt strong enough that she could end his life.

After the toys turned into humans, she cried as she remembered the memories of the toy soldier. Her old dad, he was. Diamante took both her father and mother away from her. This could not stand any longer.

"Here we are. Kyros was also a gladiator, wasn't he? He had a bigger win rate than either you or me."

"You killed both him and my mother."

Diamante looked pensive and looked to the sunny sky of Dressrosa. A stormy night would have been a better setting in this ruined colosseum. Diamante had not the prettiest life growing up. An orphan child in the middle of empty streets was a common sight. Finding a flintlock gun and trying to steal banks was uncommon. But that was Diamante's life from a young age, a child bought by a gang. If it filled his stomach, and he had a place to sleep and play football, then this was enough. He was a happy child then. Other than being trained to murder someone in case they needed an assassin, they could quickly turn over to the government.

These gangs trained children so they could be the fall guys, just in case. Children only passed a few years behind bars. However, one day that king ordered all murders to have the death penalty, still the gang continued employing children to end lives. And one day, they selected Diamante to be the fall guy, a 14-year-old brat worth the cow shit on the dirt floor. That's who he was. Grab the gun and shoot the rival gang's boss. Honestly, Diamante thought he'd die trying, but he succeeded, strangely enough, killing over 18 guys around that boss.

Of course, they arrested him, and they gave him the death sentence. However, that brat was saved by a 23-year-old Trebol. Already a pirate, he wanted to take over the gangs in that country and make a massive profit. Diamante thought it was a joke that someone would take him out of prison at that point. He was on death row and one of the worst mass murderers of that country. Diamante was grateful that someone saved his neck. Honestly, he wanted to repay that debt to Trebol, and soon, other brats joined his gang. Pica and Vergo followed right after. And finally, they met their lord not much later, Doflamingo. Diamante finally thought that this family would reach the most incredible heights.

But it did not change.

Nothing changed from Diamante's gang days. It was all the same. Only this time, Diamante could order people. Killing those involved in the old monarchy was quite simple. He hated kings because of his own land's king. People who only lived in the lap of luxury ordered other people to die for a problem they failed to resolve. Then again, the family turned out to be the same thing. At first, it was fun because they were sticking it to the big guys, making moves against the overlords of each place, killing and robbing their families, taking their lives from the lap of luxury, and dragging them down. But now the Doflamingo Family was in the lap of luxury, and again they started killing the little guy. Nothing's changed. Once nobody was on top but them, they became the same type of oppressors.

Diamante felt Doflamingo was too cowardly and complacent to ever go against the truly big guys like the Emperor and the Government. Instead, the man skirted around, trying to make alliances and impose his will. But that wasn't what Diamante hoped for. Instead of actually taking the fight to the true oppressors, unearthly movements in the dark were lukewarm.

The true losers are the ones who always hide in the shadows, waiting for their moment. That was what Diamante learned. The genuine leaders of the world were brazen and in your face. You knew who they were, the damn celestial dragons, the same families Doflamingo was born from, and yet Doffy never once tried to kill a Celestial Dragon. Diamante wasn't particularly interested in Doffy's origins, but he was against that lukewarm attitude, unchanging nature, the nothingness, and the feeling that nothing's changed.

So, when he looked at Rebecca, he saw that same 14-year-old brat with a gun. A brat is worth shit because the world treats them like shit. The place was full of flags, and his sword was at the ready.

"You still have your grandfather and aunt. You got it all wrong, you know. Doflamingo really wanted to kill you back then. I was the one who convinced him to throw you in here in the colosseum."

"What? What are you saying?"

"I tried to give you a chance. Every brat needs a chance for their revenge." Diamante said as the blade turned into a wavy pattern. Unfortunately, he was a devil fruit user, and everything he touched turned into waves on the wind, even the hardest and heaviest material. Once that effect was canceled, the attack was so strong that it would pierce through no matter what. It made even his cape and clothes out of resilient metal. Even as lightweight and cloth-like as they were, they were more enduring than a steel wall.

"So, I gave you a chance for revenge. I killed your father and mother. Now kill me. If you can."

Diamante gave her five years. That should have been enough. Instead, Rebecca raged and rushed towards him.

Diamante felt like he still had no place in the world. Sometimes he felt like he never moved from that brat with a gun. Diamante felt like he must have died back then. Diamante felt like he was still on death row all his life, and nothing's changed. This must have been purgatory all this time, a life of only empty thoughts and emotions.


Both jumped back as the power over gravity struck forward, hitting her with a ball of rubble at supersonic speeds. Usually, a giant wall of debris thrown at you at that speed means you'd be mushed to death. However, that wasn't the case for the Bloody Regicide. Instead, she pushed her hand forward into a claw-like manner, and then that claw heated for over 5000 Kelvin. Her writing turned dazzling white and blue. Almost as if a foot of a dragon had been heated in a furnace.

Then she palmed the ball of rubble, and it exploded the other way, rupturing beneath and around the wreckage, a fiery catastrophe headed back to Fujitora, the excellent admiral sliced the flaming trash rubble off as the pieces fell on the ceramic pavement of the outstanding capital of Dressrosa. This place became a battlefield, homes destroyed by looters, rioters, fighters, and Doflamingo's family.

Things were getting even more complicated as two people joined in on their fight. A man with a white afro and an old lady with a severe look. Fujitora, meanwhile, had a few bruises and a deep gash by his side, still staying strong as hell. Annabelle now felt a bit cornered with all these legends here. "Oh my, so the old guard joins the new admiral in battle?"

Sengoku and Tsuru, the previous Fleet Admiral and a legendary Vice-Admiral. She felt outnumbered here now.

"We heard fighting close by. Never realized you revolutionary scum were here in the city." Sengoku said as he ate some crackers. Tsuru, by his side, sighed.

Annabelle smiled and asked how Garp was. His son was missing his dear father for quite some time. That pissed off Sengoku as he crushed a cracker with his bare fists, and the surrounding air blew up with a shock wave. Annabelle was not scared at all to face this kind of force. She promised Dragon to become a woman so strong that she could take on the world's top points when it came down to it. Their revolution would not stop soon, not by a blind admiral and two people who should be retired on a vacation island somewhere else. Tsuru rushed forward. Her hands were troubled as Annabelle avoided her powers and breathed fire, making Tsuru smoothly step back and try again.

Tsuru's powers were highly one-sided, so Annabelle jumped back and hit them with flaming fists conjured up by her power. Those fists were like white fireballs raining from the sky. And all of them smoothly dodged, with Sengoku literally bashing the flame to the floor. He broke a cracker with his teeth and rushed forward. His hand became golden as a pure light circle of shock waves from Buddha formed. Annabelle forgot he had one of the most potent fruits ever.

His fist met her bright claw as it heated to a brilliant white. Still, she bled as she felt the shock waves trying to course through her body. His fruit was so insane for physical confrontations, it wasn't funny. Annabelle kicked him in the temple, but he blocked it with his other arm, making a deep bruise. Annabelle then roundhouse kicked him in the stomach. This sent him flying to the rubble. First, however, she had to avoid another gravity well that tried pushing her to the floor. Those traps of Fujitora were dangerous enough to be caught in.

Meanwhile, Tsuru expertly tried making Annabelle submit. Ann jumped back and vomited copious amounts of blood from Sengoku's strike. However, her flames hit the ground, making everyone jump. She bashed Tsuru with her forehead, making the old lady crash to the floor. Then she tried to dragon claw the life out of Fujitora, but the man almost slashed her arm off, taking a fingernail from her. Her finger bled intensely as the gravity forced her away. Sengoku was already ready with his colossal biceps to crush her body in a blow. However, she flipped midair, avoiding that giant golden arm of Buddha.

One versus three was quite problematic. Ann, the bloody regicide, had met her match with these three influential people trying to break and kill her. She had to sacrifice much if it meant killing these three right here, right now. Maybe even offer her life to accomplish this.

Ann wanted to at least get rid of Fujitora, but that didn't seem possible. These two came here precisely because they sensed the new admiral was in grave danger. And now, with the power of her dead brother, she could grow even stronger than before. This wasn't the last battle, and it wasn't necessary to sacrifice more than she needed to.

"You have great allies, Fujitora. Well, I wanted to take your life at least, lessen the load when the last battle comes. However, that doesn't seem possible anymore. Since our aim of destroying Doflamingo's underground operation was completed, I'll idle away, saving some citizens here from the oppression of the idiot you put here." Ann criticized them for the actions Doflamingo took here today. They were the ones who approved of the Heavenly Demon, which led to this. A tyrant trying to commit genocide against his own people. She was the bloody regicide, the killer of kings and oppressors. However, this time it wasn't her duty to kill Doflamingo. She knew her little brother, Luffy, was here in this place. She wanted to meet him for a long time.

Her body became white flames as she escaped the three deadly opponents with mastery over combat. She gave a wink to all of them because this wouldn't be the last time they met in battle. The next time she would take someone's life, preferably Akainu's life.


Diamante was one of the three Top Executives along with Pica and Trebol. he was one founders of the Donquixote Pirates. Regardless of his current feelings, he helped raise and train the young master to become who he is today. Of course, the young master had already surpassed him in all areas of Haki and fighting. However, Diamante was a master at his own craft. He wasn't the champion of the arena for nothing. Diamante was a man with the power over ripples. Everything he touched rippled like the waves of the sea.

Which meant this ability could cause serious issues when transmitted to the environment. For example, a swing of the sword rippled the air it passed through and the ground as well. He caused the earth to ripple, forming waves of concrete that lost their form and crashed into each other, making a hail of dust and rubble that assaulted Rebecca. If she didn't have Haki to parry his sword strikes, then he would ripple her own armor and sword, breaking them apart. His sword moved strangely, rippling like a flimsy flag and then solidifying itself for an attack with weird patterns all over.

His hand on the ground made it extremely difficult terrain to walk into. The rubble crashing into each other made for knives out of concrete and porcelain to fly across, trying to hit Rebecca. "Here's a present for you." Diamante threw black confetti, filled with Haki, high in the air. Diamante laughed as this confetti turned into spike iron balls and fell to the ground at high speeds, each coated with blackened Haki. Rebecca, however, was an expert at accurately mapping the ones falling on her, and with a slash of the sword, the air bashed them away from her. However, the gravel is even more dangerous now, with blackened spiked iron traps scattered. Diamante stepped onto one of them, and it softened like a fabric. Almost like this, stepping on the carpet instead, so the traps were only dangerous for Rebecca.

His power is insanely strong if he uses that on my body.

"Figure out yet? If I can ripple all things, then that means I can also ripple all human bodies. They fall on the floor with organs, blood vessels, and muscles all contorted and die just like that."

Diamante mentioned it to her so seriously that it made her take a step back. One misstep would cause her death here. She wasn't careful. She had to use Haki wherever he would strike so that she wouldn't suffer through the consequences of dying at one touch of the skin. The man of ripples stepped forward, the waves of the concrete and ceramic hit all the stands, and the iron balls raised themselves, scattering. Since it was a tiny movement, it did not impede Rebecca from dodging the waves. However, the spiked balls hit her skin, fraying and making bloody trails. They were just barely nicking the skin and blood vessels underneath, almost like scraping the knee when you fall.


Diamante was tired of this long confrontation between the two of them and extended his sword like a whip. This was terrible as his blade turned into pure dark. It traced to Half Moon and then fell down to the ground, exploding the arena once again, crashing all the surrounding stands. Rebecca went forward and slashed at his legs, breaking the skin and the tendons; however, the snakelike web went like a seeking viper and tried to pierce Rebecca on her back. She stepped back, and the blade ran across and left a large gash near her spine. However, she deflected the viper blade before she could get even more injured. Her heels roundhoused Diamante in the face. However, he protected his cheeks with Haki. Even then, the force knocked him to the floor. Rebecca went forward and stepped in his face. However, his iron-cape blocked it. Her sword tried hitting down. However, Diamante escaped and left the cape behind as a decoy. Rebecca threw the blade like a javelin. Diamante tried to dodge it—however, a metallic black hand made the throw. Rebecca's hand was fully coated, and the javelin traveled much faster than his body could react. However, his observation made him take a step to the side, making the blade impale his left shoulder. Diamante almost gave a sound of pain. But, not before Rebecca arrived, and with her blackened copper knuckles, she bashed Diamante in the face. Breaking his nose and cheekbone.

Rebecca was an opportunist and kicked him in the knees where her sword had cut before, breaking that leg sideways. Diamante fell on the floor as her run riddled her body with black spikes. Then she saw his hand going to attack her, using his power of ripples over her body. However, before he could touch her, she ripped her sword out of his shoulder and then slashed his other arm, her blade black as night as she did so.

"You killed my father! You killed my mother. DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" Rebecca straddled him, and her punches fell down. His cut arm and useless left shoulder did not allow him to use his power anymore. She kept punching his face and punching his chest. The areas grew red, then purple and black, his chest caved in, and his face was concaving towards his nose. His skull was sinking towards itself. Then she finally curb-stomped him with her metal heels. Her shameful armor now was a weapon for his downfall. Her faded pink hair was full of his blood. Then she raised herself and thought of her father and mother.

Her eyes watered with both blood and tears. Diamante begged her to stop, but it made her try to hit him harder. Her fists rained down and rained down on his body. His ribs were now an open fracture as she held his ribs and tried to pull them out. Diamante cried out in pain. However, she did not relent until she pulled one rib out. Parts of his lung had followed the rib on the way out, and bubbles of blood poured in from the soft skin of the chest, now without one of its bones.

"How many ribs does a human have? Let's count." Rebecca's eyes were murderous. She never felt so good in her 5 years of hell. Of course, after the seventh, he had died of shock. Still a tenacious bastard until the end. His loss of movement in his left arm and Rebecca amputating his right arm had heralded her victory.

His desecrated body was now a decoration of the testament of the history of this colosseum. Her father once fought here, and Diamante's dead corpse was a testament to his memory. Rebecca passed her bloody hand on her cheek, staining it as she saw the fighting fish rush towards his body. Rebecca smirked and went away. The absolute rush of her revenge was so great. She never felt this happy in recent memory.

People say that revenge never pays, that forgiveness is the way. But it was undeniable how pleasant this felt. She had finally buried the hatchet of the murder of her mother and the murder of her father.

"Mom, dad. I did it."

Rebecca smiled and cried in happiness and finality, sometimes laughing at her earliest memories. The adventures of the toy soldier and how courageous her mother was after the kingdom fell. She had to go to the center of town now. She couldn't miss Doflamingo dying a terrible death now, could she?


It was the end of the line, unfortunately. Trebol thought about his past. He had found a promising child who would lead this ragtag family into the future. However, things hadn't always panned out the way he wanted, and Doflamingo grew increasingly alright with the world and their situation. With Trebol's loyalty, he could not criticize the young master much. However, they grew complacent in the ten years they remained. Life got easy, and they lost sight of their objectives. First, opening slave trades, then manufacturing weapons, and finally devil fruits for one emperor. Honestly, they just accumulated wealth and squandered on it their palace of ceramic.

Not really going anywhere, not really doing anything. It was a far cry from the ragtag group of mafia-like pirates from a decade ago, that life was more fun in hindsight, running from island to island, exploring the cultures, and killing those who looked at them wrong. Running from the authorities and making deals that damaged the government, killing marine captains and even rear admirals sometimes, saving damsels in distress, and killing tyrants. Shootouts with gangs and undesirables, hunting devil fruits and dreams. Naval battles and adventure. Trebol, as much as he hated to say, enjoyed that life on the run more. Which was why he thought that capturing Dressrosa for themselves and settling down here was the biggest mistake in hindsight.

They grew complacent, almost like they retired from piracy, and now we're living off weapon and fruit deals and exports. Not really doing anything. Doflamingo was a visionary, but the glamor and weather of Dressrosa made them lazy as a group of pirates.

If they had still been on the run, they would not have an enormous amount of capital today. However, with so many fights they would otherwise have, the entire family would have been many times stronger and not at all complacent. Trebol frankly regretted this. If any other family member was still alive that hadn't bled out, they would probably have the same type of regret. The Donquixote Pirates were the golden days from before, and now they were all almost as good as retired.

Trebol would deny every wealth and all the pleasures from Dressrosa to return to those tense days. Maybe it was nostalgia talking, but Trebol wanted to raise the next Pirate King. He wanted Doffy to be everything and the new leader of the world. A fallen noble would get his revenge and lead the world to a new age of wealth—Trebol wished to see his young master accomplish that dream. Not waste away here in palaces of ceramic, tropical wealth, and pools full of whores.

Selling weapons to tyrants, terrorists, and rioters instead of being the ones to change the countries they passed through was a loss that Trebol couldn't put in words. In no time at all, they were now on the side that ruled with an iron fist instead of being the ones to laugh and execute those same tyrants. Dressrosa's kingdom building was fun. Their wealth was used to make infrastructure, roads and better the lives of the citizens. It has been a great pastime for the last ten years. And now those ten years were lost. As well as his whole life and the lives of the Donquixote Family went down the drain.

As his neck twisted by a tentacle of black arms, their black nails ran across his blood vessels. He cried out one last time.

His slimy black chain inflamed and burned the field of sunflowers. And yet, she stood near the burning flames as his body twisted and bled. Since he was a Logia, his neck twisting wasn't enough. He bled to death as he thought of the time he met Doflamingo.

Trebol felt somewhat sorrowful. This family could have done so much more. So many outstanding members, beautiful dreams, all taken by the sin of sloth.

And Robin only grinned at the terrible way she made him die.


"Rebecca. You are—"

Rebecca fell on the ground near the entrance of the colosseum, and she was severely injured. She had blood pouring out from the wounds caused by the iron spikes and a nasty cut on her back.

Riku Doldo looked over at his granddaughter as Viola, his daughter, was treating her. Behind him was a crowd of survivors that fled the center of town because of the intense and unforgiving fight there. Viola really wanted to be the one to finish Doflamingo since he had been her oppressor for over ten years. He loved her like he didn't ruin her own family back then. So she had no choice but to warm his bed on those nights, nights that, when she thought about, made her want to kill someone. Viola did not know why that family even loved Doflamingo. They spoke highly of him, how he was always killing tyrants and bettering the world, even though dirty means. But Doflamingo was a far cry from the real deal.

Doflamingo was just another dictator who put a thin veil on, trying to fight the corruptness of the world without really doing anything, and instead joined that side. Luffy was not interested at all in the darker side of piracy and the Underworld. In fact, he wanted to burn it all.

The biggest lie the Underworld sells people is that without it, the world would be a darker place, that with its existence, people who fall through the cracks of society have a home. It was all lies and propaganda. They would foster conflict just for money, and Doflamingo was the most prominent rising star in the underground deals. Meanwhile, the government secretly allowed it to continue since the underworld also paid their dues. In the twist of it all, Doflamingo became the biggest puppet of the government he so hated, and it felt to Viola as though he had lost the plot entirely. Luffy was the authentic hand of revenge.

Indiscriminately dismantling the government, reaching out for the One Piece with true intentions, and toppling tyrants whenever he went. Both were ruthless. However, Luffy was everything Doffy was not. Even so, Luffy was a criminal and a murderer. He was just on the side of the little man, that was all.

The birdcage was still up. Viola raised herself after treating her niece Rebecca. She had slain Diamante, one of the top operatives, a man Viola could never kill herself. The man who had almost caught her five years ago, and the man who had killed both her sister and her brother-in-law.

Viola spat on his corpse and returns.

The birdcage was still a threat that made people concerned it would kill them by the end of the day if they did not follow Doflamingo's orders—they were stupid to think that. Doflamingo wouldn't spare anyone if he won this. His family was all dead, and all that was left were betrayers.

Rebecca was now awake. She remembered Viola. However, she was still hurt and remained on the floor instead of greeting her young aunt.

After convincing the survivors behind her, the birdcage wouldn't go off on them. Something happened. A shadow jumped towards the sky. Viola watched the man jump to the sky and push the giant birdcage up and then crush the strings with his bare hands. Viola never thought someone would be able to, but after she saw that, both Viola and Rebecca smiled. Their grandfather had a disabling look as the Straw Hat Monkey D. Luffy took out the thing threatening them this afternoon. The birdcage would have killed them all, and yet just one man, or god, could shatter that illusion completely.


This is what it all boils down to, huh?

Having to watch someone do the fighting for you is very painful.

"Don't you think so, Bellamy?"

Luffy was there, drinking some of the wine and then eating some bread and fish graciously given by some survivors. Doflamingo was making rainbows of strings, and Law was cutting and teleporting around. However, Law's blade turned into a gamma knife and pierced Mingo in the leg as a strike of opportunity. As someone who knew the properties of the sun, Luffy was able to detect what's been done, a radioactive attack on Mingo's leg, doubled with shredding that insides of muscle and hairline fractures on the bone underneath also erased the cartilage of that leg. Mingo's legs looked like shredded meat that was turning redder and redder.

That must have hurt a lot. Radiation is destroying the cells—that leg is done for, I think.

He's using strings to make things a little more even.

Even with a life-threatening leg injury, the man still went to fight and then, with his own revenge, was able to cut Law's right arm off. He chopped it right in the triceps. Making an ugly stump of a cut. If Law couldn't finish this fight, then Luffy would have to reluctantly finish it. This was Law's chance for revenge after so many years, so Luffy gave space for it to be accomplished. However, if Law died here, it would be of no concern for Luffy since his crew made this deal with Law. Mingo was no personal enemy of his, so he gave way to people who had personal grudges.

Meanwhile, the two samurai had arrived, and both took a knee in deference to him.

"Oh, Kiku, you found your samurai friend."

"Thank you for your patronage. My name is Foxfire Kin'emon. I heard you've saved both Kikunojo and Momonosuke-sama from their dire situation. You even helped me."

"Don't, we didn't save you, Kin'emon. Kiku did, didn't she? She saved you."

Kiku intervention. "But I couldn't accomplish it without your crew, Luffy-dono. The fruit you've graciously gifted me was what gave me the edge in this land."

"We wanted to ask where Momonosuke-sama is?"

"We sent him to a place called Zou," Luffy said as he shared his meal, but samurai were a prideful bunch. Still, Luffy forced both to share in his food. Though this was uncharacteristic of him, he saw how hungry Kin'emon was. Kikunojo was also dangerously malnourished, and her symptoms wouldn't disappear so easily. However, what Luffy didn't realize was that two samurai knew where Zou was. They both said it as extreme fortune, or maybe just fate itself that guided them to Luffy. They said the last three members of the red scabbards outside of Wano were all in Zou. Luffy was frankly surprised since it was a location Law gave him. Strange, since it was linked to their strategy against one of the emperors, Kaido.

Luffy drank some more wine as the battle of shocks, gamma knives, and divine treatment reached their limits. The battle occurred in the air. Luffy could see that Law was in such a bad condition. The stump had been cut again and now was up to the shoulder. Two pieces of the man's arm were on the rubble below.

In the same vein, Luffy could see that Mingo's leg was almost melting off, and his gut had been struck, and damage was spreading.

That guy's tough since he used his strings inside his body.

Luffy's observation was accurate enough to see the movements underneath the muscles. Honestly, Mingo should have been in too much pain to even move at this point. Law should have already bled out from his wound. The two samurai who watched the fight above were a bit impressed, then the others, the ones fighting in the Colosseum before, had arrived. These were the ones that Franky had to fight, maybe. Luffy did not pay much attention to the whole story. He wondered who got the fruit of flames. Hopefully, it was someone honest with their dreams—that'd be what Ace would have wanted.

There was one there, named Bartolomeo, or something along those lines. He was drooling before, and now even more. "Hey, you." The man almost fainted when Luffy pointed him out. "Who won the fruit of flames, exactly?"

The man stumbled in his words, not really knowing how to answer to his idol. Finally, however, the handsome blond prince guy named Cabbage, or something, responded instead of the drooling man. It was a name he hadn't heard for a long time, someone who should have been a ghost. Annabelle was the name who won the duel. This was the full first name of his older sister—the one that died when they were little. But, no, it couldn't be, right?

"What does she look like?"

"Everyone should know what the Bloody Regicide should look like, lilac hair—"

Luffy fell to the rubble, like a massive body letting go as if a heavy load had been removed. Or as if something incomprehensible had passed through his mind.

"Ann… you were alive…?"

Honestly, he couldn't believe it. However, as their conversation over the rubble continued. The king and his princesses, Viola and Rebecca, had joined the watch. With the battle occurring in the sky, the survivors hid in the city district behind the palace. Far away from here. Finally, Baby 5 had arrived after killing loose ends. The two samurai were by his side, protecting him. The other Straw Hats were scattered, and the CP0 spies were all silent, unmoving. Even when Mingo's body fell to the earth, Law crashed as well. Two meteors fell to the earth as they've been fighting with all they had to kill each other since the morning. Law had been tired from all the fighting yesterday with Punk Hazard as well. To bring down a Warlord like this meant Law was impressive.

Luffy's massive hands hugged each other, crossing his fingers.

Now, who was the winner?


Finally, aid was happening all over the kingdom. The bad thing was the marines crowding about. No, they were far away, strategically positioned so that Luffy wouldn't be able to hit them without traveling a long distance. A trap, perhaps? There are some strong presences hidden. The Admiral is between them, and… that was the Fleet Admiral from before, wasn't he?

Luffy was a bit confused as to why the previous Fleet Admiral would have arrived here. The soldier countered at least two or three battleships worth. In humanitarian efforts, they were going to the population to help them. For now, Luffy had trained snipers on his head, ready to shoot at any time. The samurai by his side were prepared to intercept any bullets heading for their temporary retainer. It seems these new pirates were all readying themselves to protect Luffy.

Strange guys, I just talked with them for an afternoon. Their gratitude towards Usopp shouldn't be this big for them to try and protect me against an entire regiment of Navy men.

Then the most exciting thing happened with the arrival of the three Happosui army men, the old man who had previously confronted him now had a cone-like head for some reason, and he was crying gratefully towards Luffy. That was fun.


"What are you doing here, Fleet admiral guy? Come here just to die?" Luffy asked Sengoku as the man arrived. He was older now, with a white afro. He was the shining golden guy from the last war. He was the last line of defense against Ace back then. Luffy was now eating fried fish with balsamic vinegar as he talked to the man.

Sengoku looked at the pirates and samurai, pausing his view when he saw Don Chinjao. The old Don Chinjao grinned as he remembered his old grudges. Not only Garp was the one after him back then. Then, finally, Sengoku looked at the ground where Law had fallen and then where Doflamingo had dropped. Both were not raising themselves up anymore. "It seems the biggest scum of society has finally found more trash to join his side."

The two samurai clenched their teeth in pure anger at the insult. Luffy just ate his lunch for now. Nothing a Navy man could say would actually phase him. "Garp was pretty sad when news came that you started to kill Navy men. He always thought you would be one of them. But I guess trash like you doesn't care about their lives or the family they left behind."

Luffy just chucked at the irony of a previous Fleet Admiral saying this sort of stuff. "You're pretty funny. You didn't even grasp the irony, Buddha man. What my grandpa thinks doesn't matter. If he wanted to complain, he would be here trying to bash my head instead of you."

Sengoku again looked at the fallen Law as the Vice-Admirals had arrived at the scene. At least two of them were as powerful as Vice-Admirals. Luffy did not care about their rank, to be honest. The blind Admiral also had arrived. With the name of tiger, was it?

Law rose in this multitude of people gearing up for a war. And then looked at the body of Doflamingo, the man was still alive, breathing heavily, though he could no longer offer any resistance. All that was on his mind was the memory of Rosinante. Luffy was now about to raise himself from the rubble he was resting on. The menu was now Navy lives. He wanted to kill every Navy here, the Admiral, the previous Fleet Admiral, and all the soldiers behind them. However, something got stuck in his throat like an old woman with a Navy uniform, and a cape walked forward. Luffy knew who she was and what she represented to him with expressive black eyes and an aging face. So, this is the first time we have met. Luffy though. He looked behind and ordered all the pirates and samurai and people to go away for now. There was no need for battle anymore now she's arrived—Tsuru, the Vice-Admiral.

"… I've held you once when you were little. Garp presented you to me. I don't like brats very much, so I hated it." Tsuru talked about the past.

"No need for nostalgia now, old bag."

At least Garp tried to raise us. The stressful woman married her job. No wonder my father turned that way as well.

Luffy closed his eyes in frustration. There was more family drama coming. Now that his attention was with Tsuru, both Law and Sengoku could talk. Still, when Fujitora tried to move to capture Doflamingo, Luffy pinned the Admiral with a look. His soldiers were all knocked out with the Haki of the Supreme King. Now, no Navy soldier could do anything. The only ones remaining were the Vice Admirals, and above, with the orders of Fujitora, they stopped.

Mingo wasn't leaving this island alive no matter what the Navy people thought they could do at this point in time. The Straw Hats went through all the trouble of killing every single family member. If Mingo were left alive, then it would leave a bad taste in Luffy's mouth. He had rather never regret things, so he wanted to make sure Mingo lost his damn head right here and now. However, he still gave deference to Law to be the one who finished it.

Law walked forward to try and kill Mingo, however on his was Sengoku in the middle. Law clenched his stump, making the massive sword fall to the rubble. However, he quickly picked it up and walked past Sengoku towards Doflamingo. He arrived at Doflamingo's fallen body. "Rosinante would be proud of how strong the brat he raised is now." With a single comment, Law's world was turned upside down.

"So, you were his Navy contact. I finally figured it out after decades. Doflamingo killed Rosinante. He deserves to die." Law tried pushing through with his punishment, his sword was at Doflamingo's throat, but again, Sengoku's words caused a rift in Law's desire to kill Doflamingo.

"This is also revenge for Rosinante. There are fates worse than death. Doflamingo will pay for his crimes in full, this time at the hands of those he despises."

"What?" Law had to yell in frustration as he looked at Sengoku.

Doflamingo was now conscious enough that he could laugh. Nevertheless, he could no longer escape from this situation. He did not even think Law might have grown so strong.

Luffy, however, was in a disagreeable mood with the whole situation. Fates worse than death, how innocent-minded could someone be?

For Luffy, every fate other than death could be excused with the phrase 'at least you're alive.' You're busy thinking. You're alive to dream. Being dead was the absence of thought. To stop thinking and to stop dreaming was the worst fate of all.

"Think about this for a second, Law. We'll take it from here. There is no need for you to kill Doflamingo. He's going to rot in hell for the rest of his life."

That was the shout from Sengoku. He, Tsuru, and Fujitora were all in the middle of the wrecked plaza, as nobody else but Luffy and Law, along with the defeated Doflamingo, remained. The Vice Admirals went away to retreat the felled soldiers.

Law was with the sword of death above the fallen Doflamingo. Doflamingo made his annoying guttural laugh that did not escape the lips. How Law wanted to kill him. However, as he thought more about this. There wasn't a point anymore. The marines would all cart him to Impel Down. He would rot down there for the rest of his days. It is an act of perfect revenge for one of noble blood who abused Cora-san in the past. The one who pulled the trigger. Stewing in his thoughts in a deep dark prison until his execution is decided. Killed by the people he thought he had in the palm of his hand.

"As I thought, that might be a more finishing punishment for him."

With a long deciding hesitation, Law sheathed his sword. It was time for the Government to decide Doflamingo's punishment. Law wasn't interested in killing Doflamingo anymore.

"You made a moral decision, Law. At least Rosinante wouldn't be disappointed."

"I don't want to reach your preachy words any longer."

"Hahaha, true, Rosinante was also like that."

Tsuru, who was intensely looking at Luffy, decided.

"Take Donquixote Doflamingo away. Chain him in Sea Stone. He has a devil fruit after all."

She ordered the Vice-Admirals nearby. However, before they could even approach, they were knocked unconscious—Vice-Admirals susceptible to Haki?

At that point, everyone's spine grew extremely cold.

"Stop right there, old bag. Hey, Law, don't go on with the decisions without my approval. We came here to do one thing, to kill a Warlord. My crew has put in quite the effort into killing almost all the Mingo's family. We kill all of them and let the main culprit go? What kind of joke is that, huh? Hey, Law?"

Luffy said it very calmly. He let every single of his words be heard without raising his voice, and he hadn't moved. And yet, two powerful vice-admirals in their own right all collapsed because of a single pulse of his massive presence. Everyone here felt the same. They were in the company of a man who could decide to fate itself, a man that had achieved so much power he could make anything that he wanted to happen. That was the sort of unreasonable existence that was Monkey D. Luffy.

Luffy and Law were eyeing each other. It felt like a conflict might break out in one moment, and at different times, it felt like they were speaking only through glances. Then Law closed his eyes and deferred himself away from the situation.

Luffy was now at the forefront. With an Admiral in Fujitora, a celebrated Vice-Admiral in Tsuru, and finally the former Fleet Admiral. The three voices in the Navy, against a man who was at war with the Government. By all metrics, they have hated enemies. And yet, no one made one motion. And in front of them was Doflamingo, with limbs shattered by radiation. Two heated factions, chewing over the life of Doflamingo, was he going to prison with his life intact? Or was he going to lose his life to Luffy?

"I won't let Mingo get off this island alive. I'll finish the job now. You can just watch it. Little tiger, old bag. Buddha man."

"Don't be a selfish brat, Garp's grandson."

Yet, despite Sengoku's words. Luffy walked forward with his hand turned metallic black. And then it turned pure ashen back. The tendons of his hands became red orbs, and the fingertips grew longer. It wasn't a hand anymore. It represented a claw instead. The area around darkened. Luffy was strolling to execute Doflamingo on the ground. All three marines readied their incredible power. However, Tsuru sighed and resigned early. Sengoku turned massive, and his skin was golden. Then he used every bit of his Haki. And then a shockwave hit where Luffy was. Pulverizing the soil and the stone debris. And yet Luffy kept walking in the middle, as his skin seared, and his blood splashed from his own mouth. He kept walking with his forehead closed and his eyes ready for execution. Then Fujitora readied his blade and used immeasurable gravity to blast Luffy horizontally. Yet even then, Luffy remained walking forward. Even while gravity, many times above the sun, hit his body horizontally. He kept increasing his exponential strength and durability to match those insane attacks. And after the golden flash of gravity and shockwaves was over, both sensed his approach. They knew that the forces of the Navy could not stop this monster. Tsuru had realized this earlier because no one in her life could ever knock a Vice-Admiral with a wave of Haki.

Luffy walked forward while vomiting large quantities of blood, almost as if he had his guts spilled from his mouth. And yet he arrived at the feet of Doflamingo, with his terrible eyes ready to murder the Heavenly Demon.

The poor Warlord gave a lasting chuckle. Then, as the fist of death pelted the neck, his head popped from the socket and flew like a bowling ball up. And then, after hundreds of meters in the sky, it fell down, cracking like a damn pinata, and yet instead of candy, it was blood and grey matter. Luffy had decapitated a man with a well-placed punch. All while staring at the three marines.


"Garp would have been sad to see you doling out death sentences to whoever you meet." Tsuru tried to be disappointed in Luffy, however she wasn't fooling anyone with that rhetoric.

"Don't keep up with the lies, Garp has killed more pirates in his lifetime than I have killed." Luffy turned to the side as he said so silently, he passed by Law and faced Sengoku. Tsuru and Fujitora. Now was the cinch, would they come forth and attack, would Luffy attack them and end their lives here, was that even possible?

Riku arrived and pleaded for the two forces to leave it well enough alone, Dressrosa had suffered enough. The marines and the pirates all faced each other. The Straw Hats had arrived, with Zoro glaring at Fujitora. Then, the revolutionaries arrived. Anything the other group said would cause an incident that would probably destroy the island.

"…Tsuru is here, and you were Garp's friend." Luffy commented as the marines listened to him. "I don't want to turn this island into wasteland either. Let's agree to ignore each other." Luffy walked past, heading towards the castle. "If any marine steps out of line in my presence, you know what will happen. How lucky you are, really." Luffy spoke to Fujitora, the man had miraculously survived this day. The blind man had a face that sucked lemon. Luffy wasn't planning to let this Admiral leave this place alive.

Then, uncharacteristically, he turned to Tsuru, and gave a tentative goodbye wave towards his grandmother, who never raised him and who never came to visit. The feelings of both of them were hard to describe, the old Vice-Admiral crossed her arms and sighed. There was Riku, the old king to now deal with. The pirates would join the effort to revitalize this place. For now they would stay in the palace, and on the deserted shack in the field of flowers.

Rebecca and Viola, however, ran after the pirate's group.


The two revolutionaries were now near Luffy, they had arrived here to face the music if Luffy ever decided to fight. These revolutionaries were with his father. Though he never really met the man, only reading about his past through classified information he gathered at G1. Still, there was no need to be hostile towards one who was also as fiercely against the government as Dragon was. Tsuru, his paternal grandmother was a different issue, her unwillingness to even show her face in his childhood due to working for the government made Luffy somewhat irritated.

"You guys are with my father, aren't you?"

"We're indebted to your father." Hack, the fishman had said to him.

"Yes, Dragon is interested in you, there is a girl that has wanted to meet you for over two years." Koala, a little lady, had said this to him towards his side.

The group of Straw Hats were now together again, they fought so fiercely and had liberated the little Tontattas from the slavery of the factory, now destroyed. Every single operation of Doflamingo was now destroyed. The two princesses were now

Luffy had arrived with a large group of people to the shack, he opened it, and a lilac lady with a steampunk attire was now waiting for him. Her smile drew memories from him, his big sis… How was she still alive?


Koala wanted to see what Luffy had. For herself, he was a very handsome man, and she wanted to see what he had under his belt. So she accosted him one night with a very salacious look, and he followed her towards one room in the palace. Her little hot pants dig deep into her butt, showing him a very bountiful back. Seducing Ann's younger brother was a challenge she wanted to do. So when he pushed her over the counter of one room forcefully and pushed his clothed cock on her butt, she moaned. His hand was kneading her thighs with pleasure as she moaned. He was a conqueror and wanted her body since she tried to seduce him.

Now she realized he was far more vicious as a lover than she expected him to be. Ann was a prude and never had sex in her life, so she expected her brother to be in a similar vein. Instead, however, he attacked her and was now using her body to relieve himself. He tore a hole in her jeans and pushed his pants down to reveal an enormous cock. She never thought she would see such a vast, towering piece of meat in her life. He pushed it inside her, and she felt the spear entering her pussy. I heard neglected pussy had been loaded with the biggest cock she had yet. She moaned like a bitch in heat as she felt fuller than any lover she had ever been with. It was exacerbated by how fast he was thrusting inside of her womb—His cock tip had penetrated her cervix and was now comfortably resting, pushing against her womb walls. She could see his outline as his cock entered and exited from her now open pussy. Again, she was shoved as he forced himself more and more inside her. She felt pleasure like never.

If you love that, she had a perfect ratio of the breast to butt and her waist was pretty slim but smacked against his after men and made a pleasant sound and feel towards him. She had a cute face and was his sister's friend, so he handled her very well and brought her to the highest of pleasures. Her pussy was gushing so much juice that staining his balls and his thighs, making a pool in the ground with how much she had juiced. He was fucking her while she was still dressed. So she opened her blouse to show her naked tits. She had puffy nipples as she arched more, making them jiggle. His cock meat still inside her pussy had made a dent in her stomach and was pushing it more and more, creating an extensive outline that she felt was with her hands as he kept thrusting his cock inside her. Luffy fucked her fast, bringing her to various orgasms throughout the night. She was cheeky in trying to conquer the King to see what kind of person he was, but the one who got overwhelmed was her instead.


It was strange seeing the almighty Annabelle so happy to be with someone. Both were brother and sister by a bond that wasn't blood but something more. They talked about the past, and the biggest point of sadness was the Straw Hat Luffy speaking about the war two years ago, and his regrets about Ace. You could see the grim reminder in Ann's face. Back then she was a lost woman who had no memories of herself and only lived to kill those who were the sources of oppression. She was taught by Kuma and Dragon, and soon was able to match them in power, she had then built herself as a weapon of war, and was front and center of many a revolution in the past eight years. There was not an accurate number of the many kings she killed with her own hands. She was brutal and harsh—this was exacerbated by her lost memories which made her extremely unsympathetic towards the higher classes, even if sometimes they had something to say.

By the same vein, Koala could see that Straw Hat Luffy was also a ruthless sort of person, however he was much more charismatic than the lilac Bloody Regicide. Two princesses by his side, many rookies and captains of great armadas, pirates who were once princes, gangsters, warriors, terrorists and even martial arts fighters crowded around what he had to say. These people were already enamored with him, Koala would not be surprised if they asked to join his crew out of pure respect for his power, and charisma.

Soon, however Ann said goodbye, she hugged her little brother, and then gave a kiss to his cheek, Koala and Hack followed her as crows perched above the field of flowers. The three headed out of this kingdom. Surveying the city below, the damage was not as widespread, though two districts were fully leveled, there were some burnt buildings and a few craters, the Navy presence was extremely subdued so as to not anger the sleeping dragon that was Luffy. Riku Doldo had already taken governance of this land, returning the land to another royal. This was the revolutionaries point of contention—they knew that one sole ruler was a dastardly way of solving things, a king can do no good to the people. Even a benevolent king could be considered an oppressor. However, even the revolutionary army, who placed benevolent leaders, often left the power to one person. Even Iva was a king of her own Queendom. Like it or not, this world was governed by kings.

However, finally, Annabelle, the slayer of kings, had proposed a better form of government. A council of elected representatives voted every twelve years from the common people to govern the kingdoms they were in. It was a rudimentary idea, but the thought of many people being in charge not through lineage but persuasion—instead of only one bastard who was born to a royal family was appealing. Koala frowned deeply upon generational lineage being the deciding factor. Still, this council was in its rudimentary stages yet, Annabelle hadn't even given the name for it.

As they flew away, with the power of their friend, Koala looked over at an and, with a cheeky smile, whispered something in Ann's ears, making Annabelle feel hot under the collar. "Y—You did it with him?"


She had a lot of thoughts ever since that underground fight with the family members. Robin remembered her training with Hack and Ann, feeling ungrateful that they had trained her so much and she did not take their techniques for granted. She wanted to use more and more techniques that they taught her, and with the Haki she recently discovered, Luffy was coaching her on how to use it. Now all the other Straw Hats who were here had encountered a form or another of Haki. Which was why she didn't want to be left behind by both Usopp and Franky.

She also felt that she needed to do more in terms of her place in this world. She still needed to avenge the ghosts of Ohara, and she was a prime target of the government. So she needs to grow stronger and stronger, no matter what. Which was why she had taken Luffy's advice and chosen devil fruit for her.

Robin had fruit in her hands. It was the fruit of ruptures. Afraid so well suited for her, it wasn't a coincidence that she brought it with her through this threat of the Dressrosa conflict. Robin was now used to having too much help in her fights, which was why Robin wanted to kill a logia fruit by herself, which she accomplished in the end. A devil fruit user who eats two devil fruits dies. This was the case, and it was the knowledge of the Grand Line. So she wanted to eat a second one.

Too many examples of two devil fruit users have appeared recently. Luffy and Blackbeard were the two examples that shocked her. But, of course, that her captain had eaten the second fruit was unknown to all. The thought that World's fruit and powers were lost to time itself, the power of exponentials was lost, that's what they thought. However, this wasn't the case anymore. Robin sighed as she stared into the fruit of ruptures. To eat or not to eat?

If she fell here, then all of Ohara would be lost. However, if she gained this power, she could be an untouchable player in this world chess match. A trump card for the Straw Hats, Robin wanted to become even stronger.

So she took a bite and took another and another and another until everything was down her gullet.

One thing that he could not understand was why she did this without his knowledge. However, he could guess the emotions behind Robin at this point. She wanted to grow stronger by consuming a second fruit, but he could only ensure that somebody stayed alive during that process with his abilities. He rushed through the field of flowers, as the red flowers grew limbs of metallic black and red, as cracks of glass and rupture made themselves known across the field.

Luffy arrived at the body of Robin. She was sick, and he immediately applied his exponential power towards her healing factor. As the flowers of her power grew with rupture across them, they blew right near him, scattering realities of glass that cut through his arm and his abdomen. He was attacked by ruptured flowers of ruptures that destroyed the ground air and liquids around him. Even as the vibrations of the earth caused widespread damage to the field of flowers, he kept Robin stabilize both her powers united with each other, this was the 2nd process, the fruits fighting for dominance and damage caused by its user to die, Luffy did not know how Blackbeard had done it, but his method was quite simple, make the body survive the extensive damage dealt by the two devil fruits fighting inside them and survive until it stabilizes. After a few hours of constant fighting for her life, aided by the sped up regeneration, Robin had finally stabilized, however now with a single strand of red hair.

Now, she had the flowers of rupture, her power over flowers, and her power over ruptures. As Luffy saw how he was now near death, he smiled. His body kicked into gear as his wounds and fallen organs regenerated inside. Robin was now such a powerhouse, and he was glad she was at his side.

Now Robin would have the potential to get her revenge for Ohara. Then, finally, the Five Elders would learn of her wrath. Robin thanked Luffy for being here for her.


Luffy was initially surprised that Franky did not get the fruit of flames. He thought that his friend would win the whole tournament by himself, despite it all. However, there was no way to defeat Ann again, she had grown powerful during this time, and Ann had been working with her father in the revolutionary army. Luffy thought that was great because his older sister could shape the future after he destroyed it all, the flames of rebirth had chosen her, and they shone brightly. Ace would be pleased with the news that Ann was alive and inherited his power. Speaking of powers, Robin's powers were incredibly strong, with the potential to match even his power over exponentials and the power to turn into a god of heavens, such as the power of the flowers of rupture.

The things at the palace were growing interesting, with the two princesses of this kingdom vying for his attention. And as expected, Baby 5 connected too well with Viola and Dressorsa. Baby 5 would be staying behind to watch over her friend as her royal bodyguard. Seeing Baby 5 finally reject Law's offer to join him was funny. Baby 5 never rejected someone before, so it was quite shocking for Law. Luffy chuckled a bit. However, Law respected Baby 5's wishes. That was fine. Luffy was a man who respected his friend's wants. No matter how silly or serious they were, he always respected their hearts.

The death of Jesus Burgess really put a smile on Luffy's face, one less member of the Blackbeard pirates was a day to be celebrated. So much so Luffy gave a toast that day for Ace's memory.

Things were going so well, that he walked towards the field of flowers. They were almost destroyed during Robin's rampaging powers, but that all settled, and with the power of exponentials, this field had grown even more beautiful during this dark moonlight. The pleasant breeze and few clouds in the sky announced a gorgeous night for a lone walk for the captain of the Straw Hats.

"So you won against the tyrant, the forgotten heir of the Donquixote Family, at least from the Homing side of the family. It's interesting how our little hamsters fight against each other."

He looked at the side, and she was there. That damn witch with the white hair that appeared in the ship the night before he arrived. One of his aunts, he was sure of it.

"Glaring at me like that, why don't you attack me?"

"You really want to die, huh?"

"Trust me, I can't die."

"We'll see about that!" Luffy closed his fist and rushed towards her face, the punch approached her with the maximum speed then, he used his powers over exponentials to increase the weight of his fist even further. In one yoctosecond, that head would be blown away, and the air around her superheated until plasma fell to the floor.

Then, something happened…

She put her two dainty hands and gently blocked his fist. Her tiny hands with her tiny little fingers weren't long enough to cover it all. But that fist should have literally exploded the entire field with the power of two comets to the face. And yet…


"That's no way to greet your family, I just wanted to talk. Ahahahahahahaha..." She giggled constantly about the situation. Her voice was deep for a woman of her size and childlike frame.

"How did you block that…?" There was no force in her hands, in fact, it was like a child putting a hand in front of an oncoming rampage of horses. And yet, the rampage had stopped with just that. The force of two comets heading towards her face was nullified.

"A frail woman like me blocking such a dangerous attack, you could call that a miracle, right?"

Luffy could use his powers over exponentials to raise the potency of his attacks until he could reach the theoretical 'too big of a number' and yet she had blocked that.

Luffy jumped back, and then unleashed all of his restraints. Then charged a singularity attack. He couldn't use this at all since it threatened, but the situation demanded it.

He summoned the mighty spear, a plasma spear that scattered radiation poisoning all around, any enemy near him would have their organs melt in hours. Throwing this could damage the land for centuries, but right now, this spear was the only weapon he could think of.

Anything hit by it would have their whole body displaced, their DNA destroyed, and their life force stolen. This was then amplified by the exponential of five, this spear could destroy 500 kms of water now. Dressrosa wouldn't be safe…

However, his hated nemesis was right in his face.

And she had destroyed his confidence in his physical prowess just like that, which made him want to use one of his most powerful attacks that he could control.

"Finally, the Stuart-Griffins will get a taste of real heaven..." He said so silently as he threw the spear of mass destruction.

And yet, the second he threw it, the attack was displaced, and vanished from the face of the earth. However the singed fields of grass near him told that the attack had definitely existed. And yet it was gone.

"What—" This was the first time Luffy was this incredulous after 2 years.

"If your attack was somehow transported to another place in the universe, wouldn't you call it a miracle? Ahahahahaha...hihihihihihihihi."

And yet, the white-haired girl in front of him, with her expensive dress laughed. Almost like she was having fun for the first time in decades, or even centuries.

And yet, Luffy continuously kept attacking, for over 7 hours with his hardest hitting attacks that drained all his Haki, before he fell to his knees, painting about spending so much of his most powerful attacks. He even used his exponentials to rise himself towards infinity and yet, she still has blocked all attacks with ease.

Then she jumped in the air like a fairy, and then sunk him to the ground with her dainty foot. It didn't hurt but he was completely pinned. In fact, this woman hadn't even injured him once.

"It doesn't matter if you raise your attack to infinity and beyond, it doesn't matter if you summon the sun or a black hole. My powers will always counter yours."

"H—How?" Luffy asked, the first time he was so utterly defeated, and she still hadn't injured him, just to put salt on the wound.

"It's more than luck, it's the power of miracles..." She said so smiling, sitting on his chest and relaxing herself.

"Miracles, huh?"

"No matter how much you use exponents to boost your power. No matter how much you use your power over heaven, you won't hurt me. If you are the embodiment of infinity, then I am infinity1. I am always ahead of you."

The power to always stay ahead of their enemies, no matter what.

"It's a miracle I lived this long, it's a miracle I can walk on water, it's a miracle I can teleport. It's a miracle I stopped your fist with such frail hands—" Each time she gave another example, her expression turned even more insane. "It's a miracle your spear left the surface of the earth and was swallowed by the deep darkness of space. It's a miracle that I'll always win against you. Ahahahaha hihihihihihihi. Ah~ how I wanted to see you, nephew. It has been 19 years since you were born. I remember like it was just yesterday when I held you in my tiny hands."

She rested her head against his chest, she was so small. And yet, Luffy couldn't muster a muscle to actually kill her, so he gave up. The first loss in two years. It stung really badly, especially against one of the people that he wanted to kill.

"Are the Stuart-Griffins this powerful?"

"Don't worry, I am the most powerful one. Though that could also be a lie, ahahahaha... hihihihihihi."

She held his face and smiled at him. That was a macabre smile full of hatred and affection for him. This girl was barely holding herself so as to not kill him due to her rage. Luffy could not understand her one bit.

"My name is Isabella Stuart-Griffin."

She giggled and slept like a baby, on his chest.

"Dammit." This was the first time he wished he could still shed tears. Was this how Zoro felt when he faced Mihawk for the first time?

The fact he hadn't been injured only made sure to wreck his pride.

Whoever said the Logias were the strongest fruit must have been joking because nothing in the world, not light or darkness, could ever compete against the power of miracles. Whoever said the Logias were the strongest were only kidding themselves. Paramecia, the weakest category, also housed the strongest powers of all. The power of miracles, with it you could do anything, Luffy could not even see the depths of its power. Though he guessed this fruit was so overwhelming because of its user. Would sea stone even work on this being resting in his chest?

Or would a miracle make it so that sea stone and water didn't even work?

For the first time, the guy with the power over exponentials and over heavens complained about an unfair power.

As expected, I couldn't kill this guy when he was awake. His Haki of observation is too strong—it almost spooked me. But finally, this is it. Jean Ango, the man everyone had forgotten, had approached from the darkness of the forest with good reason. He walked as silent as possible as to not disturb the two godlike beings sleeping on a bed of flowers. He did not know the relationship these two had, but they were family, from what he could gather. So you piece of shit still have a family to go back to?

It must be nice to have family from both sides still alive right? Jean was very jealous right now.

His wife and daughter were murdered and raped by the escapees from Impel Down, yes. Escapees that the damnable Straw Hat led towards freedom. Of course, he wasn't the only ring leader. Jean Ango was in a long quest to murder every single person that escaped Impel Down that day, partly for revenge for what happened to his own family and partly so that victims like him didn't appear anymore. He had collected over 1 billion bounties until this day, and he was fortunate enough to come across one of the biggest ring leaders of that escape. Of course, he already killed the ones who murdered his wife and daughter and pillaged his village, but that wasn't enough, not nearly enough. People need to understand that their idiotic actions have idiotic consequences of going along with them. This bastard must have thought he was saving his brother back then to look to the other side and see how much worse the world was for his actions.

Jean Ango could not forgive that blatant innocence or ignorance. He wanted Straw Hat Luffy to understand that honestly, he wanted to hunt down either Buggy or Crocodile, other ring leaders, then Iva and Jinbei, and finally end the Straw Hat as a finale. Still, fate has brought him to Luffy first. He knew how scary this man was. He watched him fight so many opponents and viciously brutalize their bodies for entertainment. This man was the devil, pure and simple, he was violence incarnate, and even a bounty hunter like Jeon who lived for revenge shunned how the Straw Hat played with the lives of others. This man had a special place in hell when he died. Jean had heard of so many families of lowly marines left behind, mothers and children left by themselves to cry and never get justice for their husbands who protected the justice of this world.

Jean was pale and sweating as he approached Luffy. The man was tired and, after a grueling battle, was now very open for assassination. However, he knew there was a chance he might die. Jean wasn't a strong man. However, he was smart and knew that even if he had an absolute advantage, things still might go bad.

Still, he felt there were no more opportunities left for him at this point. If he retreated, this bastard would grow even stronger and stronger, at a point where Jean could never reach, his wife and daughter would never get the resolution they deserved. Honestly, Jean wanted to pin this man to the graves of his wife and daughter and make him apologize for hours until Luffy died. However, weaklings don't have a choice. So he had to kill him here and now, quickly and silently. The blade he drew was a big ice pick, right through the eyelids towards the brain.

Even with Haki protection, the eyelids were still a weak fleshy part, And Jean had trained just for this. So he concentrated all his Haki on the tip of it, not on the whole blade, just the tip. When applied to a very small surface, a weakling's Haki becomes stronger than a master who coats his whole body.

This was it. He would either die here or claim victory.

"You shouldn't attack others when they are sleeping, boy." The white-haired little monster was sitting on the sleeping Luffy. Jean paled and was mortified. This was the end.

"See, my nephew is in a deep sleep now." She gave light slaps to his cheek, and he nuzzled her hand. She smiled insanely at that cute reaction, and he wanted to kill her so fiercely earlier. She guessed it was instinct from so long ago. Even so, this secret couldn't be let out until it was time. After all—

Jean Ango rushed towards Luffy, not caring about the white monster. "Rude." She pointed at his chest, inverting his blood flow, crushing his body.

Jean was still alive as he stared at Luffy. He was still sleeping, not knowing what had transpired. Jean raised his hand towards Luffy, not caring about the white monster who gave him critical injuries that would kill him.

"Monkey D. Luffy! You killed my wife and daughter!"

"…But it wasn't him, was it? You already killed the ones responsible. This child only gave a chance for the damned, if the damned chose to commit more crimes and ruin more lives then that was their choice." The white monster commented, listening to his story as he died. Conversing and discussing, debating and shouting at each other. This was how the white monster known as Isabella lived. Not through looking down on mortals but conversing and learning of their stories. After all, she would do anything to stave off the boredom of immortality after 800 years.

Jean Ango had died after a while, dawn was arriving, and just like the mist, the monster had disappeared.

After all, what did Isabella even think of her nephew?

Was she just bored and wanted to play around with her mortal nephew, or was there something else hidden deep inside?

That elusive white monster would never tell.

This was the night he had properly met one of his aunts. When would he mee the other one? The two sisters of his mother posed an unimaginable threat.

And when would he meet that thing?

The next morning, his aunt was gone, only the destruction. sighed Luffy.