Close Encounters

With my gown wrapped around my chemise, stopped by the privy door, I watch Theo's lean muscles flex under the candlelight as he hovers over my bed. Strands of his brown locks have escaped the string tying his hair back. They curve around his features, brushing along the sides of his cheekbones. He drags the covers back and pauses, his eyes shutting, hand clenching tightly on the duvet.

With a long exhale and a shake of his head, Theo adjusts his crotch. The movement snaps my gaze down, and my lips part involuntarily at his length, straining against his breeches. That snaps me out of my daze. What is Theo doing?

My mind had been foggy, and my muscles were too relaxed since the massage and my bath. Now, the chilled room and the sight of Theo half-naked and by my bed have me questioning his motives. Although I didn't tell him anything, the Were wasn't stupid. He knew something had happened between me and Soren.