
"Sire, Alpha Prince Eryx has returned-"

"Reject him." Alaric didn't look up from the small coffee table in the parlour, scribbling away at some parchments.

On the other hand, I observed Rynak's expression from the sofa where I'd been napping. His aide expected the King's answer, and the stress-creasing lines on his forehead were most likely because of Eryx. He'd been enquired about me four times since I woke up two days ago. First in the morning, then at dinner.

I was quite happy lounging around here, away from Deyanira, the court and Eryx. Even Soren had been placed among the guards outside, though Theo was not accepted within these walls. Alaric said he would take care of me, and one of his maids arranged any of my other needs, such as bathing.