
I knew he was there before the loud bang on the door. It wasn't urgent, nor there to frighten me. It was just there to announce his presence and ask for my time. I wanted peace and quiet to sort through my thoughts and to read this book on the creatures of this world.

When the resounding knock came again, I sighed, closed the book and said, "Come in, Eryx."

The Alpha Prince's large frame almost made the room shrink around him. Pure power radiated off him in waves. Theo paused what he was doing but continued once he shook off the rigidness Eryx caused him from his presence alone.

Eryx closed the door behind him, observing the room as he flopped down on the sofa, ankle crossing his knee, arms spread wide, like the study was his own and I was the visitor. "It is late, Eryx," I state, my finger sliding along the book Sverre gifted me.