Chosen (3)

The fire crackles in the fireplace beside the sofa I rested on, reading a book while playing with my hair, my feet tucked beneath me. I have read the same sentences over and over again yet nothing sinks in. Since my conversation with Eryx my mind had spun and instead of resting I was growing restless.

I'd already slept throughout the night. There were no other effects of the poison even if it was still in my bloodstream. With a loud sigh, I put the book down on the sofa, my gaze flicking to the window, the snow alight by the dim glow of the guest room lighting, the darkness beyond concealing the rest of the garden.

I'd been inside all day, reading, pacing, eating the meals the servants gave me. It was boring. Alaric hadn't returned since discovering I was in bed with Eryx, but Liva kept me company for lunch. She knew I'd been poisoned by Deyanira, but she never voiced it, though I could tell from the glances she gave me from time to time.