Bond (2)

Who dares disturb us?

I will gut him and hang his intestines out on a spike and… Oh, my mate is so cute when she sleeps.

If they wake her up, I will crush his bones so tight they will turn into dust.


A knock sounded on the door, waking us from sleep. Eryx growled, not wanting to be disturbed, although we'd been stuck in this room for days. My eyes fluttered open; my mate was spooning me, keeping me close to his chest. The room now had claw marks on the walls, the bedposts, the cabinet now broken, and the wall marked from our mating.

"Are you two done?" Kharis asks in amusement from the other side of the door.

It was the quietest we'd been since entering Eryx's guest room, and it was from sheer exhaustion. My body was both in bliss and ached pleasurably so. My wolf was lounging, utterly satisfied. You and me both.