
I stood across from my next opponent today was the quarter finals of the Taijutsu tournament.

A notification appeared in front of me.

New objective win the Taijutsu tournament


Upon reaching quarter finals, 450 experience

Upon reaching semi-finals 500 experience

Upon reaching finals, 550 experience

If the player wins the final 1250


I smirked and pressed Yes the fact is that I would already be getting 450 experience, and I can make even more that just made me exited.

I mutterd observe and saw my opponents stats.

Name:Hori Uchiha





Status/Title:academy student

Chackra affinity:Fire

Main stats








Interceptor fist-The Taijutsu style of the Uchiha clan.

Ito sensei stepped in between us and started the fight.I had already thought of a plan since Hori is faster than me I'll have to use my superior strength and durability to beat him.

I stared confused the boy why had he not attacked yet?

Then it hit me like a bag of bricks the Interceptor fist was a counter attacking Taijutsu style left with no other choices I dashed at Hori.

I prepared myself to dodge and counter any follow up attacks from the boy I lead with a right hook faint and midway I switched to a leg sweep.

Hori flipped back and leaped in with a left jab I dodged his punch and threw three quick punches the first two grazed the boy and the last one connected with the boys abdomen.

Hori was left gasping for air I used the moment to hit Hori with a combination of kicks.Hori dodged most of them but a few solid kicks connected withthe boys knee,arm,shoulder and head.

Hori surprisingly countered one of my kicks and landed a kick of his own followed by two punches that sent me flying.

I rolled across the floor to get up to my feet Hori who had followed me and tried to quickly attack me while I was on the floor was shocked at how fat I got up.

I performed a devastating roundhouse kick that sent the boy flying out of the sparring circle.

A moment later Ito sensei declared my win.

I got up and slowly exited the sparring arena a message popped up.

Congratulations you have leveld up(2)

I ignored the notification and sat down and observed the next three fights that decided who would face who in the semi finals.

A front appeared on my face so he was going to be my next opponent.