March 6,2004
Brockton Bay
Preparation Day 7
The week of preparation is over. I spent this past week scouring the web for tinkers in Brockton Bay. I could only find a tinker named Leet and Armsmaster. Arms was locked up in the Rig as they feared me copying his specialty which I won't lie is smart cause that was exactly my plan.
Luckily I found their warehouse and snuck in there I found Uber and Leet building something probably for protection with their henchmen. It amuses me how tense they are behaving when they aren't even involved but I understand.
They fear becoming collateral damage like everyone else. Most likely building a shield to help them. After a few seconds I copied his power and I have to say he can be strong.
A high S class threat even but his limitation is his problem. He can only build something once. Luckily I copied his database and sequence of creation without the limitation. With this I don't even have to copy other tinkers except to add more ammo to myself.
With that I flew away.
Now the world knows there is an inter dimensional alien living amongst them and they are rightly very tense about it. I decided to forgo a mask entirely as there was no point. I was unnaturally tall compared to them which gives my identity away, add in the Snow White hair and red eyes and anyone will figure out I am Seraph.
Even using Life return won't help since it's not a shape shifting technique like people from my Earth speculated. It really helps digest food and conserve energy. Sure a bit of shape changing but not too much.
Anyways with Leet's specialty I can build anything and everything I have ever seen even in fiction. The truth is I don't need a wish. I am as strong as can be and thanks to the upgrade I am stronger. I can resurrect dead capes under my control I don't even need to kill them.
Although it's a test of willpower to resurrect them but who on this earth has more will than me, a Supreme King.
I want to see how those of this crossed over universe behave and wish for. After killing one person I'll hang back or only defend to see what they will wish for.
I decided to fuck around and a sling ring from the original marvel universe which can be used to create portals on a multiversal scale if you are strong enough.
After six hours of tinkering, I finally made it. It's only function is to create portals on a universe scale sadly. And it's locked down to only this reality cluster.
Apparently it's named the Wormverse. Never heard of it but from what I can see there are lots of alternate realities and lots of different earths.
It won't be so bad. After this I can choose to freely explore this universe to be able to properly understand it.
Interlude 1: First War Review.
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♦ Topic: Past Grail War Events: The 1st Holy Grail War
In: Boards ► Endbringers ► Osiris ► Holy Grail Wars
Answer Key (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know) (Parahuman Nerd) (Historian)
Posted On Jan 5th 2011:
Hello everyone!
It's a new year and everyone knows what that means! The imminent yearly threat/saving grace to everyone's lives!
Osiris AKA KingMaker AKA The Sky Dragon AKA The Temptation AKA Endbringer of Wishes.
Ever since the entrance of this Endbringer on September 6th, 2003 in the middle of a Simurgh attack, her powers are the only thing anyone can talk about.
And for the people here about her human appearance(or her beast form you sickos), there is a NSFW Thread for that, don't clutter this thread.
Anyways, we all know the story. Osiris shows up in her fuck-all giant serpent form, tells the SIMURGH to go take five, then proceeds to tell the world that there is now going to be an annual death battle to win a wish, which she INSISTS everyone call a holy grail war. I'm not arguing with her.
Also that the Endbringer attack frequency was going down from every 3 months to every 4 since this is also her yearly endbringer attack.
Osiris told the world straight up that "I don't need to kill a single human in my entire life as an endbringer, you'll all do that yourselves." Bad thing is we're proving her right.
For this first post only I will reiterate the rules of the war:
Holy Grail War Rules
The War will be held once a calendar year at a location of Osiris' choice for a week.
The Holy Grail War will count as a yearly 'endbringer attack' by Osiris at any given time of the year, ignoring all other attacks. As such, other endbringers will attack approximately every 4 months instead of 3.
Seven contestants will be teleported into the location. Whether there is a time to prepare or not is subject to change year by year by the decision of Osiris.All contestants will be given immunity to (In Human Terms)Master, Stranger, Thinker, and personally affecting Trump effects from other parahumans discounting fellow contestants. Fellow Contestants will be resistant to such powers by a contestant, but can be affected.
All contestants will have their powers enhanced before the war starts and the power-up will not be taken away, including the immunity.
If a contestant doesn't have a kill by the time the war ends, they will be killed.
If a contestant is killed by several other contestants working together, then credit will be given to the one Osiris feels deserves the credit.
The war ends after seven days with whoever has killed the most contestants and is alive wins.
If there is a tie at the end of the war, the war will continue indefinitely until a winner is decided or all but one of the tied contestants gives up on attempting to win, which will result in them being killed by Osiris.
The winner will be allowed to ask one wish of Osiris to grant.
Thus it started on March 7, 2004: The First Holy Grail War. Brockton Bay, USA. Nearly two weeks after her first appearance. All of Brockton Bay was separated from the rest of the world, no in or out, and the entire war live streamed courtesy of our wish-granting overlord.
I'll keep all my following posts in a similar format for the rest of the details.
Brockton Bay, USA. The First Holy Grail War AKA 'The Tutorial Level' by Osiris
4 Villains, 3 'Heroes' at the start
1.) Marquis(Teleported out of the birdcage by our dragon lady):
Original Power: Personal Bone Growth/Generation and could break other bones in a shaker radius around him. Bones were strong enough to block several of the Empire88's full assaults before Marquis was birdcaged. Brute 5, Shaker 5, Blaster 2.
Upgraded Power: Increased Bone growth for self and any nearby bones not attached to another person. Bone strength increased. Could make an unlimited amount of bone constructs out of his own bones that could display slight sentience and obey commands. Brute 8, Shaker 7, Blaster 4, Master 8
2.) Kaiser:
Original Power: Leader of the Empire88, American neo-Nazi gang. Can produce metal blades, barriers or rods from any solid surface. Shaker 7
Upgraded Power: Increased speed of power. Could change other materials living and non-living(stone, skin, etc) into metal with a striker effect, making contact an instant kill if he is aware. Could focus and fire his produced blades. Shaker 9, Striker 7, Blaster 5
3.) Seraph (Open identity:Noah Jordayne):
Original Power: Inter dimensional traveller who was held the title, "Emperor of the Seas" in his old world. Original powers: Brute 9, Partial Invulnerability, Pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, Portals and a personal dimension, Earthquake generation and manipulation, Flight and Tinker/Trump.
Original ratings: Brute 9, Shaker 10, Breaker 9, Tinker 12+, Changer 1,Trump 9.
Upgraded Power: This is the only time Osiris did not massively boost the base abilities of someone. According to her,"Too OP please nerf." and she was not wrong. She did give him a new Devil fruit ability that made him the most dangerous man on the planet.
Shadow Monarch Fruit: ability to resurrect the shadow of the dead around you under your command with their full abilities and granted an ability to improve further.
Master: 10+. Nuff said.
4.)Iron Man(Open Identity: Tony Stark):
Original Power: Second-In-Command of San Diego Protectorate Branch until the end of the war, he was an open Tinker with his productivity and quality based on his own personal excitement for a project. The more he liked what he was working on, the faster and better his tinker tech. Tinker 8
Upgraded Power: Like all tinkers Osiris has buffed over the years, Osiris removed the random maintenance requirement of Iron Man's tinker tech. As long as it didn't break down for a good reason, it wouldn't anymore. Added a tinker specialty of Body Armor and Power Sources. Tinker 12.
Original Power: Leader of villain organization The Brotherhood, believers in Parahuman supremacy. Strong magnetic based telekinesis shaker effect that worked around a quarter mile radius and could throw those objects. Only worked on macro-scale, around the size of a truck or larger up to around the size of an apartment building. Shaker 9, Blaster 6
Upgraded Power: Can use magnetism on a micro level now, affecting things of any size. Stronger push and pull with magnetism based telekinesis. Used the upgrade to make a repulse field around his own body with his metal armor and allowed himself to fly. Brute 8, Mover 6, Shaker 10, Blaster 8, Thinker 4
6.)Brandish(Open Identity: Carol Dallon):
Original Power: Member of New Wave, open identity independent organization. Makes energy weapons and can turn into a near invulnerable sphere. Striker 5 Changer 1
Upgraded Power: Can mass-produced short-lived energy weapons that can be fired at the enemy(Osiris once shouted 'Gates Of Babylon' on stream watching it). Can move incredibly fast as a sphere now. Blaster 12, Mover 8, Striker 5, Changer 1
Original Power: Tinker with a specialty in cyborg augmentation. Independent from North Dakota. Has heavily changed his own body with a ton of energy based thrusters at this point. Main downside was needing constant maintenance on his own body, making his time actually performing as a hero extremely low. Tinker 7, Brute 5, Blaster 5, Mover 6, Thinker 4.
Upgraded Power: Removes random maintenance, also given a specialty in efficiency and modularity. Armsmaster and Output gave no comment at the fact that their entire powers were just copied and giving to another person. Gave a gigantic tune up to his own body during the war. Tinker 10, Brute 7, Blaster 7, Mover 7, Thinker 5.
Note: I'm generally sticking to fights that were between at least two contenders unless it was overly significant. There would be pages of combat otherwise.
Day 1:
Mostly quiet, everyone isn't really believing in Osiris yet since this is the first game. After it is discovered that the entire town is separated from the outside world, the seven contestants take this more seriously.
It seemed though that Seraph already knew.
Day 2:
Fight between Brandish and Marquis, Brandish's new artillery causing much destruction while Marquis was protected by his army of skeletons and hardened bones. When the rest of New Wave showed up as they were in the town before the separation, Marquis took the males, Flashbang and Manpower, hostage to end the engagement.
First Mass Slaughter of the War. Magneto, citing his own Jewish heritage and disgust at their racist rhetoric, massacres vast numbers of the E88 organization. Those killed include 40% of all non-powered members during a large rally, Krieg, Fenja, Mensa, Victor, and the entirety of the med-hall building and surrounding buildings. Kaiser tried to fight back but he's pretty screwed against a magnetism specialist with his powers. Magneto maintains enough distance that his costume couldn't be changed by Kaiser's shaker effect while launching large amounts of debris at him.
Kaiser managed to escape thanks to Crusader covering with his spectral clones but Crusader barely survived thanks to the efforts of Othalla so that Kaiser could escape. The first example of how little regular parahumans can do against those that Osiris enhance, much like the gap between civilians and parahumans.
Panic sets into the populace at the first large-scale disaster, also with the effect of almost ending the Empire88 movement in one fell swoop. They never recovered from the damages of that day.
Day 3:
Early Morning:
This was the day that cemented who was the strongest in the world in everyone's mind. Seraph the Yonko (as was his epitaph in his home world) decided he wanted to have fun. According to him he did not need wishes anymore as his current power up is enough for him to achieve what he wants, decided to third party a fight between Marquis and Kaiser while Brandish was searching for Marquis before she ran into Magneto.
The first thing he did was to freeze the entire battlefield which was about four kilometres in solid ice which did not dissipate for a month. Marquis and Kaiser seeing this decided to team up against him.
Kaiser generated about a thousand swords and kept throwing them at him hoping to stick at least one in. Marquis created about a hundred bone constructs and sent them to attack him with haste.
Against anyone else this might have worked but against the "Divine General" as Osiris calls him it was futile. He started dodging all the swords attacking him from angles with what we now know as observation Haki (a kind of combat thinker ability that can be trained in his universe).
The constructs were being destroyed left and right by flames that instantly reduced them to dust while he punched a few out of existence. Marquis and Kaiser both engaged him in close combat while still spamming their abilities to give themselves more options but as we know now… there is a reason Osiris appointed him as her Divine General.
Even with the onslaught he had not taken blow that made him step back. Eventually a combo by which Marquis for a few seconds controlled his bones and made him stand in place for a few seconds allowed Kaiser fire a blade he had been constructing to take down brutes with how strong and refined it was.
At the last second Seraph was able to move his head to the side and even with his invulnerability the blade cut his cheek letting blood leak out from him. There was a lull on the field as if everyone knew something was about to change. Seraph raised a hand and touched his blood before looking at it and then them.
He then said the iconic line,
"All that for a drop of blood."
With that all gloves came of. He immediately speed blitzed both of them moving faster than sound he arrived in front of Marquis in an instant and punched him so hard he sailed from there into Arcadia Academy which was miles away.
In the same instant he punched Kaiser in his stomach up into the sky as Kaiser was sailing without even a moment to gather his thoughts he was punched again while in the sky and was sailing towards the former Boat Graveyard.Still disoriented he tried to prepare for a landing but was once again hit by Seraph towards another location but this time Seraph had already sped along waiting in the air with his arm outstretched as Kaiser sailed into his palms.
Seraph then proceeded to break his neck instantly killing him and earning the first point of the competition.
As Kaiser's corpse laid on the ground we bore witness to the first member of the shadow army. Seraph said the word "Arise" and a shadow resembling Kaiser in black and red highlights stood up and went on its knees submitting itself to him.
With his existence guaranteed proceeded to retire from the battle and the war as a whole as he went back to his base to continue tinkering.
The causualties of this battle was about 7000 lives.
Day 4
Marquis was found healing himself in his former home thanks to the help of his daughter, Panacea. He was attacked Brandish very viciously. She ended up sending a spear through her foster daughter in a bout of insanity saying something about being a villain was in her blood.
Luckily, Panacea second triggered and was able to use her powers on herself and a minor regeneration and brute power.
Marquis decided that only one of them was going to leave there alive. Marquis and Brandish fought all over the Bay bringing down several buildings drawing the attention of the other contestants who all arrived on the scene.
Seraph decided to instead go and protect little Panacea who used the chance to learn about his biology and started a long process of duplicating it along with one of his devil fruit abilities.
[PS: She eventually became half lunarian and copied the devil fruit ability of the Tremor Tremor fruit even if she did not know what it was. As it turns out normal people can't have more than one fruit. Panacea's power subconsciously protected her by only copying one.]
Iron Man and Genos decided to step in together to help Brandish defeat Marquis. Marquis in a showing of why exactly he was feared took them all on at the same time and was dukeing out a draw. This fight carried on to the next day.
Day 5:
As they were all tired as Marquis was barely able to keep standing as he was past the point of exhaustion. Brandish was missing a leg and an arm with grievous cuts all over her.
Genos was missing an arm and many of his metal parts.
Iron Man had a bone spike near his heart and through his side.
Eventually the missing person Magneto decided to third party as he sent a shrapnel right through the skull of an exhausted Genos as he died.
Leaving only Marquis, Brandish,Tony and Magneto.Only two of them could walk out of this.
Eventually after they spent time bantering it became a free for all which caused approximately 2000 deaths due to damage.
Eventually Marquis succumbed to exhaustion and Tony Stark was able to blast him with a laser killing him before he himself fell unconscious due to exhaustion.
Magneto was was fighting Brandish casually at first saw the other fight was done and immediately went on an all out Assault. Magnetising her to a metal cross and then stabbing her through the heart with a metal pole bringing the first edition of the Holy Grail war to an end.
They were teleported before a smiling Osiris who proceeded to ask Magneto for his wish.
Magneto proceeded to ask for a nation for parahumans where humans and other non parahumans can harm them and they can live there without fear.
Osiris decided to make the entirety of Egypt her land. In Egypt no parahuman can be struck or hurt with intent. Human weapons can't damage them when they are within the borders and Osiris protects them.
There has never been any Emdbringer attacks against them in years.
That was the summary guys. What do you think?
Winged_One : Canonically accurate. Approved.
Bagrat: Yeah. One of the few wars that ended before seven days. For all the casualties the first war was by far the tamest. Remember the fifth war when she pitted us against seven alternate universe counterparts. Never knew how much Panacea was holding back until Red Queen decided to fuck everyone up.