Transfer Student

It's morning, Kiara grunts as she wakes up from the floor of her bedroom.

She gets up from the floor of her room and walks towards her bathroom. Taking off her clothes, Kiara stares at herself in the mirror looking at the bruises all over her body and the cuts on her wrist she sighs to herself before entering the shower.

Coming out of the shower, Kiara dries up herself beforr tying a robe on her naked self exiting the bathroom. She walks towards her closet and picks out dark blue jorts, with a black crop top and dark green hoodie pairs with a pair of black adidas shoes to wear to school today. She throws them on before spraying perfume on her, carrying her bag and heading downstairs.

She gets downstairs just to find it empty. She uses the opportunity to quickly make pancakes to eat for breakfast before heading to school. This time around, she decides to take the bus to school.

Arriving in school, Kiara heads to her classroom as she arrived early today. She walks towards her classroom and takes a seat at her usual sit and uses her phone till it's time for classes.

The teacher enters the class and the class greet him as he enters.

"Good day class, today we have a transfer student among us" he said to the class as he gestures for the student to come in.

Entering the class, Kiara's eyes widen a little in shock as she notices that the transfer student was the guy she had met a the cafe yesterday.

"Hi it's nice to meet y'all, I'm Jackson" Jackson says to the class before being instructed to seat down on a sit at two rows beside Kiara before the teacher starts teaching. Kiara noticed that throughout the class, Jackson kept stealing glances at her which made her kinda of self conscious because of her injuries on her body.