
Classes have ended and Kiara and her siblings are back home. It's been three to four days that the siblings heard last from their dad.

Kyle, Selina and Sam are watching TV in the living room while Kiara is by the kitchen doing the dishes from the dinner her siblings had, when Kyle receives a phone call.

Kyle almost jumps off the couch as he sees the name of the caller ID.

"Why do you look so shocked who's calling?" Sam askes Kyle

Kyle takes a moment of silent before answering "It's dad's" and then answers the phone.

"Hello dad?" Kyle says in a subtle voice.

"Hello this is Skype High Hospital and the owner of this phone has been in a serious accident and this was the first number we saw in his phone" the person at the other end said.

" WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY DAD " Kyle screams over the phone.

"Sir I advice you to calm down and come to the hospital immediately" the person says before hanging up the phone.

"Who was t-t-that? And what happened to dad?" Selina says in a trembling voice.

"Uhm.. dad has been hospitalized due to an accident " Kyle says breaking the news to his siblings.

"What??? How? What happened?" Sam

says pacing with his hands on his head.

"I don't know they didn't tell me much. Let's just all go to the hospital and see what's wrong." Kyle said and with that ran up to grab the keys to the car and change his outfit as his siblings followed suit.

"C-cann I come with?" Kiara askes with her head lowered down.

"I guess just don't do anything funny" Kyle says as Kiara nods in response and they all exited the house.

The siblings arrive at the hospital and immediately rushes into the reception to ask about the whereabouts of their father.

"Hi. Uhm please there was a guy registered here under the name Trey Raymond. I think he met with an accident and was admitted here.." Kyle says to the desk lady.

"Please hold on while I check for records" the lady says browsing through her computer. "Ahh yes he was admitted not to long ago. Please what's your relation with the patient?" The desk lady adds in.

"He's our father" Sam says in a bit of rush.

"Alright. He was just transferred from the emergency to room 108 on the 2nd floor to your right from the elevator " the lady says.

"Thank you" Kiara and Selina say at the same time before they all dashed to the elevator to take them to the 2nd floor.

They reached their father's room and saw the horrible state their unconscious father was in. Hands over their mouth as they all stared in disbelief at his miserable stage.

The doctors came in to examine how he's doing after the surgery when Kyle approached them.

"Please what happened to my dad" Kyle askes as tears threatened to fall.

" A random person had brought him in and said he had been ran over by a car accidentally trying to cross the road on a green light. They also said he was extremely drunk" the doctor says to Kyle and his siblings.

"Your dad hit his head hard during the accident and info slipped into a coma" the doctor adds in.

"What do you mean..when will he wake up?" Selina asked as she fights back tears.

"We are not too sure yet" the doctor says before leaving leaving.

The siblings enter their dad's ward to see him unconscious.

"H-how did all these happen to dad. I miss how jolly he used to be when mom was still here" Selina says in-between tears. She angrily turns her head towards Kiara's direction. "NONE OF THIS WILL BE HAPPENING IF YOU WEREN'T BORN" Selina shouts aloud.

"We can't do this here Selina this is a hospital" Kyle says not even looking towards Selina's direction. He's staring at the condition of his dad and it breaks his heart seeing him on this condition. He misses the fun times he has with his mom and dad. They were always so happy together. He has always relied on his dad for everything. Now he has to find a way to care for himself and siblings.

The siblings spent an hour and half in the hospital taking care of their father and filling in important paperwork for their father's treatment before they headed back home.

The atmosphere of the ride home was tense tho nobody said a word.

As they reached home, they all quietly went to their respective rooms which made Kiara relieved as she thought they would take out their anger on her.