Chapter 12: Can I Try?

As Lin Ye politely handed over the small keg of barley wine, Tang San hurriedly waved his hands, declining it. "No, no, that's not necessary. You're being too polite."

"You and Grandpa Jack have helped us so much already. We've always felt indebted to you. Now that we can finally help you in return, we're more than happy to do so. There's no need for gifts. Don't worry, whatever you need forged, my father will certainly do his best."

But compared to Tang San's modesty, Tang Hao was much less reserved.

Seeing the keg of wine, Tang Hao stepped forward without hesitation, took it from Lin Ye, and placed it on the table. Then, he asked bluntly, "So, what do you want me to forge?"


Tang San felt his face flush with embarrassment at his father's behavior. But knowing his father's straightforward nature, all he could do was sigh inwardly.

"I'd like a sword. If possible, Uncle Tang Hao, could you craft it based on this drawing?"

As he spoke, Lin Ye pulled out a neatly folded sheet of paper from his pocket. Opening it, he handed it to Tang Hao.

The drawing depicted the basic outline of the Golden Sword.

"I see."

Tang Hao glanced at the drawing, his eyes flickering with thought as he studied Lin Ye for a moment. Then, he nodded.

"I can forge your sword, but I'll have to teach Xiao San how to smith in the morning. I'll start on your sword in the afternoon. Come by tomorrow to pick it up."

Tang Hao placed the drawing on the table and used the small keg of barley wine to hold it in place.

"Alright, but could I stay here and watch you smith?" Lin Ye asked, looking at Tang San, who was currently hammering away.

Since practicing Dragon Elephant Prajna, Lin Ye's strength had increased significantly. Seeing that even Tang San could work the forge, Lin Ye felt a sudden urge to try it himself.

But he knew he couldn't just ask to try outright. He needed to observe first before making his request.

"Suit yourself."

Tang Hao found Lin Ye's request a bit unusual but remained indifferent. After all, smithing was no secret art, and teaching his son didn't involve anything particularly confidential. There was no reason to refuse a curious bystander.

Though smithing involved technique, it was still just that—technique. Without the corresponding hammer-type Martial Soul, learning how to use the forge hammer wouldn't be all that useful.

"Thank you, Uncle Tang Hao," Lin Ye said politely before finding a spot where he could watch clearly.

Tang Hao simply nodded, then turned back to supervising Tang San.

"Focus, stop thinking about other things. Keep hammering. Forge this block of iron until it's the size of a fist."

Pointing to the large, red-hot hunk of metal, about the size of a human head, Tang Hao's voice was stern.

"Yes, Father, I understand!"

Tang San took a deep breath and steadied himself. Gripping the forge hammer next to him, he summoned all his strength and raised it high before bringing it down with full force onto the iron block.


The heavy thuds of the hammer echoed repeatedly through the forge.

However, reducing a head-sized piece of iron down to the size of a fist was no small task. It was something that would challenge even seasoned blacksmiths, let alone Tang San, who was still learning.

Despite his best efforts, lifting the heavy forge hammer time and again and striking the iron with all his might, Tang San could only manage to create uneven dents across the surface. The iron still looked like a lumpy, cratered meteorite, with no significant reduction in size.

"Take a break. If you keep going at this pace, it'll take you three months to get that iron down to the size of a fist."

Seeing Tang San drenched in sweat, breathing heavily but making little progress, Tang Hao frowned and shook his head.

"Let me show you how it's done."

Tang Hao stepped forward, pulling Tang San back and taking the forge hammer into his own hands. As he began to demonstrate, his voice carried the weight of experience.

"Smithing isn't just about swinging a hammer up and down. That's the most foolish way. It's tiring, and you won't get much power out of it."

"The correct way to forge isn't just relying on arm strength. You need to engage your entire body—from your legs, to your waist, to your back, and finally, to your arms. You should channel your strength throughout your body and use that to power your hammer swings. You're not just lifting the hammer—you're 'throwing' it down with all your might."

As he explained, Tang Hao raised the hammer to demonstrate.

Standing tall, his feet planted firmly on the ground, Tang Hao's entire body seemed rooted as he let out a low, powerful breath. His body surged upward, as though strength was coursing through him, from his legs to his waist, then through his back and arms.

With a deep roar, Tang Hao swung the hammer in a wide arc, bringing it crashing down onto the iron block.


The deafening sound of the strike filled the forge, and the head-sized iron block now had a cylindrical dent nearly a foot deep—the hammer had sunk halfway into the metal!

Both Lin Ye and Tang San stared in awe.

To drive half the hammer into red-hot iron with one strike—that was a feat Lin Ye knew even he couldn't achieve at his current level. Perhaps he could pierce the iron with his Xuanyuan Sword Martial Soul, but embedding a heavy forge hammer that deep required not just immense strength, but also refined technique.

"Now, give it a try."

After several more swings to demonstrate, Tang Hao set the hammer down and stepped back, gesturing for Tang San to take over.


Tang San stepped up to the glowing iron block, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

In his mind, he replayed everything his father had just explained and demonstrated. Slowly, he adjusted his stance, gripping the hammer with renewed focus.

"Strength flows from the legs, through the waist, into the back, and finally into the arms, and into the hammer…"

Tang San repeated the process in his mind. His legs tensed, his body rose steadily, and he channeled the strength through his body as he had learned.


With a sharp shout, Tang San opened his eyes and, with all his might, swung the forge hammer high into the air before bringing it down onto the iron.


This time, Tang San's strike left a bowl-sized dent in the iron block, much to his delight. Encouraged, he continued to swing the hammer repeatedly.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal on metal rang out clearly through the forge. Under Tang San's persistent hammering, more and more bowl-sized dents appeared on the iron block, and slowly but surely, the block began to shrink in size.

However, despite his best efforts, Tang San still hadn't fully mastered the technique. His movements were only about half as effective as his father's.

As time went on, his energy began to wane. His hands trembled slightly as he lifted the hammer.


Seeing Tang San's exhaustion, Tang Hao frowned and called out, his voice stern.

Tang San, panting heavily, set the hammer down and wiped the sweat from his brow with his sleeve.

"Go rest and drink some water. Once you've recovered, we'll continue."

Tang Hao's tone softened as he addressed his son.

At that moment, Lin Ye's eyes gleamed with interest. Taking a step forward, he suddenly asked, "Uncle Tang Hao, may I give it a try?"


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