Chapter 19: Heading to Notting City, Stopped by the Gatekeeper

From the day Lin Ye awakened his martial spirit, three months had already passed in the blink of an eye.

Now, it was finally time for the start of the school term at Notting Primary Soul Master Academy—the day Lin Ye would officially enroll.

Initially, Tang Hao had adamantly refused to let Tang San attend the academy after the martial spirit awakening ceremony. However, a week before the academy's opening, Tang Hao changed his mind and sought out Old Jack, finally agreeing to let Tang San attend.

In the village of Holy Soul, if anyone gave Old Jack headaches, it had to be Tang Hao. So when Tang Hao finally softened and relented, Old Jack was overjoyed.

On this day, the weather was perfect for traveling—clear skies, a gentle breeze, and bright sunshine.

After breakfast, Lin Ye packed his things at home, and Old Jack brought along the necessary documents—like their martial spirit proof—before the two were ready to set off. After stopping by Tang San's house to pick him up, the three left Holy Soul Village, heading toward Notting City.

They walked through vast farmlands outside the village, following the riverbank where the water flowed gently. Although Lin Ye had been to Notting City before with Old Jack, this trip was completely different. Previously, it was just for a day of leisure, and they would return by the evening. This time, Lin Ye would stay at the Soul Master Academy for nearly half a year.

Though Lin Ye was mature and independent for his age, the thought of leaving Old Jack for such a long time left him feeling a bit silent. Beside him, Tang San also seemed restless, watching the familiar surroundings fade away as they ventured farther from home.

The journey from Holy Soul Village to Notting City was long, taking several hours on foot. Growing anxious, Tang San decided to distract himself by asking Old Jack some questions about the academy.

"Grandpa Jack, could you tell me more about Notting Primary Soul Master Academy? What kind of place is it?"

As they strolled by the river, Tang San's curiosity got the better of him.

"Ah, the Notting Primary Soul Master Academy. It's a place that trains soul masters, where they'll teach you about soul master-related knowledge. But to be honest, I'm not too sure about the specifics, since I've never attended one myself," Old Jack chuckled, stroking his long beard as he explained.

"But I've heard that besides teaching you soul master knowledge, they also cover general subjects like writing, geography, and arithmetic. Although you've already learned a bit of these in the village's private school, at the academy, the teachers will give you more comprehensive lessons. So, make sure you study hard!" he added with a smile.

"Grandpa Jack, does attending the academy cost money? And if it does, is it expensive?" Tang San asked after a moment of thought.

"Silly boy! Of course, it costs money. The academy isn't free!" Old Jack chuckled.

"But don't worry. Both you and Lin Ye are going as work-study students. That means your tuition, lodging, and registration fees are waived. You'll only need to cover your own meals. The academy will even assign some tasks for you to do, like cleaning, which will earn you a small amount of money—just a few copper soul coins. It should be enough to cover your daily food expenses," Old Jack reassured them.

"Oh, I see," Tang San nodded, processing the information.

They chatted as they walked. After several hours of traveling, the three finally approached Notting City by early afternoon.

In the distance, towering city walls came into view, stretching far and wide. Upon the black walls stood tiny figures—the soldiers guarding the city.

Reaching the city gates, a long queue had already formed. Though Notting City was a border city of the Heaven Dou Empire, its location near the empire's boundary with the Star Luo Empire made it a bustling trade hub, frequented by merchants from both nations.

Led by Old Jack, the trio waited in line and eventually paid the entrance fee to the gate guards, allowing them to enter the city.

Notting City lived up to its reputation as a vibrant place. Even though Lin Ye had visited before, he was once again captivated by the clean streets, towering clock towers in the distance, and the bustling shops and street vendors. It was a far cry from the simplicity of Holy Soul Village.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where Notting Primary Soul Master Academy is?" After they entered the city, Old Jack stopped a middle-aged vendor on the street to ask for directions.

Though Old Jack was familiar with the academy, it had been years since anyone from Holy Soul Village had qualified to attend, so he had forgotten its exact location.

"Just follow this street straight to the end, then take a left. Keep walking until you reach the very end. That's where you'll find Notting Academy!" the vendor replied, pointing down the street.

"Oh, thank you kindly!" Old Jack said, tapping his cane and expressing his gratitude.

"Alright, kids, let's get moving!" he called out to Lin Ye and Tang San as they resumed their journey.

After walking for about ten more minutes, the towering archway of Notting Academy finally came into view.

Seeing the entrance, Old Jack sighed emotionally. "Lin Ye, Tang San, we're almost at Notting Academy. Once I help you two get registered, I'll be heading back. Remember to study hard, listen to your teachers, and take care of yourselves. The school term lasts about half a year, so when it's over, and New Year approaches, I'll come pick you up."

"I understand, Grandpa," Lin Ye said after a brief pause.

Though he knew he would eventually have to part from Old Jack, Lin Ye couldn't help but feel a little heavy-hearted. After all, Old Jack had raised him from a young age, and the bond between them ran deep. The thought of their separation stirred up emotions, but Lin Ye, being who he was, didn't show these feelings on his face. Instead, he steeled himself, thinking of the academy as the first step in his journey—a trial that he needed to pass before he could repay Old Jack for everything he had done.

With that resolve, Lin Ye looked toward the academy, ready to begin his new chapter.

As they neared the gates, they noticed a steady stream of students returning from the city. The young boys and girls, dressed in standard uniforms, either hurried along or ran with excitement, passing through the iron gates into the academy.

However, just as Old Jack led Lin Ye and Tang San to the gate, a young man suddenly stepped forward, blocking their way.

"Stop right there! Where do you think you're going?"


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