Chapter 26: My Name is Xiao Wu

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Seeing how reluctantly Tang San accepted the role, Lin Ye couldn't help but frown.

It's just being the leader, why is he so unwilling?

Sure, being the leader comes with responsibilities, but Lin Ye had always believed that with responsibility came power.

If you bear the responsibility, you naturally deserve the corresponding authority!

From a young age, Lin Ye had watched his grandfather, Old Jack, who was the village chief of Holy Soul Village.

Although Old Jack never exploited his position for personal gain, there were always villagers trying to curry favor. Whether it was offering gifts or helping during the harvest, many people lent a hand just to stay on good terms with him.

Growing up in such an environment, Lin Ye had developed a clear understanding of the relationship between power and responsibility.

But because of Old Jack's example, Lin Ye also knew the importance of being responsible.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been thinking about the future of Dormitory Seven after he left, by arranging for Tang San to take over as the next leader.


The role of leader in Dormitory Seven didn't seem to hold much power, at least from what Lin Ye had observed.

However, one useful perk did come to mind—he could have his "underlings" take over his duties as a work-study student.

From what Lin Ye knew, work-study students were required to help clean specific areas of the academy every day in exchange for a modest reward.

Lin Ye had no interest in doing the cleaning himself; he wanted to focus on his daily cultivation. But since it was a mandatory duty for work-study students, there wasn't much he could do to avoid it—until now.

As the leader of Dormitory Seven, Lin Ye could delegate this chore to the others.

Even if the area was large, dividing the task among everyone would mean that each person wouldn't need to spend too much time on it.

While Lin Ye was clear on how to leverage his newfound authority, he was less certain about the responsibilities he had to fulfill as the leader.

"Wang Sheng, let's make one thing clear. I'm not going to be your leader for nothing. If I'm going to take on this role, you all will need to handle my work-study duties for me. That's the privilege of being the leader," Lin Ye declared, his tone firm.

"As for any responsibilities or obligations I have to fulfill as the leader, feel free to tell me. As long as I'm capable of doing it, I'll take them on. Power and responsibility go hand in hand—that much, I understand."

After considering for a moment, Lin Ye glanced at Wang Sheng and spoke.

"Since you're our leader now, there's no way we'd expect you to lead us for free. We can take care of your work-study cleaning tasks," Wang Sheng quickly agreed.

"Right! We can do that!" the other boys echoed.

"Good. Now, what do you expect from me as your leader?" Lin Ye asked, satisfied with their response.

"The job's pretty simple, really," Wang Sheng said with a smile. "Just protect us and stand up for us when needed. You see, we're all work-study students from different villages, while the other dorms are full of kids from Notting City. They look down on us, think we're poor and an embarrassment to the academy, so they bully us a lot. As the leader, you'll need to stand up for us when that happens."

"That's all?" Lin Ye smirked. "Don't worry. If any of you get bullied, just come to me. I'll handle it."

Given Lin Ye's current strength, he could easily take on most students, perhaps even many of the teachers at the academy. Standing up for Dormitory Seven? He was more than confident in his ability.

"Boss, you may be strong, but don't underestimate them," Wang Sheng warned, noticing Lin Ye's confidence.

With a sigh, Wang Sheng rolled up his sleeves, revealing bruises and welts all over his arms.

"Some of the students in the other dorms are tough. Many of them have reached seven or eight levels of soul power. And their martial spirits are often powerful—weapon-based spirits or formidable beast spirits. The bruises on my arms? All from them. Boss, be careful when you face them," Wang Sheng said, showing his injuries.

"Don't worry. I won't take it lightly," Lin Ye responded with a faint smile, unbothered.

Seeing Lin Ye so composed, Wang Sheng wanted to say more but ended up just shaking his head with a wry smile.

Lin Ye's strength was far superior to his own. He'd easily defeated him earlier, so perhaps he really could hold his own against those stronger students.

Wang Sheng had done his part to warn him. Whatever happened next would be up to Lin Ye.

Just as Wang Sheng and Lin Ye were finishing their conversation, footsteps echoed down the hallway again.

Following the sound, they watched as the door to Dormitory Seven slowly creaked open.

A little girl stood in the doorway, her voice crisp as she asked, "Excuse me, is this Dormitory Seven?"

The girl's adorable face, bright eyes, and delicate pink dress immediately caught everyone's attention. She wore rabbit-ear accessories in her hair, and her sleek black hair was styled into a scorpion braid that draped down her back. She was petite and charming, a picture of cuteness.

For a moment, all the boys in the dorm were completely entranced.

"Wang Sheng, what's going on? Do girls stay in Dormitory Seven too?" Lin Ye asked, frowning at the sight of the girl.

"Boss, you didn't know? Since we're all kids, the academy doesn't bother separating the dorms by gender. We all stay together," Wang Sheng explained in a lowered voice.

"Hey! Did you hear me? I asked if this is Dormitory Seven!" the girl huffed, puffing out her cheeks in frustration as she waited for a response.

"Boss, quick! She must be the new work-study student assigned to Dormitory Seven. It's up to you to test her!" Wang Sheng urged from behind.

"Test her?" Lin Ye frowned, ready to refuse. But then he hesitated.

He himself looked ordinary at first glance, yet had easily defeated the seemingly strong Wang Sheng. What if this girl was similar?

The chances were slim, but still… Lin Ye figured it wouldn't hurt to test her strength, just in case.

"Fine," Lin Ye muttered to himself before stepping forward.

Testing her strength wouldn't be much trouble, after all.

"Yes, this is Dormitory Seven. I'm the leader here—my name is Lin Ye. What's yours?" Lin Ye asked as he approached the girl.

"Oh, this is Dormitory Seven? Good, I didn't get lost then!" The girl visibly relaxed, patting her chest in relief. She then smiled sweetly and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Xiao Wu. 'Xiao' as in little, 'Wu' as in dance. I'm also a member of Dormitory Seven. Please take care of me from now on."

"So, your name is Xiao Wu…" Lin Ye nodded slightly.

"Well, since you're part of Dormitory Seven, you'll need to follow our rules. You'll have to spar with me. I'm the leader here, but if you manage to defeat me, then you'll become the leader. If not, you'll be my subordinate. How does that sound?"

"Really? That sounds like fun! So, if I beat you, I get to be the leader?" Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled with excitement at Lin Ye's words.


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