A Nice Goblin, Is a Dead Goblin

As dawn arrived, the power of my body has reached the half-step to a 2nd-rate warrior and my magic circle has reached its 3rd circle. With the preparations complete, I can now summon the mount that I'll use to reach the village.

I went to a secluded part outside the empire and I closed my eyes and concentrated on my goal. I drew a circle along with symbols with red ink on the ground and placed a summoning talisman in the middle of the circle. I chanted the summoning technique correct. As the chant finished, the red ink glowed and the talisman burned, the red ink glowed to the point it blinded my eyes for a few seconds. I opened my eyes, a mythical animal with the body of a black horse and the head of a dragon stood at where the circle was.

It was my first time seeing my companion from up close. I walked up to it and touched its hair, it's body and its horns. To my surprise, it didn't retaliate to my touches.

"It's been a long time since I saw a Qilin. You were the first companion I ever had before acquiring new ones along my gaming journey."

"There's no time to waste, there are people in danger so we can't be late."

I sat on top of it and it started running as soon as I got comfortable. It was heading to the direction of the village as if it read my mind. Due to the Qilin's fast speed, we arrived at the village before the sun reached its peak. As we entered the village, it was gloomy and quiet, the doors were shut and the windows as well.

"Hello! Is anybody there!", I shout.

People opened their doors and came outside as soon as they heard my shout. The faces of both fear and relief were on their faces, assuming they aren't expecting me to accomplish this task.

"A-are you here for the goblin commission?", asked by an old man in ragged clothes.

"Yes, I am. I'd like it if you can tell me the current situation.", I responded.

The old man was this village's chief, he was also the one who posted the commission in the guild. He led me to his house and we talked.

"When did it occur?", I ask

"It started 5 days ago, a large number of them suddenly ambushed my village and took our possessions due to our vulnerability. They even took the women of my village and nobody could even retaliate.", the chief replied.

"I see, can you tell me the goblin's number atleast?", I asked.

"They were... more than hundreds...", the chief replied.

"H-hundreds!? Impossible, there hasn't been a situation where hundreds of goblins appeared before!", I reacted.

Back inside the carriage with Paul and his daughter Tasha. According to the monster encyclopedia, goblins tend to move in groups and only steal wealth or kidnap women when defenseless, but there hasn't been a single line in the book where they appeared above the number of 30 nonetheless ambush a village with their men on guard.

"When I came back from posting the commission inside the guild, the village was in disarray. They told me that attacked again and took every single remaining possession we had, including our wives and daughters were taken.", the chief says while looking down

"I know this is selfish of me sir adventurer, please save them. My village has already suffered enough, and you are the only one who cared to arrive here in my village.", he pleads and kneels.

For me, I don't even have the confidence to fight such large number and I don't even know my power gap against them but seeing this old man begging for my help, I just can't say no.

"Please stand up, I came here for the commission so I ought to accomplish it.", I say with confidence.

"Thank you sir adventurer, I'll be sure to repay you once done.", he says while crying.

"Now, tell me where they went."

-night, inside the village chief's house.

As the night's darkness engulfed the sky, the horns were sounded to alert the village.

"Are there any valuables you have left in this village? The fact that they came back means they still have something to collect.", I ask.

"None, they have already taken everything. H-how will you proceed sir adventurer? Their numbers are still dangerous even with your strength.", the chief replies with worry and concern.

The village chief said earlier that the goblin headed inside the woods, located east of the village. I could get lost if I were recklessly jump inside those woods so I waited till night for them to come.

I waited outside the village for them to enter, and as they took a step foot within my range, their fate was now bound to my sword.

"Tempest Style: 5th form: Wind shredder."

I slashed through them, yet I couldn't feel anything anymore as I killed them one by one. Killing them felt normal to me or is this because of my character who killed more than a million foes but rather than that, it feels exciting! My body is itching for my sword to cleave through their bodies, as if I have gone crazy.

"It's not enough, my stamina will drain first before I could finish off their numbers. I just need a single one alive to lead me to them.", I mutter to myself.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. With the power I have now, I can awaken my divine will in its first stage. I took a breath and concentrated in bursting my astral energy into strengthen its power. After a few seconds, my body was radiating astral energy everywhere but its brighter than before.

I opened my eyes, my iris's color turned white and my body felt hot as if I was brimming with energy. My body kept producing sparks of energy, burning the grass that touches the sparks.

"With this, I can elevate my fun to a new level."