
What's up with this blue eyes of yours I do feel shivery down my soul any time I look into your eyes .

Hector smile.

Well , I do get that reaction from people all the time my mom have been the only person who do feel exited when looking into my eye.

she always say something about my eye relating with essence when ever I asked what essence means she do laugh at me telling me to calm down In due time I will understand so you see till now nothing.

for me , nothing is special about the eye is just colour that make it look special.

Hmm don't say that. your mom no something she is among the few monster who come and hid in this town she knows something about your eye maybe you can't contain the information if she have told youl then.

some things about cultivation are left unspeak about for some reasons, In every action the is a reaction remember that's how heavens operate you should do as she said though maybe at the right time you will understand . but your parents death look suspicious even then you aunt came back enjured .

Noticing my facial changes .

Hector but you shouldn't think about that your parents want you to live a happy life live your life to your heart content.

For now I don't have any thing to say about my parents death but if someone hands is in it he or she should pray to heavens to keep me this way.

Is just what I thought and don't take it serious.

No problem I understand.

Blessed are mostly called heavenly apostles. normally cultivators usually look down on them .

this set of people do wildding holy energy as the do call it not world chi the usually use Celestine energy for revovlving .statistics have it that maximum level up of them for long now is three revolution there life spam two hundred years maximum but theory have it that the can pas through it if the revolve more. the have not seen some one who have pass to fouth revolution but people do believe in them .

The are usually known by there masses way of operating during fight . the formal city Lord is blessed who died old .

for this is not kind of Iife i wanted to live

If my dreams fail to come to pass I totally give up on everything and live my life . Because as an apostle

you become a slave to the church. is you selling your self to the church which I will never do .I can't sell my freedom to any one due to you granted power to me.

Are you sure you wont tell you aunt when she comes back to take you to one of the kingdom in upper region so that you can become blessed.

Frowning his face noo I don't want that shit , please let change topic . okay

But are you away that what you did today was sucidal please no matter what happens don't display such act again.but he...

Shi.. I don't want to hear anything from you this world in general is brutal only the strong stand tyrantly with out problem just imagine if that woman didn't show up what will become of you.

staring at Hector with tearful eyes .

what are my to say to your aunt please promise me not to try that again. Shifting near her Lucy I can't make such promise to you. I will repeat my actions if I see you in such situations again.