The Escape She Longed For 2

Bat cleared his throat. "Forgive me if I may, My Lord, but is Lady Lucia forgetting you ever existed, a better way?" 

"It is." Damian clenched his fists too tight, his knuckles turned white.

"And the white wooden stake?" 

"We keep looking. It was not at the von Burren's."

"Ending your life isn't the way, Damian. I swear to you."

"And is living the way? I have walked this earth for thousands of years. I have watched kingdoms rise and fall, families made and slaughtered, lives ruined over and over again. Repeatedly like a cycle. Only a manaic would want to keep living in this accursed world."

"Your death cannot be your redemption."

"It can."

"Well, what if I told you we weren't the only ones looking for the white wooden stake?"

"What do you mean?" Damian turned from the window to face Bat.

Bat eyes the windows and Damian nods, understanding his message right away. 

Their next conversation was carried out through their mind-link.

Bat began. "I believe Jarlen and his men are also looking for the stake."

"And why is that?" Damian inquires.

"I believe he wants you dead." 

"Well, he shouldn't go about stressing himself to kill me. I too want to die." 

"You don't get it, do you? If Jarlen kills you, it's the end of the line for every de Caspian. He'll lay waste to all of them." 

"Isn't that preferrable? I've always wanted to get rid of those stupid cousins of mine. What a quick and smart way to do it."

"Don't be sarcastic, Your Majesty. You care about your family's legacy. You're the King's heir and if you're out of the picture, what do you think will happen to your father and everyone. Come on, don't tell me you don't care."

"I don't care. Tell the coachman to hurry up."

Bat has a bitter look on his face but he has no right to veto his Majesty's decision. With a humble bow, he excused himself from the carriage. 


Lucia made sure to mark every item on her list. Her bagpack was ready and so was she. From the letter she found in the potion, it was a message to her from Bat. Damian had returned to his kingdom and she feared his uncle would punish him for drinking her blood.

In this part of the world, Vampires never drank human blood without a permit from the individuals or from the clergies. If they did, they were punished. It tugged at Lucia's heart and conscience that Damian was going to get hurt for something he wasn't guilty of. After all, she was the one who told him to drink her blood.

She heard increasing footsteps and quickly hid the bag underneath her bed. The door creaked open and there her father stood, frozen, as though he had seen a ghost. 

"Lucy?" He called softly.

"It is I, father." Lucia smiled at him.

Count von Burren crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her hair and breathed her in as though he had forgotten her scent.

"You're alright?" He asked as he pulled away. 

"Yes, father." Lucia nods.

"Thank God." von Burren chuckled to himself. He pinched the skin between his eyes. "I wouldn't know what I would've done if I had lost you."

Lucia's eyes filled. Her father truly missed her.

He went on. "If you hadn't woken up, what would happen to the bilateral trade agreement with August? I'd never get monopoly over the spice trade and you wouldn't bear me grandsons."

"Excuse me?" Lucia was taken aback.

Von Burren clapped her shoulders and gave them a soft squeeze. "Don't worry. I've managed to expel the vampire that almost took your life. My child, we are safe."

Lucia pulled away from him. "You're worried about your stupid deal with August when I almost died? How sick can you be?"

"Lucia, you will refrain from speaking to father that way!" Lexa barked.

Von Burren lifted his hand to hush Lexa. Then he turned to Lucia. "You should be greatful that I even care about you. You think you have a big mouth, don't you? Well, I know just what to do to shut it up."

He turned towards the door and ordered. "Lock her up! Now!"

"No! You can't do this!" Lucia screamed at him. 

Two guards grabbed Lucia's arms and dragged her out as she screamed. 

"Let me go!" She scratched her sharp fingernails at the guards but her attempts to escape was futile.

In the end, she was thrown into the "Whistle Chamber" - a room named after her mother. There was a rumour that Countess Joanne von Burren had lost her sanity and was locked up in the very room where she whistled everyday without food or water until her eventual death. 

"Hey! Let me out!" Lucia screamed as she banged against the doors.

She took off her shoes and began to bang them on the doors. "Open this door, father! You know me. I'll keep on with this forever and you'll be forced to let me out!" 

"Father! Let me out!" She screamed.

Throwing the shoes away, she took a few steps back. 

"Here goes!" She made a run for the door and jammed it with her shoulders only to wince in pain. 

"Ouch! Goddamit! Let me out!" 

Lexa walks the vast hallway with the Count.

"Locking her up was the best decision, father. Lucia is a handful." She said.

"Indeed she is. Her stupid act has gone on for too long. Make preparations for her wedding. I want it in 3 days." Eric said roughly.

Lexa gave a bow. "Right away, father."

On her way to Liam, the messenger and paper boy, she stumbles upon Anna whose doe eyes were filled with tears.

"Madam, there you are." She rushed over. "Please, I can't find Lady Lucia. I keep asking for her but no one seems to find her. I was looking for the physician and couldn't find him either."

"The physician has already been dismissed." Lexa said with a harsh tone.

Anna blinks twice in confusion. "Already?"

"Lucia is fine. You have nothing to worry about." Lexa walks past her.

"But I can't find her anywhere." Anna follows behind Lexa.

Lexa turns around, startling Anna. "Lucia is in better care. I believe your duty as her maid has been relieved as of today."

"Ma'am?" Anna has a puzzled look on her face.

"Have you suddenly become daft, Anna?" Lexa chuckled. "I said your services are no longer required. Lucia will be getting married and it is family tradition that her new lady-in-waiting is a maiden from her husband's family. You know that, don't you?" 

Anna hung her head. "I do."

"Good. You should be ready to leave in 5 hours time. Hmm Let's make it tomorrow. I'll allow you the pardon of mingling with your friends before you say the final goodbye. Toodles."

Anna sank to the floor on her knees. Her hands were clenched and so were her teeth.

"Anna, are you okay?" Liam called behind her.

"Yes. I'm fine." Anna rose to her feet.

She sniffle softly and wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her gown. "Lady Lexa wants to meet you. Hurry."

Liam hesitated at first but with Anna's persuasion, he left the hall.

Anna stared ahead. "Where am I going to go now?"

The von Burren's, her supposed salvation was no longer the comfort she had escaped her pain to.