New Skill

[Hidden quest complete]

[A bold step; take a huge risk and survive].

*Quest completed : jumping of a cliff

*Quest reward : one giftbox

[Congratulations host you have received a gift box, you can find it in the inventory].

"Oh i took a bold step alright, who knew the system would give me a reward for surviving that fall...but I didn't really jump," henry said as he clearly remembered having fallen off the cliff due to his inability to stop.

He never would have willingly jump of a cliff, no one in their right mind would.

Oh well, i guess luck shines on me again, now let's see here," he said with a wide grin as he check his inventory.

*one giftbox

"Alright open" he said excitedly like a child opening a Christmas present.

[Congratulations you have received ;

5 exp

one skill card

5 stat points]

"Wow, this is some pretty decent stuff, i get the exp and stat point, but what is a skill card?" henry asked

[A skill card is a card that contains a random skill the system has to offer, reveal the card to see the skill you got].

"Okay, reveal card!" henry replied getting excited once again but for obvious reasons this time.

[New skill acquired]

*Advanced time perception :

[This skill enables the host to perceive time slower or faster than normal, rendering activities around host at times to look slower and to process information faster than normal]

[Note it is a passive skill {it doesn't require any energy points to use or activation stimulus, it is now a part of host, host can simply use it at host will].

"Wow this is really cool, it's just like the thing the system did when i was about to get mauled by that beast," he said with realization.

[Host is incorrect this time, the skill used earlier is much more complicated as it makes time become completely still, but the perception skill is a way of seeing things no faster or slower and it takes a lot of energy to maintain].The system suddenly explained.

[Host should also be aware that the perception would have no much effect on someone as fast or much more stronger than host]. The system kept explaining

[Increasing the perception stat improves the skill and makes it more effective and lasts longer in surroundings]

"Ah i see, but what about stat points?" he asked

[Stat points can be added to any stat of host's choice].

"Oh so that's what it is, finally a beacon of hope, but i think I'll rather keep them for now, i have to get enough experience points to level up, better get back to my run." he said as he realized he still had an unfinished quest.

Thirty minutes later,....

 "Hah hah hah, shouldn't this be enough?" henry spoke as he panted.

"I have been running for almost an hour now and it's still not a complete mile, I'm pretty tired," he mumbled

[Tired? You haven't done much of anything, host. You claimed to have been running for almost an hour but during that period you were constantly stopping by trees to take a breather. That's not called running] the system stated

"So how I'm I supposed to do it?" Henry asked with a frown

[Oh I don't know, maybe by not stopping all the time. Running for hours doesn't mean you ran a long distance. To put it in simpler words, you take more time to run a distance. And let's not forget the fact that you don't even have a watch to tell you the actual time]

Henry sighed, he knew the system was stating true facts. He had indeed stopped a couple of times and he was truly moving at a slow pace.

"Alright, fine. You could atleast have said it less harshly," Henry muttered in defeat. "Perhaps I should head back to the lake cause i really need something to drink and i should probably find something to eat too." he said feeling exhausted, thirsty and hungry, he hadn't eaten or drank anything since he reincarnated into the world. 

"Oh crap! That would mean I have to head back to where I started. Well, no pain no gain." he said before heading back to the lake where he would only be getting something to drink, but was probably under the illusion that if he drank a lot of water it would also 'quench' his hunger.

Finally after another thirty minute run, he arrived back at the lake where he had left earlier, the same lake filled with the black crocs from before. Only this time they were all gone.

"Huh, I guess they left for lunch or something, this should make things easier for me." henry said looking more relieved as ever, walking forward towards the water, he bent down as he used his hands to convey the water into his mouth, as he drank to his satisfaction.

"Ahh that was certainly refreshing, but I'm still hungry," henry thought as he opened his system interface to see his progress.

[Run a mile]


"Oh, it's almost complete, thank goodness!" he said to himself somewhat satisfied with the number he saw

"Now I just need to run a few more laps and end this." henry though as he got up preparing to continue his marathon. But suddenly he heard loud footsteps coming from inside the forest behind him.

"Huh what is that?" he asked as he turned around to look.

But the sound was only getting louder and it felt like whatever was coming, were coming in his direction, fast.

"What is going on?" henry asked again seeming nervous this time

And once again confirming his bad thoughts, the system screen appeared

[Host is advised to shut up and find the nearest place to hide, the crocs are returning]. The system warned

"Yikes, i thought they just left," henry said as he panicked

Quickly looking for a place to hide he left the area where the crocodiles would path to enter the lake. Then finding a large bush, he ducked himself into it and kept silent, getting out of harm's way as the beast's approached.

They arrived at the spot, fifteen of them this time, they had clearly increased in number, they entered the lake one after the other taking their basic concealing position.

It was now that henry could truly get a view of the black crocs, they were even more terrifying than he had expected, each at a height of 8ft which is nearly impossible to reach for a normal crocodile, with black rough skin and rather short but sharp spikes on their backspine down to the tail, all atleast 10m long with rows of sharp teeth.

They were very intimidating, even more than the saber-toothed lion in henry's perception, perhaps because they were black and hada more dangerous set of teeth, and the lion was somewhat 'colourful'.

Henry slowly came out of his hiding place as all the crocs had entered the lake and didn't seem to care what happened outside it, he didn't need to find that out as he went the other way in the forest once again.

"Alright this is getting too much, I've only been encountering danger since I woke up, and it doesn't seem to end," he said getting frustrated.

[Host should consider himself lucky to still be standing here alive] The system chimed in

"Yeah no doubt, but then what happens when i run out luck huh?" he replied the system with a question

[That would not be my problem]

"Great you're back to your mean self, somehow i think you're connected to me and if I die, you would shut down or something." Henry proclaimed

[You fool of a host, if you die I'll just find another host, don't think you're special or anything, host was just lucky to have received the system] The system replied

"Ouch, that hurt you know, but still that has me thinking, how did you know so much about the crocodiles?" henry asked as he kept walking through the forest, accurately heading nowhere.

[When i was activated due to host being in grave peril, i was fully initialized into host and i had an influx of various information of this world, including that of the past and the present] The system answered

"Wow that's amazing and it's explains a lot!" henry replied seeming ready to ask the system a lot of questions.

But before he could say anything, the system message popped up again

[I know what you want to ask, and no i do not necessarily know everything about the world, only the basics and important stuff, I'm not a bloody search engine].

"Oh ok then I guess we'll start with the basics then, first of what happened to the animals?" henry asked as he sat down in front of a large rock, resting his back on it comfortably.

[The creatures you speak of are not known as mere animals any longer, they are called magical beasts, they were indeed animals that had evolved a long time becoming more physical bigger and stronger, and some even gaining certain powers].

"That explains the fire powers of the lion, but what caused it and what happened to the humans?" he asked the system

[I'm afraid I don't know either,it was probably caused by a natural evolution, and the humans are very much alive] The system answered him

"Oh thank God, i though i might be the only human left in the world," henry said with relief as he stood about continue his run, and complete his quest.

"I have rested well enough, we'll continue this later, i better finish my task first and then find som....'GRAAAHHHHHHH'

he was interrupted by a loud roar, one more louder and terrifying than that of the lion who hunted him earlier, as it reverberated through the entire forest.

"Now what could have angered the king of the jungle, or maybe it's a who" he said to himself, thinking it was the lion as the sound seemed to have come from the far back of the jungle before the lake, where he had left hours ago

"Well whatever or whoever it is should have picked another day to mess with that beast." he thought as he also laughed inwardly knowing that he was far away from it.

But then he heard the roar again, only this time it sounded like the beast was in great pain.

"Oh it looks like something's giving it a hard time huh, which means...there might be something even stronger than the lion in this forest." he said shivering at the thought of something more menacing that the saber-toothed fiery beast

"Well whatever it is, it's not my problem but I have to find a way out of this forest quick!" he thought to himself still holding the fact of there being a beast more terrifying in the woods,but that's when it hit him

"Damn it, i don't know where to go, I've been running around this forest for more than hour but all I see are trees and more trees," henry thought to himself ignoring the fact that he was lucky not to have encountered any more beasts.


The beast roared again snapping henry out of his thoughts, but the roar was a little bit clearer and louder this time, clearly a bit closer already

"Oh shit, it's close, why would it be on the move?" he said while panicking

"Ah fuck this, i better get moving." he immediately quickly began to move away from the area.


A/Q: please check the author's thought below, it's quite important. Thank you!