Gold Blooded

Razier and Cyrus looked at the commander, confused. The commander assured them, "It's not anything difficult you just have to cut the palm of your hand."

 Cyrus laughed thinking the commander was joking but when he looked at Alexander and the commander neither of their expressions changed.

 Razier looked over at Cyrus, "It's just a blood test, it's quite a practical test. Though it may sound barbaric's the easiest way for others to know your valves have opened."

Cyrus brows furrowed, "how does that tell the foundation we can cultivate"

 The commander clapped three times with a grin gaining both his students' attention, "You should tell that to those old senator bastards." He said with a boisterous laugh.

Cyrus glared at the commander annoyed at his antics.

Alexander quickly interjected, "Don't listen to the commander the soldiers are just bitter toward the Senate"  

This caused the commander's laughter to seize as he clicked his tongue, Alexander ignored the commander as he turned to Cyrus.

"Try not to say things that can be seen as negative about the foundation"

Cyrus looked at him confused, " I know you didn't think of it as an insult, or even take it seriously. However, most people take whatever the foundation chooses as a law that includes the test they choose, proven by how we are testing you now their methods work."

The commander shook his head stomping lightly on the ground, " Those senators are so anal that's why" he said as he rolled his eyes, " they take themselves too seriously for people who only have power with pen and paper.

"How does this test work" asked Cyrus.

The commander cleared his throat, about to speak. Before he got a word out, he stopped as he reached into his left pocket pulling out his humming leaf.  He rolled up the red leaf, putting it in back towards his molars as he crunched, chewing the substance.

He spat as he began, "As you should have been taught the world is Qi, we breathe it in and out of our body. However, our bodies have blood, and bones which dilute our natural Qi. Opening your valves makes your body produce more  Qi, including how much your body absorbs from the world."

The commander spat again as both students gazed at him, " However, your body isn't capable of handling the pure Qi of the world as your senses and muscles and even your organs need to adjust to the Qi over time which normally takes about a year or two after all valves are opened" he said this last part looking at Alexander, "Your circumstances have made us speed up the process. You should know the longer your valves have been opened the stronger your body will become. Of course, if your body has more Qi your physical capabilities will vary. An example of this would be the family head compared to myself.  When he first opened his valves he probably was stronger than me within a month or two his valves were open, even if my valves were open my whole life. "

The commander turned to Cyrus as he said the last part. "I'm sure Alexander will have you get adjusted to your body by sparring if that dagger, he threw didn't give you any ideas. When you have opened all five valves your blood is more Qi than blood now which we can tell by the color of your blood."

 The commander pulled out a dagger from his sock causing everyone besides Alexander to raise an eyebrow. The commander placed the blade on his palm and sliced diagonally drawing blood. He showed Cyrus and Razier his palm, which was dripping in a bronze liquid".

Cyrus's eyes went wide, causing Alexander and Razier both to grin at the young teen's face amused at his younger companion.

" As you can see when your valves are open the Qi from your core begins transforming your body over time and the easiest way to know your body is changing from the Qi is bronze blood" Cyrus seemed confused his brows furrowed, " um commander your blood gold" both the commander and Razier looked over at Cyrus like he was crazy and Razier said, " Cyrus that's bronze it's too dark to be gold".

 Laughter was heard from behind the commander causing all three present to look behind them at Alexander. He continued to laugh as all three stared at him finally after about five seconds he spoke, "It's ok I see gold too" All three's eyes shot up waiting for him to explain. After about ten seconds of them staring at him, Alexander simply smiled at them.

Razier and Cyrus looked at the commander who just spat annoyed as he turned back to his two students, "well what are you waiting for let's see if you have succeeded " he yelled.

 Both Cyrus and Razier stared at the commander, Razier pointed at the commander and said sheepishly, "Uh commander we don't carry around a knife".

Razier and Cyrus took turns cutting their palms, using the wooden dagger that was lodged into the tree. Both of their blood was bronze, though for Cyrus and Alexander, it was gold.

The palms on both of their hands closed within minutes causing Cyrus's jaw to drop and a smile to appear across Razier's face, neither getting tired of their improved abilities.

The next day all were woken by a screeching of a brown and red hawk flying in circles in the backyard of the chateau. As Alexander came outside he saw the commander with the hawk on his shoulder. The commander was holding up a piece of parchment. He was in the middle of reading it when he heard Alexander coming.

 " It's my company they say they need me at the chapel," the commander said turning towards Alexander as he walked over.

Alexander looked up at the hawk, " they have a great sense of smell it seems. I guess it's true the foundation  uses hawks when communicating." He looked over toward the commander, " can they find anyone in your company" he asked.

The commander nodded, adding "They have a hawk for each company of soldiers, I don't think any of the old men use them" he said while laughing.

"Must you leave now I would have liked to talk to you more before you left"

The commander spit a familiar dark red color, the scent drifted in the wind smelling like a mint cherry.

"I'm sure we will run into each other, but one of those fat bastards visited my company in Castillo, sadly I can't ignore him," he said as his jaws tightened.

Alexander nodded in understanding but seemed curious as his left foot tapped the ground"Your horse is in the second stable in front of the east wing of the house, may the wind bless you, commander"

The commander left that moment, just missing as Razier and Cyrus came outside fifteen minutes later. They looked perplexed as they found nothing in the sky. "Where'd that bird go" asked Razier.

 Alexander explained to both his students what happened to the commander, much to the dismay of Cyrus, "I wanted him to show me how to better use my daggers now with my new senses and power, do any of you know how ." Cyrus asked.

 Razier responded, " The young lord is capable of using any blade"

Cyrus knitted his brows, " did you just call him young lord" he asked his voice high.

Razier nodded, "you better get used to it you will too, he's our battlement leader we can't get into school without him"

Cyrus's face became even more confused, and slightly scared yet before he could say anything about this news, Alexander quickly spoke first" I can teach you, but you need to get used to your physical capabilities still before you start with a weapon. You're gonna have to learn to control the strength of your motor skills."

Cyrus' gaze went downcast, "don't worry it shouldn't take longer than a week or two at the most."

Cyrus and Razier began getting accustomed to their improved senses and strength. Some of the senses such as taste and smell are normally the least difficult because they are the most used and natural senses.

Alexander had them get used to their strength and speed by forcing both of them to roll a half-ton stone in a controlled manner. The first step is to see how much strength it takes for you to lift the one Tom stone and be able to lift it at the same speed and power every time. This allowed them to gauge how much strength they needed with a measured weight.

The chateau staff was very busy for the next week as the training didn't happen overnight and Cyrus and Razier would snap forks in their hand, pull a door off its hinges and Cyrus even broke a desk in half by letting his hand fall.

Overall, by the end of the week, things were broken and each student seemed to be about ten pounds heavier with their biceps now filling out their shirt. Cyrus barely fit in his current shirt as you could see his tapered abdomen slightly sticking out the bottom.

On the last day of the week, Alexander gave them a final test of running into town and being able to control their strength for mundane fast, as well as dealing with people.

 However, Alexander still had rules for the two, "Razier is allowed to go anywhere in the city but you need to go to the flower district and pick up some clothes that fit from the shop I will give you 10 gems which should be enough for multiple items."

Gems were the currency of Lysander, they are orb-shaped and turquoise in color not looking anything like a coin besides its round shape.

When Cyrus saw the different currency he asked Alexander why he was using a different currency than the foundation. "it's what my father chose to be the currency is quite useless outside of Lysandra but it's a tradition every family head gets to do, choosing the currency".

 Razier and Cyrus returned to the chateau to tell Alexander of their test not knowing Alexander already knew from his family's guards. Razier got down the mountain and into the tower district in 15 minutes, while it took Cyrus 25.

Cyrus was able to pick up a couple of t-shirts including a white long-sleeved Linen shirt with puffed cuffs and black matching linen pants. Razier didn't need anything of importance and just got herbs from a herbalist as well as a book of mystic herbs.

What neither of them told Alexander was when Cyrus bought his clothes he ripped the shop door off, which caused him to return with no more gems, and only one shirt.