Everything is Under Control!

A surge of energy poured into Excalibur, illuminating the blade with a dazzling brilliance. Golden particles erupted around it, creating a spectacular display, while the surrounding sand was pushed aside as if by an unseen force.

"What an unruly guy. Can't you just hand over your head?" Jibril huffed, her vision obscured but her teleportation ability allowing her to evade the blast. Despite her cute demeanor, everyone recognized her as a formidable monster, not someone to be underestimated.

"If you can block this blow, you can have it! Jibril!" Riku challenged, eyeing her with a mix of confidence and provocation.

Jibril's gaze sharpened, intrigued. "This power fluctuation? You want to test your limits? I'm interested, so I'll indulge you just this once." With a swift motion, she concentrated energy in her hand, shaping it into a spear. The black energy spear crackled with thunder, radiating an ominous power.

Though it lacked any additional techniques, its purity and compression created a destructive force unlike any other.

"Excalibur——!" Riku roared, unleashing a massive beam of light aimed straight at Jibril, who stood ensconced in her treasure.

"Heavenly Smite!" Jibril countered, launching her own attack with an air of excitement.


The two forces collided—Riku's three-meter-thick energy beam meeting Jibril's two-meter-wide black spear. The impact was cataclysmic, sending invisible shockwaves rippling outward. It was as if a meteorite had struck the earth; wind howled and thunder cracked, creating a scene straight out of an apocalypse.

"Ugh!" Riku pushed his energy to the limit, forcing the Excalibur forward.

"Interesting, but my attack is not so simple~" Jibril grinned, amplifying her power. She was determined to gauge Riku's true limits.

"Ha ha." Riku smirked, and in that instant, the collision of their immense energies ignited into a violent explosion.

"Boom!" The mixed energy erupted, unleashing a shockwave that swept across the entire Reality Marble. The force was so powerful that the very fabric of the realm quaked, shattering into fragments.

"Damn it!" Jibril gasped, her eyes widening in surprise as she braced herself. She hadn't anticipated Riku's reckless gamble. Did he really intend to perish alongside her?

The explosion could certainly injure her, but it would not be enough to kill her. Yet Riku, with his fragile human body, would surely be annihilated.

"My rare skull!" Jibril shouted in anger and frustration. Her concern wasn't for her own safety, but for the rare skull she had come to cherish. To her, Riku would undoubtedly perish without a trace. Yet, she could not save him and seize the skull at the same time. In such an energy storm, her Sky Shift would be useless without adequate defense.

On the opposite end, Riku remained composed despite the chaos around him. Anticipating the explosion, he had activated his strongest defensive Noble Phantasm—the Seven Rings of Blazing Heaven. Although the imitation wouldn't withstand such a catastrophic blast, it would hold long enough.

Just before the seven rings shattered, Riku utilized his Teigu's Dimensional Transfer: Shambhala, transporting himself away from the disaster.

Seconds later, the explosive force dissipated, leaving behind a devastated Reality Marble and a massive crater in the ground.

Jibril, her clothes tattered and her body slightly bruised, gritted her teeth, feeling a mix of dissatisfaction and sorrow. "Oh my God, the cherished rare skull is gone!"

If she had known what Riku planned, she wouldn't have dared to probe his limits. With her power, eliminating Riku would have been effortless.

But what Jibril didn't realize was that Riku had been playing a psychological game. If she truly intended to kill him with all her strength, he had a plan to escape using Shambhala.

While such a move would expose his spatial abilities, the situation unfolded according to Riku's design. He had baited Jibril into this confrontation, leading her to believe he was dead.

This way, he wouldn't have to worry about her pursuing him across the world. However, this was a temporary solution. Eventually, they would clash again, and Riku felt confident that the outcome would be different next time.

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I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.