The Great Harvest!

The bodies of the fallen were scattered across the mountain top. The sight made Riku pause, surveying the aftermath of his fight with the Werebeasts. They were strong opponents, more than just ordinary beasts, but blinded by their rage, they had no chance against him in aerial combat. Without a way to take to the skies, they were easy prey. It wasn't just a battle; it was an extermination.

"I planned to reach their stronghold without much commotion, but now it seems I've given them a reason to notice me sooner." Riku sighed, kicking a small rock off the edge of the cliff. "At least I've got a good measure of their strength."

The ordinary soldiers were nothing special—on par with low-level demons. They were strong, sure, but they weren't a match for him now. It was only the ones like Dora, those who used BloodBreak, that posed any real challenge. Breaking physical limits was no joke; it took real effort to bring them down.

"If I head to their lair, those who use BloodBreak will need special attention," Riku muttered to himself, rubbing his neck absentmindedly. "And that princess they mentioned… If she ate all seven of those strange fruits, then she's probably reached the level of some of the tougher Flügels."

After a few more moments of contemplation, he turned his attention back to the bodies. It was time to collect his reward. He approached each fallen Beast, taking care to recover the ones that looked like they might hold some worth.

Fifteen corpses in total, most of them ordinary. He sorted them mentally as he went—standard Beasts worth around a hundred exchange points each, a few stronger ones worth two hundred. Dora was the real prize: a thousand exchange points. All in all, this brought him to a total of 2,800 exchange points, plus the 200 from the two demons he had previously taken down. He grinned; three thousand points was a pretty decent haul.

"Killing's a fast way to make money. Is that what you want, System? For me to slaughter everyone?" he asked with a mocking smile. He knew the System wouldn't answer—after all, it wasn't really capable of holding a conversation.

As expected, there was only silence in response. Riku rolled his eyes and shook his head in mild disgust. "Others get cute little sprites or charming goddesses. All I have is this lifeless, dull machine."

He shrugged it off and reached into the storage space, pulling out Dora's backpack. With a flick of his wrist, he opened it, his curiosity piqued by what loot might be inside.

Suddenly, the System's familiar tone rang in his mind.

[Ding, Celine crystals found, with a total value of 3,000 exchange points. Would you like to recycle them?]

[Ding, Blood Essence Fruit found, worth 10,000 exchange points. Would you like to recycle it?]

The notifications made Riku's eyes widen, and a grin spread across his face. "Now we're talking!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "See, this is why robbing people is so worth it."

A fruit worth 10,000 exchange points? That was practically unheard of! Even abandoned Dwarven warships were worth only about 5,000. He turned his attention to the blue crystals in the backpack.

"What exactly are these Celine Crystals used for?" he asked, picking up one of the glowing stones, its surface shimmering faintly in the light.

[Celine Crystal, an important material used to construct large energy cannons and defensive barriers. It is relatively rare.] The System's voice chimed in.

"Hmm, interesting, but useless to me," Riku decided, waving his hand dismissively. "Recycle them."

[Ding, recycling successful. The host has received 3,000 exchange points.]

Satisfied, Riku nodded before focusing on the Blood Essence Fruit. "And what about this fruit? What's its effect? Will it be of any use to me?" He had a general idea of what the fruit could do—its importance was obvious if it was worth so much—but he needed more details.

[Blood Essence Fruit: A rare fruit compatible with the bloodline of the Beast species. It enhances physical capabilities and blood power, allowing the user to employ BloodBreak without side effects.]

The System paused before continuing in its usual cold tone, [It is also beneficial for the host. According to the analysis, if the host consumes the Blood Essence Fruit, the host's physical capabilities will also surpass their current limits.]

Riku's golden eyes lit up, and a thrill ran through him. "This thing is really worth the 10,000 exchange points, then," he murmured to himself. He had already witnessed the power of those who could break physical limits—it was definitely something he wanted for himself. His potential would grow exponentially if he could reach that level.

His thoughts drifted to the Beast princess Dora had mentioned. With seven of these fruits, she must have gained a tremendous advantage. No wonder she was regarded so highly.

"Well, only one way to find out," he said, and without hesitation, he took a bite of the fruit. The skin was crisp, the flavor slightly sweet—a bit like an apple, though with an earthy undertone. He continued to eat, savoring each bite, until the entire fruit was gone.

Then, a sudden, searing pain spread through his body.

"What… the hell?" he gasped, doubling over. His skin flushed a deep red as he felt an intense heat ignite from within, as though his veins had caught fire. He clenched his fists, feeling his heart pounding, the sound echoing in his ears. The sensation only grew more uncomfortable, and suddenly, his skin began to ooze a dark, oily substance. Dirt, sweat, and other impurities seeped out, clinging to him like tar.

"Damn it!" he groaned, gagging as the stench assaulted his now heightened senses. He quickly activated Shambhala, teleporting to a nearby marked point.

He found himself by a large river, the sound of rushing water a welcome relief. Without wasting another second, he stripped off his clothes and dove into the water, scrubbing at his skin as the impurities washed away.

The coolness of the river helped, but even then, the water around him began to evaporate, steam rising as his body struggled to adapt to the fruit's power. He could feel the change, his muscles tightening, his bones aching as though they were being reforged.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the pain began to fade, replaced by a feeling of overwhelming strength. He stood in the middle of the river, breathing heavily, the water rippling around him. Slowly, he clenched his fist, marveling at the newfound power coursing through his veins. His senses had sharpened, his strength increased—everything felt heightened.

"This… this is incredible," he whispered, a grin breaking across his face. He felt reborn, his entire body lighter and stronger, as if all the limitations he once knew had been burned away.

Riku took a deep breath, savoring the feeling. He had pushed his limits today, but he had come out stronger on the other side. Whatever lay ahead in the Beast lair, whatever challenges or enemies, he was ready. He was going to tear down everything that stood in his way.

With a final glance at the now calm waters of the river, Riku turned and made his way back to where his journey would continue. 

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I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.