Black Hawk!

"However, neither the Devils nor high-level demon species are easy to mess with. This Black Hawk must at least be a high-level demon," Riku thought, his mind racing as he assessed the situation.

Ordinary demons lacked wisdom, operating purely on hunting instinct. But the demon before him was different. It had enough intelligence to execute a sneak attack when Riku was momentarily unprepared, proving it wasn't a mindless beast.

"Screech!" The Black Hawk let out a shrill cry, and the sound wave reverberated through the canyon. Without any warning, it flapped its wings and lunged towards Riku with blinding speed, like a flash of black lightning.

Even Riku, who had pushed his physical limits beyond the average human, almost didn't react in time. The speed and force behind the attack were astonishing, and he knew that if his reflexes had been even slightly slower, he would have been torn apart instantly.

"Boom!" Just before the massive bird collided with him, Riku stepped hard on the air, using his agility to dodge sideways. The movement created a shockwave beneath his feet, sending up a gust of wind. He twisted his body, clenching his fist tightly, and threw a punch directly into the Black Hawk's abdomen.

The impact was forceful. The Black Hawk was sent hurtling hundreds of meters back, rolling through the air. Riku could see the demon struggling to regain its balance, flapping its massive wings to stabilize itself. Within a second, the creature managed to recover, screeching in rage as it prepared for another assault. A dark, pulsating energy began gathering in its sharp beak.

"Unscathed? Its defense is too high," Riku muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing. The blow that should've incapacitated most enemies barely seemed to faze the Black Hawk.

The massive bird roared again, its crimson eyes glaring with malevolence as it rushed towards Riku, the energy in its beak glowing brighter. This time, Riku moved with the bird, his body flickering like a shadow, making his position almost impossible to predict.

Infuriated, the Black Hawk opened its beak wide, releasing a powerful energy beam. The dark energy column shot forward, tearing through the sky with a speed surpassing lightning.

Riku's instincts screamed at him—a feeling of imminent danger. Without a moment's hesitation, he halted his movement and stepped sharply on the air, dodging to the side. The black energy column narrowly missed him, continuing its path downward until it collided with the ground below.

"Boom!" The entire canyon seemed to shake as the energy beam detonated on impact. A massive explosion erupted, sending shockwaves rippling outward. Rocks were pulverized, and a crater—deep and seemingly endless—formed where the energy had struck. The resulting blast sent dust and debris into the air, obscuring Riku's vision for a moment.

Riku glanced at the destruction, his heart pounding slightly. The power of that beam was equivalent to a nuclear blast—no ordinary attack could cause that kind of devastation. If he hadn't managed to avoid it, even his enhanced physique might not have survived unscathed.

The Black Hawk hovered in the air, its red eyes still locked on Riku, and its pupils glowed with a vicious, almost human-like malice. Once again, dark energy began to gather within its beak, preparing for another strike.

"Do you really think I'm just your prey?" Riku's patience snapped, his irritation boiling over. He'd had enough of being chased down.

"First Gate, Open! Second Gate, Gate of Healing, Open! Third Gate, Gate of Life, Open!" Riku shouted, his voice echoing through the canyon.

Instantly, a massive surge of energy erupted from his body, surrounding him with an aura visible to the naked eye. The air around him seemed to ripple under the intensity of his power, and his purple eyes glowed fiercely. His aura spiked, raising his strength to an entirely new level.

"Thoom!" At the same time, the Black Hawk let out a deafening cry and unleashed another beam of condensed dark energy. This time, however, Riku was ready. He activated Shambhala, teleporting instantaneously to a point not far from the Black Hawk. He stepped on the air, propelling himself with tremendous speed, and appeared right in front of the giant bird.

"Boom!" Riku's fist collided with the Black Hawk's lower abdomen, the sheer force shattering the demon's defense. A massive imprint formed where his fist landed, and the Black Hawk let out a guttural screech as black blood erupted from the wound. Under the force of the blow, the Black Hawk was launched skyward, like a missile shooting into the atmosphere.

"Fourth Gate, Gate of Pain, Open!" Riku roared, his aura intensifying further as the green energy around his body darkened and expanded. The power boost was immense, but he could feel the strain on his body. The fourth gate carried risks—if he wasn't careful, he could injure himself, but the increase in strength was well worth the gamble.

"Boom!" He stomped on the air, leaving a crater-like dent as if even the sky couldn't withstand his force. With the kinetic energy gathered in his body, Riku shot upwards, catching up to the Black Hawk that was still struggling to regain control in mid-air.

The massive bird, now furious and in pain, lashed out with its sharp talons, trying to slice Riku in two. But Riku was faster. He dodged the swipe effortlessly, his body weaving through the air like a shadow. Then, with a loud crack, he drove his fist into one of the Black Hawk's claws.

"Crack!" The sound of bones shattering echoed through the canyon, and the Black Hawk let out a blood-curdling shriek as its talon twisted at an unnatural angle, completely broken.

Without a moment's pause, Riku moved above the flailing bird. He could see the fear beginning to seep into its crimson eyes—a realization that the prey had now become the hunter. With all his might, Riku brought his fist down onto the Black Hawk's head.

"Boom!" The impact was devastating. The Black Hawk's eyes bulged, and a large section of its skull caved in. Blood splattered into the air, and the once-mighty bird plummeted, crashing down into the crater formed by its own energy beam.

"Boom!" The ground shook from the force of the collision, and new cracks spiderwebbed across the canyon floor, joining the old ones. Dust and debris billowed into the sky, obscuring the scene below.

Riku hovered above, his breathing heavy but controlled. The aura around him began to fade, and the strain of opening the Fourth Gate started to take its toll. He glanced down at the fallen Black Hawk, its body broken and motionless in the crater. It was finally over.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Riku muttered, a smirk tugging at his lips. He had been on the defensive for too long, and the thrill of turning the tables was exhilarating.

He descended slowly, his feet touching the ground as he surveyed the battlefield. The canyon was in ruins—craters and debris littered the landscape, the aftermath of their clash. He took a deep breath, allowing his body to relax. The battle had taken a lot out of him, and he could feel the strain of the Fourth Gate in his muscles.

He turned his gaze to the horizon, where the Beast Kingdom lay waiting. This was just the beginning. He had come here for power, and if this fight had taught him anything, it was that he still had a long way to go. But he wasn't afraid. He welcomed the challenge.

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I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.