The Rules of the Club

The club members cheered, clapping half-heartedly, as Darius dragged Jack to the front. Jack was still unsure if he was being pranked, but before he could ask questions, Darius waved a hand.

"Now, before we get to the deep and meaningful conversations, there's one important part of the ceremony. Every new member must undergo the Golden Robe Initiation!" Darius proclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Jack looked at him in disbelief.

Before he could protest, one of the members handed Jack a robe so blindingly gold it looked like it belonged on a bad reality show.

Jack turned to Darius. "You've got to be kidding me."

"No joke, my friend! It's part of the tradition! Wear it proudly—it symbolizes the light we bring to the world of lost champions!" Darius grinned.

Grumbling, Jack reluctantly pulled the robe over his head, feeling the fabric slide uncomfortably around him. He glanced at the club members, who were already grinning.