Chapter 29: The Brother-Obsessed Princess, Xueke

"Your Highness, Princess, no need to be so formal. Huang'er, come over here!" Nan Tianchen waved enthusiastically, summoning his son, Nan Feihuang.

This was the first official meeting between the betrothed pair—an opportunity that needed to be seized.

Xueke curiously studied the boy standing before her. So, this is the one Father said would take care of me for the rest of my life? she wondered. He's good-looking... but I wonder if he has a good temper? I heard he's powerful. What if he bullies me in the future? If only he were as gentle as my big brother...

Despite being a well-mannered six-year-old girl, Xueke couldn't stop her mind from wandering.

Though she didn't fully understand what a political marriage entailed, she knew one thing: one day, she would marry the boy standing before her. Just like her parents, they would sleep in the same bed every night.

Nan Feihuang stepped forward, though his gaze barely lingered on Xueke. She was adorable, sure, but he wasn't interested in cute little girls—his taste leaned more toward mature women.

Instead, his attention turned toward Xue Qinghe, Xueke's older brother.

"Why do you keep staring at me, future brother-in-law?" Xue Qinghe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing much," Feihuang replied with a grin. "I've heard many stories about the Crown Prince's wisdom and virtue. You've always been my role model. It's an honor to meet my idol today."

"Really? You admire my big brother too? That's wonderful!" Xueke exclaimed in delight.

Having worried about the possibility of having nothing in common with her future husband, Xueke was overjoyed. After all, how could they spend a lifetime together in awkward silence? Now that she knew they shared the same idol, things seemed much brighter.

To this little girl, her brother Xue Qinghe was the best person in the world. Not even her father, the emperor, could compare.

Her world was simple: if someone admired her brother, they were a friend.

"Huang'er, take good care of the Crown Prince and Princess over the next few days. Your father and I need to travel to the Spirit Hall to receive His Holiness's official appointment," said Lan Xue, Feihuang's mother.

Originally, she had planned to hold the title ceremony in their own kingdom, but when Bibi Dong personally extended an invitation, she couldn't refuse.

"Yes, Mother, Father," Nan Feihuang replied obediently.

He wasn't particularly interested in Xueke, but he didn't mind having a conversation with Xue Qinghe.

However, he had overlooked one small detail—Xue Qinghe wasn't interested in chatting with him either.

Who would want to waste time babysitting a six-year-old kid?

With only an innate level of eight, Feihuang didn't even register as noteworthy in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

The next morning, after Nan Tianchen and Lan Xue departed, Xue Qinghe brought his little sister to Feihuang's room.

When Feihuang opened the door, Xue Qinghe tossed Xueke directly into his arms.

"Brother-in-law, my sister is in your care now. No need to entertain me—I'll explore the royal capital on my own," Qinghe said with a wave.

There was no way he was going to babysit these two kids. Taking care of Xueke every day was exhausting enough. He wasn't about to add Feihuang to the list. They were perfectly safe here—nothing could possibly happen to them.

With that, Qinghe spread his wings and flew off without giving Feihuang a chance to react.

Nan Feihuang stared blankly at the small girl now sitting in his arms.

Xueke blinked her big eyes at him. "Big Brother Feihuang, since my brother said I should stay with you, where are we going to play today?"

In the presence of elders yesterday, Xueke had remembered the etiquette she learned from her lessons at Yuexuan Pavilion. But now, with just her peers around, her true personality emerged.

Feihuang scratched his head awkwardly. He had zero experience taking care of children. Sure, Lü Lingqi and Xun Yu were technically six years old, but their mental age was far beyond that.

"Uh... How about I show you around the palace?" Feihuang suggested.

He figured that taking Xueke on a tour would serve two purposes—building a sense of camaraderie and tiring her out. Once she got tired, he could tuck her in for a nap, and he'd be free.

But he underestimated her.

Xueke was a little bundle of endless energy—especially when talking about her beloved big brother.

As they strolled through the palace, she babbled non-stop.

"Big Brother Feihuang, you admire my brother too, right? Let me tell you, my brother is amazing! Whenever I go out with him, the people adore him. And you know what? Even noble ladies want to marry him! But he only dotes on me, his little sister."

She puffed out her chest proudly. "Don't worry—when you come to visit us, my brother will treat you well too!"

Xueke continued bragging about her brother for two whole hours. Even when her legs grew tired and they stopped to rest at a pavilion, her mouth never stopped moving.

Feihuang finally realized the truth: this little princess was an extreme brother-obsessive.

"By the way, Big Brother Feihuang, what do you admire most about my brother?" Xueke asked, tilting her head curiously.

"His... body."

The words slipped out before Feihuang could stop himself.

"Huh?" Xueke blinked in confusion. She didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Ahem! I meant to say I admire everything about him—his wisdom, strength, and kindness," Feihuang stammered, hastily correcting himself with an exaggerated smile.

His hasty praise hit the mark perfectly.

"That's exactly how I feel too!" Xueke nodded enthusiastically. "Big Brother Feihuang, you're such a good person. You know, I used to be scared when Father told me I'd marry you one day. But now I'm not afraid at all! If you like my brother, then you must be a good person."

Feihuang smiled weakly. "Thank you, Princess."

He never imagined that one day, he'd have to win his fiancée's heart by singing the praises of another man.

Meanwhile, the man who was the subject of all this admiration was far away, strolling through the countryside beyond the city walls.

Xue Qinghe observed the land carefully, taking mental notes.

"The climate here is temperate despite its proximity to the Frost Principality," Qinghe mused. "Winter is mild, and summer isn't too hot. The snowfall is moderate—just the right amount for a good harvest. As the old saying goes, 'A timely snow promises a bountiful year.' No wonder agriculture thrives here."

He saw great potential in this region. When he unified the realm in the future, he planned to develop this kingdom into an agricultural hub.

With Xueke's political marriage to Nan Feihuang, he saw the perfect opportunity to strengthen their influence.

To Xue Qinghe, Xueke's blind adoration was a valuable tool—one he intended to use to his advantage.

Before love clouded his judgment, Qian Renxue's mind remained clear, focused solely on the dream of unifying the continent.


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