Chapter 32: Xuanbing Douluo Lan Xue, Nan Feihuang's Request

Xue Qinghe and Xue Ke had stayed in the Gu Lei Kingdom's palace for about a month. During that time, they spent nearly every day in the company of Nan Feihuang.

Xue Qinghe found herself enjoying these conversations with Nan Feihuang more and more. He had an uncanny ability to guess her thoughts, and the two of them shared very similar goals and aspirations. They had become true confidants, bound by a shared sense of purpose.

As for Xue Ke, there was no question—anyone who got along well with her brother instantly became her friend. Previously, she had struggled to find someone to gush over her brother with. Now, with Nan Feihuang around, she finally had someone to share those endless praises with.

A month later, Lan Xue and Nan Tianchen returned. They had completed the ceremony granting Lan Xue her title as a Titled Douluo. The reason for their delayed return? They likely took the opportunity to enjoy a little vacation together. A rare break for the two of them—Nan Feihuang could understand.

Lan Xue had chosen the title of Xuanbing Douluo (Frost Ice Douluo), and Bibi Dong had personally approved it, even draping her in the blue Douluo robe herself. Lan Xue's name had been engraved in the Douluo Hall, an honor few could ever hope to achieve.

After Lan Xue's return, both Xue Qinghe and Xue Ke congratulated her once more before preparing to leave. After all, they were the Crown Prince and Princess of the Tiandou Empire. They couldn't stay in the Gu Lei Kingdom forever.

Xue Qinghe had many political duties awaiting her back in the empire, and Xue Ke had yet to marry Nan Feihuang.

At the gates of Gu Lei's capital, Nan Feihuang escorted them as they prepared to depart.

"Feihuang, I'm not sure when we'll meet again after this. I hope we can keep in touch through letters. I've really enjoyed our conversations," Xue Qinghe said warmly.

"Yes, yes! And me too, Brother Feihuang! I'll write to you and tell you about all the great things my big brother has done. You have to write back, okay?" Xue Ke chimed in, eager to continue sharing stories about her beloved brother.

Nan Feihuang smiled. "Of course. By the way, Brother Xue, I've heard that many kingdoms send noble children to study at your Tiandou Royal Academy. I wonder if I might have the honor of attending?"

"You want to study at the Tiandou Royal Academy?" Xue Qinghe raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I would be more than happy to welcome you, but typically, only the second sons or less important princes from other kingdoms attend. As the Crown Prince of Gu Lei, aren't you expected to attend your kingdom's Royal Academy?"

Nan Feihuang nodded. "That's true. I'll represent the Gu Lei Royal Academy when I compete in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Elite Tournament. But just because my official registration will be with Gu Lei doesn't mean I can't study at Tiandou as an exchange student for a time. Maybe when I'm a bit older, I can ask my father for permission to study at the Tiandou Royal Academy for a couple of years. That way, I could see you and Sister Xue Ke more often."

"That sounds wonderful!" Xue Qinghe agreed immediately. "Feihuang, when the time comes, just send me a letter. I'll make all the arrangements for you at the Tiandou Academy."

The idea of an exchange program intrigued Xue Qinghe. It could indeed work.

As Nan Feihuang watched them depart, Nan Tianchen finally spoke up. "Feihuang, why do you want to go to the Tiandou Royal Academy? The atmosphere there isn't good."

He wasn't fond of the academy. He had heard that it was a place where minor nobles fawned over the major nobles, and the major nobles, in turn, flattered the royal family. Decadence and corruption were the trademarks of the academy. In terms of performance in the Spirit Master Tournament, Tiandou Royal Academy had always lagged behind—not only behind the Spirit Hall, but even behind the Xingluo Royal Academy.

"Exactly, Feihuang. If you want to study, isn't the Gu Lei Royal Academy good enough? You can even stay close to Lingqi," Lan Xue added, concerned that the toxic environment at Tiandou might corrupt her son. No matter how mature he was for his age, he was still young and impressionable.

"Father, Mother, don't worry. I'm not planning to go now; I'm talking about when I'm around nine or ten," Nan Feihuang explained. "You two arranged for me to marry someone I barely know, but the only person in my heart is Lingqi. Surely, you wouldn't want me to marry someone without developing feelings for her first, right? So I need to spend some time getting to know Xue Ke better."

"Besides, you don't have to worry about me mixing with the wrong crowd. While there may be many useless nobles at the academy, there are also some real talents. I've heard that the grandchildren of Thunder Douluo and Poison Douluo study there. I'll surround myself with the right people."

After hearing this, Lan Xue sighed. "Alright, but we have a deal. You can only go when you're around nine or ten. Any younger, and I won't feel comfortable letting you go."

That was her final boundary. No matter what, she couldn't bring herself to let her six-year-old son leave her side.

Nan Tianchen, however, studied his son thoughtfully. He had a feeling that Feihuang's real motivation for going to the academy wasn't Xue Ke. It had to be something else.

Indeed, a father knows his son best. Nan Tianchen's suspicions were right on the mark. Nan Feihuang's real goal was Dugu Yan.

Of course, he wasn't interested in Dugu Yan as a person. It was her grandfather, Dugu Bo, that he was after.

Nan Feihuang needed to use Dugu Yan to get close to Dugu Bo, cure his poison, and obtain the immortal herbs that Dugu Bo possessed. If possible, he wanted to bring Dugu Bo under his command.

Dugu Bo was famous not only for his poison and ruthlessness but also for his unwavering sense of honor. He was a man of his word. In the original storyline, after Tang San cured his poison, Dugu Bo didn't hesitate to challenge Bibi Dong in the Spirit City to protect him. For years, he wholeheartedly aided Tang San, never once regretting it.

Someone as loyal as Dugu Bo—if Nan Feihuang didn't make an effort to recruit him, it would be a wasted opportunity in this world of Douluo.

However, to fully cure Dugu Bo's poison, Nan Feihuang wasn't yet skilled enough. He still needed a few more years to study detoxification methods. Going to the academy at the age of ten seemed like the right time.

He didn't plan on using the exact same method Tang San had used. While Tang San's approach seemed effective, it wasn't a true cure. Dugu Bo hadn't become immune to the poison; it had merely been transferred to his spirit bones.

Dugu Bo's spirit bones were only ten-thousand-year-level bones, which meant there was a limit to how much poison they could bear. As Dugu Bo grew stronger, there would likely come a day when the poison exploded again, even more violently than before.

If it were just his limbs, it wouldn't be too bad. Like Tang Hao, he could sacrifice some of his spirit power to sever his poisoned limbs and survive. But Dugu Bo's poison was in his skull. There was no way to "cut off" his head to survive.

Still, Nan Feihuang acknowledged that Tang San had given Dugu Bo a great gift. Without Tang San's intervention, Dugu Bo would have only lived for another decade or two, all while suffering daily from the agony of the poison. Tang San had extended his life by several decades, allowing him to live comfortably without the constant pain of the poison.

But Dugu Bo had repaid that debt many times over in the original story.

Nan Feihuang was determined to find a complete cure for Dugu Bo. If all else failed, then he could use Tang San's method to buy time.


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