
I had just graduated high school and, standing on the edge of college life, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey so far. My name's Won Jin Seok, a Seoul resident where surviving student life feels like a boss fight set on "impossible" mode. Ever since I was a kid, video games and novels were my escape from reality. Too bad my parents considered them "a waste of potential." So, naturally, I did what any responsible student would do—I played in secret.

Despite my "secret life," I managed to crush my studies. Top student, highest honors, the whole shebang. You could say my academic performance was the perfect cover. No one questions a straight-A student who happens to spend a suspicious amount of time "studying with friends" at the local PC bang.

It was a delicate balance, though. I couldn't tell you how many times my mom barged into my room, suspiciously eyeing my monitor, only for me to quickly alt-tab to an open textbook. Not that she was fooled. The "are you really studying?" glare was her specialty. Still, I had to keep my gaming addiction under wraps. I mean, who wants to explain to their parents how they're leveling up a fictional character while their friends are out winning math competitions?

Among all the novels I snuck into my life, there was one that reigned supreme: Arcadia Magician. For three years, I devoured every chapter, obsessed with its world. Heck, it even had a spin-off game that fans were hooked on, and of course, I became one of those fans.

What grabbed me wasn't just the flashy magic and overpowered main characters—it was the freedom, the wild adventures, the friendships. You know, the stuff my own life seriously lacked. The main character was always surrounded by super-talented friends, and his story had this real "power of friendship" vibe, which was honestly refreshing.

Then came the game adaptation. The world went nuts for it, and so did I. With 27 playable characters, it had endless potential. Naturally, I gravitated toward the underdog. Enter Lucius Ravenhart—disgraced noble, underappreciated mage, and the game's poster child for "why is this character so hard to play?!

Lucius's family was basically in shambles thanks to a swindle that left them broke, and on top of that, his only notable trait was that he wielded dark magic—a rare, but highly impractical skill. In the game, everyone hated playing as him. He had terrible stats, slow progression, and just an overall rough time. But me? I love a challenge.

I still remember my first days with Lucius like they were yesterday—hours of being crushed in PvE and losing every single duel with other players. It was brutal. But the more I struggled, the more determined I became. After every humiliating defeat, I'd scour the forums, read up on strategies, and try again. It wasn't just about winning anymore—it became a point of pride. If everyone says Lucius sucks, I'm going to prove them wrong.

Fast forward a year, and not only had I graduated high school (barely surviving my parents' expectations), but I'd also transformed Lucius into an absolute beast. I was almost at the end of the game, and Lucius was no longer the laughing stock. Oh no, my boy was finally thriving.

Here's the thing though—in the original Arcadia Magician novel, Lucius had a pretty miserable fate. He dies in a demon attack at the academy, caught in the library, of all places. Irony at its finest. But in the game, there's a secret route. If you grind hard enough, Lucius can actually survive. This unlocks a whole new storyline that changes everything.

I had just hit that secret route. Lucius, the character everyone doubted, was now on the brink of ultimate victory. I was ready to complete the game.

I was determined to finally conquer Arcadia. After all these hours, I'd reached the game's final chapter. College life, with all its so-called "freedom," had at least given me more time to lose myself in this world.

Almost there.

I slumped back in my chair, exhausted but eager. Classes were over for the day, and this was my reward—finishing Arcadia at long last.

The End.

Wait... what? I blinked at the screen. I actually finished it? A surge of disbelief hit me before being replaced by triumph. I quickly jumped into the forum and posted about it—"Finished with Lucius Ravenhart. Final boss down!"

Within minutes, my post blew up.

And that's when the weirdness started.


A message flashed across the screen: "Congratulations on finding a new ending. Now, I'm giving you the chance to discover the true ending."

True ending? My brows furrowed. Was this some kind of elaborate joke? I checked the account. It was from the official developers.

But... what "true ending" could there possibly be? Hadn't I just completed everything?

Before I could process it, a wave of exhaustion hit me like a spell I hadn't seen coming. My head grew heavy.

And just like that—I was out.


When I came to, something was very, very wrong.

For starters, I wasn't in my room. My room had posters of RPG heroes and manga piled high. This? This was a medieval room straight out of a historical drama, complete with old-school furniture and a general lack of Wi-Fi.

I bolted up from the bed, my brain still trying to piece things together. Had I been kidnapped? No. I needed to stay calm, assess the situation. Step one: check for mirrors.

Wait, wait, wait. This isn't my face. No way. I stumbled back, bumping into the edge of a desk. My reflection—Lucius's reflection—stared back at me in the mirror. The dark hair, the sharp jawline. Was this really happening? I was inside the game?! Or the novel?! Honestly, I was too freaked out to care about the details. All I knew was I wasn't in Seoul anymore.

"What are you doing, young master?" Marie's voice snapped me out of my panic spiral.

Right. Marie. Lucius's maid. I had to play along, or I'd blow my cover.

"Uh... nothing? Just... looking at the mirror," I muttered. Real smooth.

Marie gave me a weird look. "I need to clean your room. Breakfast is ready."

"Yeah, okay, I'll be down in a sec," I stammered.

"Down? We're on the ground floor, young master."

Crap. Stay cool, Jin Seok. Stay cool. I shot her a nervous laugh. "Haha, yeah, just kidding, Marie. I'll be there soon."

I watched her leave, my mind racing. There was no way this was real. This was like every isekai light novel ever, except... it was happening to me. I needed a plan, and I needed it fast.

I ran a hand through my (Lucius's?) hair. Alright. Step two: figure out how to survive in a world where I was probably the least popular noble in existence. No big deal, right? And how the heck was I supposed to act around Lucius's parents, assuming they were still around?

Just then, the smell of food drifted up from downstairs. My stomach growled in response. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now. Okay, priorities. Step three: breakfast. Hopefully, I wouldn't embarrass myself too badly over a meal.