First Day

After everything that went down yesterday, today marks the beginning of my new life as a student at Arcadia Magic Academy. To be honest, it still feels like I've stepped into a daydream, especially now that I've landed a spot in the prestigious S Rank Class. It's like winning the lottery, only to find out I owe half of it in taxes.

Just what I needed—a hefty dose of responsibility to go along with my newfound status! But here I am, ready or not, and I've got to push myself to excel. If I don't, who knows where I'll end up? Maybe sharing a room with a snorer in the F Rank Class, which would be a fate worse than a cactus in a balloon factory.

Speaking of which, the accommodations for S Rank students are nothing short of luxurious. Each of us gets a private VIP room—spacious and grand, easily twice the size of my room back home. Seriously, it's like I've been upgraded to living in a castle while others are stuck in shoeboxes. I half-expected a butler named Alfred to greet me with a cup of tea when I walked in.

With a room this large, the possibilities are endless. Most of the books I brought along are now neatly arranged on the massive bookshelf by the window, looking as regal as a court jester trying to fit in. The study desk is a work of art in itself, finely crafted with intricate designs that make me feel like a scholar—albeit a slightly overwhelmed one.

Honestly, it's the first proper study space I've ever had in this world. Back home, I didn't even have a desk—just a rickety table that seemed more likely to collapse under the weight of my dreams than actually support them.

The peace and quiet here are another unexpected delight. Unlike other students, who are packed like sardines into shared rooms, the S Rank Class gets absolute privacy. A Rank students share with three others, while the poor souls in F Class are crammed into a single room with twenty people. I can't even imagine trying to focus in that kind of chaos—especially if your roommate is a snorer with a PhD in symphonic sleeping.

Of course, the rankings aren't set in stone. Students can rise or fall based on their performance in semester exams. That's the catch. And here's the twist: it's not just academic theory that matters. Arcadia places a heavy emphasis on practical skills, especially combat. Every student will endure rigorous combat training, and let me tell you, the grading will be brutal.

I'll need to prepare myself. The road ahead won't be easy, but I can't afford to slip now. I've come too far to fail—unless, of course, my plans involve a well-timed banana peel.

At Arcadia, each student is required to take two mandatory classes alongside four electives. The obligatory ones are, unsurprisingly, Combat Class and General Magic Class—because what else would they throw at us, right?

As for the electives, that's where students get to strut their stuff a bit. The most popular elective by far is the Mage Real Combat class, where students focus on combat magic and spend plenty of time battling it out in simulations.

But that's not for me. Instead, I've chosen classes that are a bit more laid-back but still crucial for my goals.

First up is Basic Alchemy—alchemy has always fascinated me, and mastering it could open up a treasure trove of possibilities. Next, I've signed up for Element Control, which should help refine my command over magic. Naturally, I couldn't skip the Dark Element Class. It's a niche subject with only a handful of students, but it's vital for my growth. And then there's one more class I signed up for, but not for its curriculum—because of Fiona.

In the novel, Fiona, the heroine, takes the Basic Magic Development class, focused on the theory and mechanics of magic. My reason for joining? Simple: I need to get close to her. Fiona is the only one in this world who has a clue about the storyline, and gaining her trust is going to be my secret weapon for navigating the chaos ahead.

But there's a catch. In the original story, Lucius only studied Dark Element magic, so my enrollment in a class like this might raise some eyebrows—especially Fiona's. She's no fool, and if she senses something's off, it could complicate things faster than I can say "Oops, wrong universe!"

I still haven't quite cracked the code on how to approach her or what to say when the moment finally arrives. Better safe than sorry, right? I need to tread lightly here.

Now, here's the kicker: Fiona isn't just your run-of-the-mill character in this game—she's straight out of the future, a future set a mind-boggling thousand years ahead of our time in Arcadia. In that distant age, there's a book detailing the history of the Arcadia Magic Academy, and Fiona is absolutely obsessed with it. Somehow, she was yanked back in time, plopped down here as this character. It's a bit of a cosmic joke, really. I can only imagine she's already clued in that things are playing out way differently than the original script intended.

I mean, take Selene—she was supposed to snag first place during the entrance test. And here I am, Lucius Ravenhart, the guy who should've been lounging in F Rank Class, now strutting around in S Rank. Talk about a plot twist!

"System, what happens if someone discovers I'm from another world?" I asked, a twinge of anxiety creeping in.

[If your secret is exposed, it will lead to the destruction of this world for violating the natural laws.]

Destruction? Wow, talk about high stakes!

"Is there a threshold before that happens?" I pressed, desperately hoping for a safety net.

[The system will issue a warning if you are approaching the limit.]

So that's how it works... I'll need to keep my mouth shut tighter than a clam at a seafood buffet. One wrong move, one slip-up, and I could kick off a cosmic catastrophe. No pressure, right?

But wait—another thought niggles at me. Who the heck brought me here in the first place? Was it some grand cosmic puppet master? I can only hope the answers will unravel themselves like an old scroll in a dusty library.

Class starts in 30 minutes, so I better get a move on.

First up on my syllabus is General Magic, and guess who the instructor is? The legendary Seraphina Valefleur. This woman is a walking miracle of dual-element magic—Nature and Wood. Not your average run-of-the-mill mage, she's a genius who's done some absolutely bonkers research during her tenure here. And to sweeten the deal, Selene gets to be her assistant in her second year. That's like winning the magical lottery! Being her assistant means Selene will dive into advanced magic research, which is right up her alley.

As I navigate the hallways of Arcadia, excitement bubbles in my chest like a fizzy potion about to explode. I finally reach the door to my class—the illustrious S Rank Class. This is where all the top talents come together, and let me tell you, the pressure is thicker than a potion of invisibility gone wrong.

Stepping inside, I can practically feel the tension hanging in the air. It's like a room full of predatory cats eyeing a canary—guess who the canary is? Spoiler alert: it's me, and surprise, surprise, I didn't pack my shield!

And Selene—oh boy—she's been giving me the most intense glare since I walked in. Did I accidentally plop myself in her favorite chair or something?

I quickly slid into a spot at the back of the class, a little corner where I could pretend to be invisible. Not that I was doing a stellar job at it; with fifty students packed in here, it felt less like a classroom and more like sardines in a can.

After a brief moment of anticipation, the instructor finally strolled in. As I suspected, it was none other than Seraphina Valefleur.

"Good morning, everyone! Welcome to your first class. I'm Seraphina Valefleur, and I'll be your instructor for this course."

A buzz of excitement rippled through the room. I mean, who wouldn't be thrilled to be taught by one of the Academy's top magic researchers? It's like winning a golden ticket to the best theme park—if that park involved spells instead of roller coasters.

"Today, we'll discuss the questions from your entrance exam," she continued, a hint of intrigue lacing her voice.

Then she dropped a bombshell: "There was one question specifically designed to be unsolvable, yet somehow, one student managed to solve it."

Curiosity ignited the class like a spark in a barrel of fireworks. Whispers and speculations erupted around the room as everyone tried to guess who the genius behind this feat might be. My mind instantly went to Selene; I mean, she's basically a walking encyclopedia, so it made perfect sense that she would crack that impossible question.

But then, Seraphina smiled and said, "The student's name is Lucius Ravenhart."

W-what?! Me? How on earth did I solve it? My heart raced, and my stomach twisted into knots. Which question did I even answer correctly? I barely remembered the exam! Was it the one that required a full knowledge of intergalactic diplomacy? Because I certainly didn't study for that!

All eyes turned toward me, a sea of curious and impressed gazes. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and embarrassment washed over me. This was just a coincidence, right? There was no way I actually solved that impossible question!

"The question discussed the complex calculations of the teleportation spell," Seraphina continued, her gaze now fixed on me.

"And Lucius Ravenhart managed to answer it flawlessly by using the correct formula."

Wait a second! That question—it was based on differential calculus! It had been designed as a trap, something no student was supposed to solve. And somehow, I did? My mind raced with confusion and disbelief. What would this mean for me? Was I a genius or just incredibly lucky?

"Lucius Ravenhart, please come forward and share your answer with the class."

With a sinking feeling, I realized there was no escaping this. Slowly, I made my way to the front, acutely aware of the weight of every gaze on me. The attention felt suffocating, and I fought the urge to shrink into myself.

Especially from Selene—she was giving me a glare so intense I half-expected it to ignite the board behind me.

"How could he solve that question? He must have cheated!" Draven Vortigen's mocking voice sliced through the tension, dripping with disdain like he was narrating a bad soap opera.

Great. Just what I needed—a loudmouth antagonist. I had almost forgotten he was in this class, thanks to his so-called talent.

"Enough, Draven. I didn't invite you to comment," Instructor Seraphina snapped, her tone leaving no room for defiance.

Well, here goes nothing. I took a deep breath, steadying myself as I prepared to write my answer on the board.

As I detailed the formula I used, explaining how I could enhance the teleportation spell by measuring changes in released magical energy and calculating the energy derivative at each stage, the classroom fell into an almost palpable silence. It was the kind of silence that usually precedes a magic trick or an awkward sneeze.

Once I finished, the room erupted in surprised murmurs. Even Instructor Seraphina's eyebrows shot up as she studied my answer, clearly impressed.

I caught sight of Fiona and Selene; their expressions were wide with astonishment, while Prince Leon looked oddly contemplative. Dorian, on the other hand, couldn't help but grin at me, as if he were cheering me on from the sidelines.

"An incredible answer!" Seraphina declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "The formula you've presented is one I've researched for three years concerning teleportation spells."

Gasps rippled through the classroom, and I could sense the buzz of excitement growing. "I never thought a student would manage to uncover this formula! There's no way you cheated—this is only known to me!"

The other students murmured amongst themselves, exchanging glances of disbelief and admiration. The tension in the air was thick, and for a moment, I was at the center of attention, more than I had ever expected on my first day.

The weight of it all hit me—I was drawing the eyes of some of the most important characters in this story. I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty; would this newfound attention be a blessing or a curse? I could only hope it wouldn't derail my plans.

"Alright, Lucius, please take your seat. We'll begin our lesson for today," Seraphina announced, returning the class to its normal rhythm.

But even as the lesson started, I could still feel lingering stares directed my way. To my surprise, Claire Ambrose shifted her seat to sit next to me. An awkward silence settled between us, and she didn't say a word.

Great, just what I needed—more pressure. I shook it off and focused on the class, determined to absorb every important detail I could. The rest? I'd deal with that later.