
Finally, it was time for my alchemy class. Honestly, I had no idea what to expect, but I knew it revolved around potion-making. This would be incredibly useful—far more than the red lizard blood concoction I had brewed back then. Unlike that reckless experiment, real potions demanded precision, temperature control, the right cauldrons, and a solid technique.

Here's hoping I can avoid any explosive mishaps.

As I approached the classroom, excitement bubbled inside me. Stepping through the door, I was greeted by a sight straight out of a wizard's fever dream: a sprawling laboratory filled with gleaming cauldrons, bubbling vials, and shelves lined with every manner of magical ingredient. The air hummed with the faint scent of herbs and something sharp, like the tingle of magic itself.

There were about thirty students here, all looking just as wide-eyed as I felt.

So much for the overcrowded chaos I expected. Guess everyone else is off chasing dragons or something.

With a small grin, I took in the surroundings, ready to dive into the world of alchemy and learn to create potions that might one day save my skin—or at least enhance my already impressive (if I do say so myself) repertoire of skills.

As I took a seat, anticipation tingled in the air, and then the door swung open with a flourish.

"Hello, students!" A tall figure stepped inside, his wild hair practically defying gravity. "My name is Ukron, and you will call me Professor Ukron—no 'instructor' nonsense here!"

I couldn't help but smirk at his exuberance. So this is the infamous alchemy instructor, I thought, recalling how his name barely made an appearance in the game. But it was clear right off the bat that he had an infectious passion for alchemy.

"I'm sure all of you chose this class because you're interested in making potions! So, let's dive right in—I'll be guiding you through this journey with pleasure!"

His enthusiasm was contagious.

"Now, let's start from the basics," he continued, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Alchemy is the process of combining several different ingredients to create potions that not only have positive effects but also minimize side effects."

The class seemed to lean in, eager to absorb every word he spoke. I could feel my own curiosity piquing as he went on.

"There are many ways to craft potions, but the most fundamental methods involve burning and mixing. Today, we'll begin with something practical: a painkiller potion."

So far, so good. At least this doesn't sound like one of those snooze-fest lectures about magic theory. Making potions? Now that sounds useful.

Professor Ukron started to explain the ingredients laid out on the tables, and my mind wandered a bit.

Saliba leaves, poper grass, roumate liquid… I can already imagine the textbook titles: "Potions for Dummies." Still, this beats throwing random herbs into a pot like a wannabe witch from my first attempt back in my home with red lizard blood.

While the professor droned on, I couldn't help but sneak a glance at Selene. As usual, she looked completely at ease, already arranging her ingredients with a precision that would make a surgeon jealous.

"Be sure to heat the water properly!" Ukron's voice cut through my thoughts, "Too much heat and you'll ruin the entire batch. And the roumate liquid? Two drops only, or you might blow something up."

Blow something up? That got my attention.

I nudged the student next to me. "Did he say blow up? Like, actual explosion?"

The kid next to me just shrugged, his eyes wide with fear as if this class had suddenly turned into a high-stakes game of magical roulette.

Lucius starts preparing the ingredients, adding his usual internal commentary:

Okay, how hard can this be? Heat the water, add some leaves… Got it. Now for the poper grass. Wait, was I supposed to mix them? Oh well, what's the worst that can happen?

Just then, a sudden bang from the far end of the room interrupted the lesson. One of the cauldrons had erupted into a small puff of smoke, with a panicked student waving their hands in front of their face. Ukron rushed over, calming the situation as a few chuckles echoed from other students.

Well, at least I'm not the only one who's a bit lost here.

As I focused on my potion, I noticed a female student behaving oddly out of the corner of my eye. Something about her movements seemed off, and curiosity piqued. She was cradling a strange liquid in her hand and walking with purpose—directly towards Selene. This can't be good, I thought, an instinctive alarm ringing in my mind.

I left my potion unattended—probably not the best decision when dealing with volatile ingredients—but Selene looked like she was about to make a really explosive mistake. Literally.

Just as I reached her, the vial slipped from her hand. My heart leaped into overdrive. Is that... an explosive? Because of course, it is. This day just keeps getting better.

Without a second thought, I sprinted toward her, body acting before my brain could catch up. Hero complex? Maybe. Survival instinct? Definitely. I shoved her out of the way, barely registering her startled gasp before—


The explosion hit with a deafening roar, like the universe had decided to slap me for trying to play the hero. Heat washed over me as the shockwave sent me flying. I crashed into the wall, hard enough to knock the wind out of me and remind me that bones are not meant for airborne activities.

Pain shot through my legs, and I hit the ground like a ragdoll, gasping. The room descended into chaos—panicked shouts, the clatter of chairs, the sizzle of something that should probably not be sizzling. Ukron's face swam into view, eyes wide with a mixture of shock and what-the-hell-just-happened.

Students gasped, probably thinking they just witnessed the latest tragedy of Arcadia's unfortunate first-year victims. Great. My big debut involves being blown into a wall.

I tried to stand, but pain flared through my legs. Nope. That's not happening. I slumped back, staring at the ceiling. "Damn it," I muttered through clenched teeth. My legs were on strike, and they didn't seem interested in negotiations. Can't feel them properly... awesome.

Professor Ukron shouted something—probably calling for the academy's medical team—but it all felt distant. I caught a glimpse of Selene, eyes wide, clearly in shock. Whether from the explosion or the fact that I'd just saved her, I wasn't sure.

Then, everything started to blur. The weight of the world pressed down, and sleep tugged at my eyelids. Not the most graceful exit, but hey, I'll take it.


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was the sterile smell. Definitely not a dream. I tried to move, and lightning shot through my legs, a painful reminder that reality wasn't about to cut me any slack. Welcome to Arcadia's medical room—home of bad decisions and worse landings.

"Are you okay?" a soft voice asked from beside me.

I turned my head, surprised to find Selene sitting there, concern etched on her face. Huh, not exactly what I expected after getting blown up.

"Define okay," I managed, grimacing through the pain. "I'm still breathing, so I guess that counts."

Her lips twitched, almost a smile. "You saved me, so of course I needed to check on you."

"Right, because near-death experiences are definitely part of the hero gig. How's the other girl? She, uh... didn't blow anyone else up, right?"

Selene's gaze shifted, a bit darker. "She's in custody. The instructor is recommending expulsion."

I blinked. "Wow. And here I thought I was just bad at potions."

"It's not the first time someone's tried something like this," Selene continued, her tone flatter, more distant. "Being a Lunaris comes with... complications."

"Yeah, almost getting vaporized seems like a pretty big complication," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "But hey, at least you're okay now. And me? I'll survive. So, you know, you don't have to babysit me."

Selene's eyes softened a little, a faint smile on her lips. "Thank you, Lucius. But you didn't have to do that."

Just then, the door creaked open, and Claire walked in. My surprise turned to curiosity. What did she want to do?

"Hey, I heard you were hurt… are you okay?" she asked, her expression betraying genuine concern.

"I'm fine! No need to worry about me, haha…"

I smirked and added playfully, "Did you come here just because you were worried about me?"

"W-well, of course not! I just wanted to check on the person who will be teaching me! That's all!" she stammered, a hint of pink creeping onto her cheeks before she quickly exited the room.

Selene raised an eyebrow. "You two seem pretty close, huh?"

"Haha, it's not what you think," I replied, eager to avoid misunderstandings.

A few moments later, the academy's medical team came in, performing another healing magic on my legs and administering a healing potion. I was taken aback; the academy was offering me a healing potion that cost a gold coin!

What a day, I thought, sighing internally. It had turned out to be far from the enjoyable alchemy class I had hoped for.

Even though I managed to grasp the basics of alchemy, the fact remains—I still haven't completed my potion! It's a bit frustrating, to be honest. But there's always a next time; I can try again later.

Yet, a nagging confusion lingers in the back of my mind. Was this incident not recorded in the novel at all? I can't recall anything like this happening in the original storyline. Is this a random event, a consequence of my actions, or did it transpire but simply go unmentioned?

So many questions swirl in my thoughts, compelling me to exercise caution in the future. It's clear there could be more unpredictable occurrences lurking just around the corner, and I'd be wise to be on my guard.

As I ponder this, a chilling realization hits me: something significant is on the horizon for our academy. I had thought it would be a while before the main conflict arose, but now I vividly recall that in just a few days, this academy will be attacked.

Attacked by assassins… well, not exactly. They're actually mages trained like assassins, experts in stealth and destruction. Thanks to my prior knowledge of the novel, I know exactly who is behind this plot—Knox Gallahan.

He foolishly entered a secret contract with a dangerous organization known as the Phantom Order. After violating the terms of that contract, he put a target on his own back. The organization plans to invade the academy, aiming to eliminate Knox and steal valuable assets in the process.

But there's no need to panic. As long as our main character is around, everything will work out fine. According to the novel, Dorian will rally the students to fend off the assassins. After successfully defending the academy, he'll rise to fame for his courage and strength, forever cementing his place as a hero in the eyes of his peers.

In a way, knowing the future gives me a sense of reassurance—but it also feels like a cosmic weight pressing on my shoulders. No pressure or anything, right? I have to be ready for whatever's coming next, can't afford to be caught off guard again. Lesson learned, universe. Thanks for the friendly explosion reminder.

As I gather my thoughts, I make a mental note to stay sharp. Not just in class, but with the people around me too. Every interaction, every smirk from a rival could be hiding a lesson—or worse, a trap. If I'm going to survive this magic-infused soap opera, I'll need more than fancy spells. Knowledge is my best weapon. Well, that and not blowing myself up next time.